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Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC 'NOT1CES, A I 1 T Y' THE E. G 111 i MWIfLIAM DUCV'S OJ51 BOYS O(,MPANY, THIS CVENING (Wedneoday), Sept ?? (at 8), 1,S76th timo (hy Ar Dui'si Cqmpany) of H J Byron', Original Conlody, : OUR BOYS. In proparation (1irst time in Dablin of) the Newov Comedy, by U A Jones, 1sq, 11 ,OPE.~ Es'T And J BYro1'sSoUC lui Farcical (COmody, rdcc~-111140, s 6, 2, I, and bid. Box Office a Crar, 4 l ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC NOTlCES! GA' I S Y T B A T R 1V. LAST SIX NIGHTS OF Tr&WILLIAM DUCK'S OUR BOYS COMPANY. THIS BVENING (Monday), Sopt 6th (at 81, First time in Dublin of I. A. Jones' Now Comedy, ELOPEMENT. ?? Conolnding ewith H. J. Byron's 1 aclcail Comody, - UNCLE. SATURDAY NEXT September 11th DAY PERFdlRi.ANCR At Two ocloch of OUR BOYS. MONDAY, Septomber 13th, Mr, D'Oyly Carte's Opera Company In ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -t -0. '3~~NT*S YAOANZ It ,~ ~~7T .A4~T E for Toa Spirit and General Y): ?? man from tho country pro. r nmondod. Apply to obortb ?? ?? ___p43ld9 W ?? 69 Skirtand ]lody htaoers; tV t o Ioral wages ani constant ptamloymo ?? Alisso lloung, 64 and 54n S 3Rathnfatma .n,, _ _ p.652 XOT R o utman, accustomod to railway ,V io- n be vvell recommended to (rive, - Jefonvrlly, U t ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AUCTIONS CaOROOKE, Auctioneer and Valuator; beigs h dto state that he continues to make liberal cahavances on Freehold and Leasehold Interests In Flnndsand Housos, Inteorests ?? Grocery, Wino, and spirit Establilbments, and on all kinds of Merchandise or hattel Proporty that may be transferred or con- ?? to ?? or bona fide Salo either by Public Auc- tion or Private Treaty. He also wlshes to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AUCTIONS. THIS DAY. IMPORTAN'T SALES BY AUCTION MICHAEL CROOKE. AUCTIiONRER and VALU1'1O7l, 10 LOWElR OIiMOND.QUAY, Include- On lHIS DAY (Friday), 3rd Sept, in the IPubliO Sale- roems, 10 Lower Ormond quay, lint~lia. Lot ]. Licensed House, No 140 Tow esond street, 28 yenrs' lease, at £65. P M RODNEY, sq, Solicitor, IS Henry street. Lot 2. Liconsedand Extonsive Preomuise, Main street, Bray, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... N Memoriam Cards at Eaton's; Only suitable Pat ire, kept in sleck, i'U9 varieties, Ringlisbaued French 'ptterus to select from. 'The lergt4 esatsotinetit to so- it (rem i atEatott'a. Urgent orders printed at ehorteet alice. htoa', Phtolo&lerCuary Cards, a speciULity. ?? post fro on applicatiou. M and S 13aton, Stu-s Iloener, ?? Oil lame-srr'er. ?? ?? Curo,; tsfrseatC variety in Dublin bs et ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IllinTJIC NOTICES. A I 1; T Y . H E A T R E. (- J.'i ive Nigvgti of 1r Willial Duckis OIl II BOYS COMPANY. Tlil l.Y l.vNING) (tulesday, Sept 7th (at 8), I. A. lones New Comelly, ItELfPI'iUENT. Concldldini with I. J1 Byron's Fbacical Connody, U N C 11, I. SA'TUIJ AY NUX'T, September 11th, IAY P;f9'[.UOMlANCi, I At Two v'clocrh of OU11. BOYS. MIONDAY, Soptenibor 13th. Air. D)'iylJ Carte's Opera ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'ACTIONS. N13X'1' WE:EKS. IMPORTANT SALES BY AUOTION BY MICHAEL CROOKE, AUOTIONEER and VALUATOit, 1O LOWER OllMOND-QUAY, Include- 'IONDAY and TUESDAY, 6th and 7th September. S UBSCRIBER has been favoured vith instruc. tions from B C Russell. Esq, who has disposed of his interest in the leako of the lands and concerns, and In order to give the pdrcaslor thereof immediate pos- session, TO SELL ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PU BLIC NOTICES. G A I E T Y T HE 1 A TR E. MrMVILLIAM DUCK'S OUR BOYS COMPANY. TIIS EVENING (Satqrdav), Sept 4th (tit 8), LA.qt Night of HI J Byron'4 Original Comedy, OUfR BOYS. MONDAY NgXT f'rst time in Dublin of) ilie Now Comedy. by XA Jones, Lsj, li'.5OPFMlE iT 1 And H J Byrone quaeosffful Farcical Comed), lt N C ?? l. Prices-5s,44, 2s Gd, 29, Is, andi Wl. Box OMico at Cramer's, 4 and 5 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AUCTIONS. TEIMSDAY AND FRIDAY TBIS WEEE. IMPORTANT SALES BY AUCTION MICHAEL CROOKE. AUOT10¶9iER and VALUATOR, - 10 LOWER 01lMOND-QUAY, Include- q.*MORROW(Thursday), 2nd Sept, at 1 o'clock te the Owner, upon the ?? 1, fhcensed Hlonie, 11 Stoneybatter, dO yeare' lease, from 1S72, subject to £50; immedlate pouseialon. L~ot 2, No 10 9toneybatter, Baktery 6onceru, '21 yearsa lease from 1863, ?? to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BI7SINB09S OARDS. OOTS, Boets, Boots ; elly's, Helly', i~olly ; 8 eli classes of beots tend shoes. Ladies' from 29 lId, RIJSI~tSS atabishmots rquirig Shp A Mil~t5itant, Lay fli upbeadefiin esn go churac strpet. p4017 end Lay House epr.p4932 T~ALKE Bazar; tu Commtte respectfullyrt~n .Z.Jpurcases ?? ?? FotndlI ?? In~d Itelmittalices onl or beor the 6t Se te i o. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _p Mil ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC NOTICES. A I I T Y TH E, A T R E. r G ~Mr WILTIAM DUGC'S OUr, BOYS COMPANY. THIS EVENING (Thursday), Sspt nd (Cat 8), 1,577th time (by 4Ir Duck'a Conipany) of H J Byron'.s Original Comedy, 0OUR BOYS. In preparation (lirit time In Dublin of) tho Now Comedy, by 11 A Jones, Esq, 1ELOP'E M'lIRT, And nIJ Byron's SULCersf lu Farcical Comedy, U N C L. E . Prieee-5s, is, 2q Gil, 2s, Is, unn(id ...