... -.LZnL. DfLUCVY UUVIJU4.J) VA I Worcestershire people have made little effort yet at jo anything in the way of decoration, and the only algne in ad, I .this direction are a few bare poles; along the Battenhall- Tb - road leading to the yard. The ground-abouti40 acres- toiv I is the site occupied by the Royal Society on its visit hi, I some 16 or 17 years ago. It is long andanarrow like the ad, ...

Egyptian ILvlt, Piccadilly.—The wellknown enterfainmeut by Messrs. Maskelyuo and Cook wdl for some time to come ..

... the ordinary prolamine mil be carried out, be missed by flic afternoon visitors the Egyptian Hal!, the hardwork entailed the carrying out of .vo performances day having length told upon Mr. constitution. the advice of lies physicians lias now relinquished bis twelve weekly appearances, and until recovered from his present indisposition, live performances v.ill undertaken by *11 err Adalbert ...


... ?? .D~ WEST OF ENGLAND SHOW. WoRC'ESTSl, MoSD.y-, dc wtbad c of Eagl~ad Society had not thid iD If t rn Bitb time i pening day from at earfor the 9irst nae b agd their have had a tin YeX to Wednes~day, they would hae a a t Horday &et o Wlo telrs 't wel a viirs to their 103a d . llyrt wedt orootbgtnZ titral o*ie I tborand ?? ini gloomy portents would W bere d itb )svct~rcern eoe be' epD~ Wesy. ...


... A CoRRESPoNDxNT at Madrid writes on May 22 od The exhibition of flowers and birds got up by the a0 Madrid branoh of the society for the protacklon of of animals ?? opened this morning at nine III a'clook by the King, accompanied by the Qaron le and Iniontais, The day was a delightful contrast s to the bitter eat winds ol the last foortnight, 3. From an early hour the Cello do Alcala wts full ...


... FASH-IONS EOE JUNi'E. d We bare oh -en in our plates of cos tumres all the changes I t, that are to iun phaee LE-erythiuig is becoming morn Iatly- 0 hIko, colours tand n'-sterials arc growing isoro harmonious, v. -with a boautitifl blcndii'g of colours. 'Ihe manufacturers s- are surpasssiic' everything- they have dune before: we0 'e hardly knusa ashich aeels -thle cotton, woollen, or silk n m ...


... TiHE PHEA T1?ES. - GAIETY-TCASTE. II An audience large, yet not so large as we bad; exrccted, assembletI in the Gaiety last eveningl to greet the Caste Company on their IY- 1 appearance in Glasgow, after about ?? ,months' absence. The erngagement is for a Z 1 ;week, and tie company are annlounced to appear -, 4 in all the comedies with which their name is rssociated. Last night Caste was ...


... rjE £LREOPEIN CONCERT.: MVGSCHENS MISSION.- rtGAMTO TILE ST JAnES S GAZETTE.) ruemw l~ference at rerun will not meet in i ?? iias anticipated,btatein ~'Iit Bsaruk, WIxiOB at present ' ' t is able, open the Jiro- ; a Powers mentioned in the 0;'so tlil Treaty of Berlin tilet c(unfel'~eot Tuirkey aldt~ ?? 'I he deliberattio'lls a'7 Ii. fi.r the ;'ersonat e oee the 'TuliOkI-reek '.~l,. A~iolh ...


... FASHIONS FOIX JUNE. [FROM Ln FOltIT, ] IT the bosiuiilul weather prevailieg ut the time if writing this article should continue, the toiletles prepsred for June will be dlrplayed to tho greatost advautnege, the bright Suniny days ahowing rmosb effeatively the brilliant and deeided Qoiours. no fashienably worn, snd whlch prove more generally becoming than tho undectded tints, though many of the ...


... TYWENTY-TWO BALLADES.* THERE is a sufficiently hackneyed comparison of literature to a banquet spread out before the reader. Perhaps the comparison might without too much fancifulness be carried out in detail a little further, and then the English guest at the feast of his country's letters might, if he were of a grumbling turn, as guests frequently are, complain of some deficiencies. The ...


... THE KNOCK MIRACLRS. MODERN SUMPUBTITIO., A onRPrwsrrONLHNT writes that the r sor to theo chapel at Knook onwtinos, aid smeem to be on tho increas3 now that the weather is We. At Athione station, where passengers rotumeng fern Knock require to change earriagee, not a traln ar riveewihoaut the complement of invalida-tho lame,' lthe bliud, the p1srrisyed, and the ommumptivet Tho trains fzom ...


... maLW God jrNt. ?? Sazewortl E !La ?? Cm sr.DX l' ?? _1 L_r:eg ?? ?? IAMLt ?? 22 :g d r rr . .. .. ?? ?? I T d\5r' Are._memt4 ?? -^ The 'Szcczil 0~z -c°'' $ L:?sztr.g~ : -~-2 CI.4todcf Pseega .2cicic. cc &:25:y, Yvide7, jn 2c; sed ~e sceced ra1t i5g ct th; 3 SiL) ?? 5nta dny Jndrite ?? - Pr. fht Hra :2z ai t w-;ork on hiS isp W.Zk, The MM.;j, I:.O 1tYP., ' 1i 15 ahtamdy for , MCtPl f ciU ...


... I THE BISHOP OF ANCIESTER ( ON FASIIOKIABLE FOLLY. On Sunday morning, the Bishop of Manchester preached at Si. John.'s Chivrec:, Hvarst, Ashton- under-Lyne, in aid of the school fend. He took for his text the first four verses of the parable of Dives and Laztzus, the Gospel for the day, and in the course of his sermont said that to reflecting minds there was nothing which emder some aspects ...