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Freeman's Journal



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Freeman's Journal

Advertisements & Notices

... LtAI NTIE | VDWARD Aoce thadt, JA ES L of No enSstreet, in the onyo hect ?? slo, EDA Ath Pe NNoIt be SONd , i 8 Oapndfrtel scounty of thoe ty ?? ?? 'a Lien ?? fleer, C-idr,~ and Apirituoqe LiqourN by Rtanil, atan In the a ouse *y o1 Ltran die tae in thparish ?? Nicholas Withoft, and coun fity of tublib. inth pbrsho S An ad lyI o ublin tot Dated this 8th day of September, 18bo , JAMES MOLLOY. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... : BURIR~g ARDS. U£f1.Ai1 & Xi3NATIOR ?? with flavour li t ah great theifesturp of olor Tes; al nu:lities remarhsable for thwir rich brown colour. Kelly I rotlrs, 29 Upper yeos Sltki1l street, p50S8 OD MBINATION of strength with fine avour is the g ii reat keeolummndation of our Teas. ell13 Urothors, A BUpe Geoge'sstreet, KiUgsetwu,, and 3V9 pper Paek- Pro villo stsemb ?? (iOi3GOii0V, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC NOTICES. GA I 1E% t r Tg 1. H E A T R lr :Fcrr 'Poitr Night9 Linly, MISS WAILLIS And bet Specially Organised Comnpny. Tills EVNINOI (Wednesday), Sopt 29th (at 8), ROMEo AND JUllIE'. THlUllSDAY-AS WVQU LMICE IT. ?? of Misq Wallis. FirTt production In Dublin oi the great Landon Adolph! disaeaes, N i N ON. Wat ritta by AV U Wils ?? 'O'DAY, Oct 4 (for Six Eights ohly), ;It EDWARD I'JRRY1 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC NOTlCES! GA' I S Y T B A T R 1V. LAST SIX NIGHTS OF Tr&WILLIAM DUCK'S OUR BOYS COMPANY. THIS BVENING (Monday), Sopt 6th (at 81, First time in Dublin of I. A. Jones' Now Comedy, ELOPEMENT. ?? Conolnding ewith H. J. Byron's 1 aclcail Comody, - UNCLE. SATURDAY NEXT September 11th DAY PERFdlRi.ANCR At Two ocloch of OUR BOYS. MONDAY, Septomber 13th, Mr, D'Oyly Carte's Opera Company In ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 9. APAVTMR2R-TS 1AOANT, (HEAP unfhunish cl Lodaings to Lot In two exceed- ingly comfortiablo ?? situato In best part Of ower Cardiner street; newly paperedsand I painted; vory. moderate terms to doiirabie tenants. I Joseiph Boinss, Agent, 106 Lowor-Gardiner street. p9321- gOMF01tTA~i1Y Fanhij~hed 2Iedroom, with use off Sittingroomi to Lot in Charlevlln avenue v would o suit a gentleman ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -t -0. '3~~NT*S YAOANZ It ,~ ~~7T .A4~T E for Toa Spirit and General Y): ?? man from tho country pro. r nmondod. Apply to obortb ?? ?? ___p43ld9 W ?? 69 Skirtand ]lody htaoers; tV t o Ioral wages ani constant ptamloymo ?? Alisso lloung, 64 and 54n S 3Rathnfatma .n,, _ _ p.652 XOT R o utman, accustomod to railway ,V io- n be vvell recommended to (rive, - Jefonvrlly, U t ...

Advertisements & Notices

... JIUSISD OA'BD& P , exlouise ?? Y~rk 2568 batrols. of Ub0t fyi ayifght ?? w~loci.e ofors tdthe trade 5 ?? 1f efi. Dub~iu, 47 gasry strost.; p5S88 ll V RSj>o ?? vory cheap, a quantitv of n\ t bond Iht ltvuoer of ei patterns and s z~s. t ieid at 27 twoi qury. : 27M4 009 Psipere in groat varlety, wholesale ad totail. Jamai ?? and (I, Hosne Piaritosf, 114 5*n6 ' rt. Weit, Dublin, Patterfis plot ...

Advertisements & Notices

... s 'ari at Eatons,; OIIY suitable Pat- tin Ja3ck. 2viarieties, Englishanri French r-s-t ' iii. I1I* l irgest assortment to so- * .B:t:ato'. trgentordersprintediatsiotortest Eatui' IPboto Mortuary Crd., it specinlity. free ma moplication. )I anl S Eatori, Sta. i , 4 Ilmne s re:, olibili. IffAlit ('S1rdi; the ?? Nriety in )Dublin .1~ slym', \Suat i-*ery WnI~reit ase, 2S5 Parliamlent ?? !BrrelIII ...

Advertisements & Notices

... N Memoriam Cards at Eaton's; Only suitable Pat ire, kept in sleck, i'U9 varieties, Ringlisbaued French 'ptterus to select from. 'The lergt4 esatsotinetit to so- it (rem i atEatott'a. Urgent orders printed at ehorteet alice. htoa', Phtolo&lerCuary Cards, a speciULity. ?? post fro on applicatiou. M and S 13aton, Stu-s Iloener, ?? Oil lame-srr'er. ?? ?? Curo,; tsfrseatC variety in Dublin bs et ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AUCTIONS. N1EXT FRIDAY. IMPORTANT SALES BY AUCTION, Bly MICHAEL CROOKE, AUICTIOIO'Elit and VALUAJAORi, 10 LOWJ1Jt ORiMOND.QUAY, Viz-- OnFJIIDAY NPXT,lst October, 1880, ,In ?? Raloroonig, 10 LOWER ORIMOND.QUAY. Lot One. For Mr Ilenis L~alor, FalailyGroery, Tea, Wine, Spirit and Provision Estab. 1ishmoiit, ?? street, D)unrui~rI, oo years lease, from 1875, at X16. WgB1,001wrmis), Earl, Solicitor, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IllinTJIC NOTICES. A I 1; T Y . H E A T R E. (- J.'i ive Nigvgti of 1r Willial Duckis OIl II BOYS COMPANY. Tlil l.Y l.vNING) (tulesday, Sept 7th (at 8), I. A. lones New Comelly, ItELfPI'iUENT. Concldldini with I. J1 Byron's Fbacical Connody, U N C 11, I. SA'TUIJ AY NUX'T, September 11th, IAY P;f9'[.UOMlANCi, I At Two v'clocrh of OU11. BOYS. MIONDAY, Soptenibor 13th. Air. D)'iylJ Carte's Opera ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'ACTIONS. N13X'1' WE:EKS. IMPORTANT SALES BY AUOTION BY MICHAEL CROOKE, AUOTIONEER and VALUATOit, 1O LOWER OllMOND-QUAY, Include- 'IONDAY and TUESDAY, 6th and 7th September. S UBSCRIBER has been favoured vith instruc. tions from B C Russell. Esq, who has disposed of his interest in the leako of the lands and concerns, and In order to give the pdrcaslor thereof immediate pos- session, TO SELL ...