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Advertisements & Notices

... 1par coiti~t~tctctoit of Slates bsy A itctioso, (t. see page S. SALES BY AUCTION. ON MONDAY NE3 SETEIMBER 13. U11'srved Sale, at the Builler Yard. Grace Road (close to ?? Road Board Sichoalsl. Sisarkbraeia, of the REMAIN- IN TC fBUILDERS' EFFE CTS, InicludIng 30 NEW DOORS, 12,aloe of SASHES end FRAMES, Deall Boardls stcaffolding, Blt. T [ILUE SLATES, Grindstone, vWeyklienches.a, laidera, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EfE A TRE BROY AL . . DSUICCiESS OF OFENBAC'IrS 1OhiT OPERA, ,,LAFILLR DU TAMBOURAJOB, wid th Mr. Charles Bernard' POWERFUL COMPANY. ClU - &, augmented BAXID, pefv. fd en cne, CO0S- ?? ,j'j kprOlNO TENT T8. BELLcS MILITARY BAND 41j proitounrod a Success by Press and Puablis. c 03 gts,.p UPƂĀ°_ EVERY EVENING. AT 7.30, LA FILLE DU TAMBOUR.MAJOR. Conductor ?? F. W. ALLWOOD. prOPCD 7. Extr I ...

Advertisements & Notices

... !nbt 'DWtUW:5 OTA AEXNA THAE. . ?? DM ZDW SAX LAST POU) NIGHTS OF TE HAN L O N LEES. GEoRGE, ARE:D. 2WR WIIJAAK. AND AGIOUST. Sapported by fall Compny. L&ST NIGHTS OF TEB 'BUS SPILL. TNS NIGHTS OF THE P UAN NIGHTS OF THE tWRECKO R OMn. To-night and followi j Everzing at Egbt ordalc, T}E SPlTALb'LD8 WEAVE1B. After which. at 845, the great AbsnrditY, LB VOYAGE EN SUISE, - Whi c the celebrated ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 5. EN 1001v 4 RpeenT-nPT oe d in an trw a oecu. el Three, G n2i vvoJOE. OO b e tr u 8iTtFO-Rc KS IN PLAT&IJLMRLX:IN9- ?? thtef i esa thTON Eit c af Imltooa 0ins at such pcesawie 1 in rin reach oe 6ak Dawedt s Orfic lae tein p eiein Teallde eis illiftrated ?? b it Puch.ich fp5211d ,ealiet tlv ?? isements apperib tta th e advantage of any rec &aeyof cag, Col whe-sree.On ?? cveq'r rys-ket frmtn ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 2ai-s by gaildii. Pawrbrokers Spacious Auction Rooms, 82 GS5t Bse- stSoet-S1lO of Valuable Forfeited Property, Walies, liamonds, Goldjerelilsy, SilverPlate; F icsS Clothing, Pieoe Goods. Bed and Table Linen, APc from the Stocks of Mr. Fairhurst, St Ame-street; Mr. Powell, Walton-road; Mir. Wal-r, London-road, Mr. A. T. Snith, Great Homer- ?? Mr. Jous, Prestreet, Birkenhead; and othec being ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? -SoB NICOLL, TrL'EST-STR^ Sf Uo1 an V MS 2a d T Sat The l~x3U tseN sI7JT>. iG& af 3 iaiiĀ°lspThOU lkIeNG for te RE early Wvinter S5 i% w b. i P TflLW a50 CoManfacurig T0P-the Ā£; te. Revised rLtTt. - so he Else Fin via r-sraied ?? of New ?? in Table Plate it oflalidkidsaud new qualities in Tsteimouiralh ia- te aredi jree by Ps on ?? 'elf s1w55 n stock, and in od SIV&, in great val~ : an ?o ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MIRS. S. A. ALLEN'S JE[AIR EESTOREE. M RS. S. A. WOAILD'S LLAIR RESTORER. . q RiS. S. A, ALLEN oSI, SA, WORLD'S ][AIR RESTORER. I[L The admiration of the wrld for it swclsr, Wl life givipg properties to faded or failing jr, and quickly Coagiug grey or white hier to its netural youthful colour sad beauty. It is not a dye. it requires only a few applications, to reetore grey beir to its youthfui ...

Advertisements & Notices

... q3 GREAT MARLBOROUGH STRE.T. HURST & BLACKETT'S NEW WORKS. MONSIEUR GUIZOT in PRIVATE LIFE (r787- 5574). By his Daughter, Madame DEWITT. Translated by Mrs. SIMPSON. I vol., 8vo., 15S. This book was well worth translating. Mrs. Simpson has written excellent English, while preserving the spirit ot the French.-Time Times. TALES of OUR GREAT FAMILIES. Second Series. By EDWvARD WALFORD, M.A. 2 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Prime Medal, Vienna. Prize Medal, Paris, Prime Medal, London, Prize Medal, vie=,. ArtL 459 Dn 'an Awarded 1845. Awarded 1855. Awarded 1862. Awarded 1873. JU I-LiN WaA T ER. THE ROYAL TABLE WATER. DELICIOUS AND BENEFICIAL. From the LANcT.`ar-The Bilin Water is rich in bicarbonate of soda, in sulphate of soda, and in free carbonic acid. It possesses a very pleasant taste, and ought to be of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ADVEUI-MSiEMEXT INDEX. ?? followinri is the order ot the Advertisement: to-dav's herald:- yFRMT A'AUZ - Tuillv) PAGr Pu!bIlo N'otcd&. Puxbllca, ao-rsact Educatlou Insuruce Notice& Uriocerlc Wines. &C Aw.~uY' I'Vestsaca B0o1 Towu and Silm ban Houses lVebts. klt Goast Ullnt Con, 'try P ouses. Ville Arts ansi Exhrbitioas Warehouses iihois& Ic..'loLet ?? nlteortaiolem&l traoro k'atlls5Let. ...