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Advertisements & Notices

... SHIPPING. DOUGLAS (ISLE OF ?? YI&-$AgtE NORTI[OFEMjLAflj. I UNIt P50. Prms'as'r to \Vnlrrliavj:x (calling at Doualss)-'iod, at 2; Out, at 1: 15th, at 2; t]ird, at 3; aunt, at 2-nU mm. BEn- ?ap?si 'to Doi'r;i.An (Orroplan cargo tal:ett on 9th ri rid 23rd 1: Pith, at ii; 2-WOnt :10th, at 2- lot, itt twirl.; stit. at 0-2 noon; 13th. at I pitt.; 22nd, it 12 11(1011 23tlt, at 1 p.m. iitrut.i.As'tta ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AUCTIONS. MR. CROOKE, Auctioneer and Valuator, begs . to state that he continues to make liberal cash advances on Freehold and Leasehold Interests in Lands and Housos, Interosts in Grocery, Wine, nnd Spirit Estahiishments, and on all Rinds of Herchandlico or Chattel Property that may be transforred or con- signed to hbn for bone fido Salo, either by Public Auc- tion or Private Treaty. Ilie ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MANTLES 7OR JUNE. j8,JAGNIFICENT STOCK iN M1] SATIN DEr LyoN, SILx, OCui1mftRF, SICILIAN, &C, ae, MI L-1 IN ERY FOR JU NE. Bceyq Nocltq in Shape and Stle, at Vrry RsIsonabe Prics. OUR G U I N E A HAIs ?Md BoNNETS SYe very bandeome, EDGAR & LOWRY, 5, ARTHUR SQUARK BELFAST, 8774 PP4 IRON WARRANTS, STOCKS AND SHARES. IaCUUV(0R & CO., STOCO, SHAhii 1 r!>IR0 iON MOKELRS, 136, BUCOLIANaN 81 R~ErFT ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 4.EPQIXAY TNTZD. ., ll r i ant Draperc; ?? t8r te~abs Cutfei o h undi s srl d~ u ri tiett ctt aleh~ r. rfll open to engagabi it ttiY t. tootpfire Pi1,Foemn , ; b u atlo n *~ ~ ~~~A CnO m ani 40 ba sre isll e' Cao :14 1h AiX& kmo - w1inded by last emflpe*.- Address 7865, Freeman office. ?? b- bly re m citn n' rstdneii care of horses; 7 h l y P r D D ti e3; se ta t If 5id u irenf'. 1A d d r ess ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC NOTICES. A I B T Y T H E A T R E. G LnstNi .I;;t but One of xR AlXtli'l) ?? hecl:t'.oS cf0 l1tNY. THIS EVENINO (lrielav), June 11th (:t t S). .24th performance. of (I ; 1, iihs MejoteCm Coeiledy, Ut10i31IJH AND TOOTHlPII'C. To concluel wvith tilc Musiecal fixttitvaganza, * CUl'Ei. (fA1l'INiN. D which the celebrated Waltone Famnly will introduce tlivi. eccentric spejiatieos. MONDAY NF.XT ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC NOTICES. fl.IE T Y T H E A T R E. Last Three Nights of M1R ATFRD HExMING'S COMIPANY. THIS EVENING (Thursday), June 10th (at 8), 328rd ?? of (i R Simas Modern Comedy, CRUTCH AND TOOTHPICK. To conclude with the Musical ExtraveganaZ, CRUEL CARhlEN. 1Avvhichthe clbrated l W alton fpjlywill introduce their eccentric specialties. MONDAY NEXT, June 14th, T W ROBERTSON'S CASTE COMPANY. IN CASTE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC_1OTICES. AI T Y. T H E A T R E. M Last FiSve Nights of Io ,,,r T VROBRTSONi'S Issuc OASTE COMPANY. ' e . EVE;NiNG (Tueisday), Junn 2adt (At 8) the Comdy, CASTE, E. T0.MORROW ed a1 'Temhsen 'l The Rcpinof -the meiar Na en T ?? Postponed tilt Saturday Next, thes( the 26th June. OUR jR]iDAY NEXT (by special desiro)-1 SCHOODL.' pany xoa1DAY, June 28th, MIss EMILY SOLDENE, .- AiODY nn~d ...

Advertisements & Notices

... APPOIKTMBNTB VACANT. - A hONO Crk, salalrfyt £o1 week, wanted; state A. bow pr0509let1-lyjW~oyOd5L de imc;LL mentlamnetelW tOT iii IU)PerI&I aU Peo~nwith unexoartion 0 rtbereonhl m es c .a abccoontilfl ap iicatl~n to% be made to thle Proprietor. d AddceoSj7i7. ArmaaiOfflco. ..XuaietlF~s;wanted as r bovso ii rn j D rosommeiided by last eroployer, A&pply to P,3 q ld'(Isbr..8 'Iaibo. street. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? lteavvor?; U ? vor? ?? thy Con uAIl5 5 k?. ?? ?-oi4u i'er,.,C ?? tN2' C pad ?? mary ?i ?? no *r ? ? ?e to .. ?? Ut' ?SOU. 31 ? )jookCli Thrl.ltib Ii. tao Prt)l xoro citii,? ijsan .,iia, b? v Sc ??,iln a? and Z dM'1 At, ?? or ?? ? 5.1 Itoh at 1?0?tiic iII,? int?&i?dad to ? IA ?? ? ? is 4).. 0?'uoatoo - ?? ' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BOROUGR OF BELFAST. N i4ICI! IS HEDREBY GtIVEN, ThAT I, SAMUE~L BLAiCK, TOWNCtLERK OF T13E BOROUtiR 013OF BELS'AST, have received NOTWE of the following APPLICATIONS ior COMPENSATION for MA LtUtOUS IXJURIE3 oommltted wlithn the Borough-thsbb 1 to say:- No. Names of Claimants, Amount, Prmaor Arbioles riloged to have beenin ca~rud, £ a. D 1 ?? Wslae1ro 10 14 0 Dnamage to Brlclxoovaro and Plant ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO BE LET OR SOLD. 0 be Lot, at .Portballinatrae, from 1st July, a Ti FURN;ISHIEI) HOU10.-Applyv to tile .Postmistress, LPortballintrva, Coler1hiIe. 7I 3 ' F-ICES to Let in Midlat~nd Chumibers, Hfigh : Street, opposite Bridge Street. Ronts, £IO, 1CL2, £15, £20, aud £30. Apply at The Globe. 7'072 ITuf WOt;Si`S TO Ll'I'Z ANTEIt ROAD, WITH latest imnprovOTeoits; hot and 'cold water. ,Rount, ;£0 ...