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Liverpool, Lancashire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE TO ADVERTISE. ENQURY QFFICF~. An Enquiry OCe hs bee opened In Roealley. In lme- dato connection with our New Adyerbliemeut Department, at which Reples to Adverlsezaents appearing in the Lim, Jfc er o :reeeied Aree of charge, and wher Aes of .AI =- S w be cotd TheCBHAEG ?? CU~ll -1 PREAID ADVERTLUtEMNTS nhot exceedg tree lines -in length) referring to Situations, ouses., and Persons ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -n~rAL LXXA.NRA TETR l o .r; ?? S -t.laad Zathsesi StigmeM. tae i * U Poish A ,tres, - 01 D J ?? d - 0e 4l- Actresu .b this dna effor has a Sot OdO Stj; th famedie has esehere e-nd n.etabise hese Wse neo thne bib ughtet- finasi the hstriomo draw.g .- - .g3IENN LECOIJREUJ : . j To-ight (Wedi0esdiay), ?? .T IhursdaA, a ight DE 'ADtNE ic lsenne ?? Hlelena 3eda ceka Micl~~ot ?? w S. .S. Abson ...

Advertisements & Notices

... * ale$ bm aircti=. D clc.-0 p ss ndS WoB.s 10 e 1,,,d Jnais~vaiuable Stock of Fluits T ahow itowls, and a General Stock; aloo the xeaninig Household.0antuisro. it GRICE has instructions to Sell by ST AVl Auiction, This Day (Wednesday), the Ist instant,at- Xwme'n o'clock, on the above: Fremises, the whole of the ezsellent STOCK of GROCERIES an~d PROVISIONS, -orn- toss, coffee, cocoa, rice. f m ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CUNARD LI NX NOTICE.-Wlth the view of diminishing the e eS Of ollIsion, th steamers of this line take a aseified coures for al seasoao the year. On the outward pase from Qusenstown to New York or 1oston, crssng merida of 0 at 43 Lit., or nothing totsh aeorth of 43. on the homeward passage, crossing the meridian of 50 at- 42 bt, or nothing to the north of.42. TECE BRITISE AND NORTH AIZICA.N ...

Advertisements & Notices

... tly' yz 4 of D_ UPLICATES of Jewellery, Plate, and ClOIthing ?? saLle. q__ ih Ad~dr~etf'q Genuine' bargains. ?? Uin W icics.-5 ititArtnry-otfioa. j use Om f ' ?? tcetxuous Iixsait unda oond 1AcACI, ciaw stting, Wibargrin It 11w:i cuS.;C~ 12 gucivas. LaY's ttvr choice. -ti ice.; c5. 11 ?? iil, sirowulow-bll to sold ?? trea~) ?? any tuna as lair auction - - prices. Four lowesisand a ?? and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... gcbt jcd.- Jouc and V~nd. 1l yT ?? o ?? 30W BlaoiG ,N-Tobe Bod , reold HouScn V taislu w alce ee eros bath, and wo, hot and cold water. Price £SO-Apl OP BZones, 60, vlTOrtssteettt. IS--&,ot - e ad £2.Prc £5 he greaterpart of tbe money can remai npiaeo ulagsceysot ].B. Jones. 60, Viotoriw-Street. lee? b¶Uold, two HROUSES in. -Beav~e-etreet, rnsik RentalRM £39. rrice £150. £300 can remain on ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1 1. 1ilC00L4 1Rs6Enrsif A3 C LONDOWN PARIS LWFJAPOOL, i saRXwt6HR im 1iAi avnOOL: ou, In Undree &th~, a h5oter clo 5,et4 soanfactini forthe bov purpoes; 1or toes m ree Guineas.d NTOTIOR ONS AND FORS INt TON, & CO., qa te reut of impforat isnwoveenta in the above Manufactures, are able to ofer tbrgun tsd qualities at suoh .Vlce; as, while fuly maintainill ther. acknowledged seperiority, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE TO ADVETISES :1NQT3IRY OzFIO. An Enardly Osoc haa been opened in Roe-sueT, in: ime- dU connection with our New AdverU%=mft Department, tudich Replies to AdvertisemeeU appearing In the Lie- pol M yare received free of ?? and wbeme gles of b H mawry ra be conmulted TbeCAtRG(EforL]N SFSRTIO-NinrtnetDeILY MEBCY *f PRRPAID ADVERTISEMNT to exceediag ttee i ?? lenlgth) rerueg to SituatfonS mo ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CNABD r, IMT NOVI=2L-WIlh the view of diminishng Chlsances to e collision. the steamem af this line tske speolld coarse for v alil seawus of the Year. On the outward pawage from Queensown to New Yark or 2oston, erosig oeridia of 50 at 43 lat., or nothing to the :morth of 43. on the homeward passage, rossleg ?? ieridian of 50 at ..42 l iar nothing to te ?? of 42. THE ZRMSH AND NTOPTH AMIX ROYAL ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OYAL XD TATRE. 'Lessee. . : .. ~fw3 ~XK jput and athuasti blo RSce= of the Gedt % I.IPolish Actress, X 0 1D J E S K A. i - The Acmbiy this oslo effort has t once tla ae sh bhaa elsewbe earned, an1 estabihed herse :zsooe f ttie brbtsb~tes In th hxisrioic fnnasd~ -. Eod ime Is England ofhergreat lmrauoe of ADRIMPE. IECOUVREtR. R B TO-WET= MT SPAT), at Vght o'clock. ADRIENNE LECO-UVREUR. 0 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EU~TWUL-90um MOUS X~i bS~fil89RP¢.DW3 tE lJE Ue he.ial taion 15es, 'I3Yeacs-Apply96, London-road. >[0b Eod. hO EQN1Y of two fidtlas Properiee of .Apply B v r D. e ~ ~ 6relts wnilt py th builIn£ 5y. Victoria-stroe. SThW EI~iG ?? be Sold, a Freehold OUSE, con- .L hi e ,VO palours, sea bedoom, atnd wv.o. ( 5otandcoldwater. Price Xs-Appl4-t ?? Jone, 60, F Vietoria-streeS. -aO 1 be Sold, ?? HOUSE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... QUELL3E. Z B NAT RAL SPAPtXL;IIG TABLE WATEM ei A POW3RFJUL TONIC. See Lullc 7th Junec 1879, -Dr. Harleyb' lite- Mcze £ lelicate than eltherSelt7erorApdillnaris. Anaturidrtorer ef the emantl salne Lonstituenut of the blood. jAGNTrS IN LIVMPOOL-EVRRITT, ELLISON, & O.. A Cinathianlbuildlngs, Sout Coadtetw Wihl's Qoafle~o..lmte, 7, Bisnier-euare, Lodon~. BC VEAYE'S FOOD.-For Infants and I- ...