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Advertisements & Notices

... : BURIR~g ARDS. U£f1.Ai1 & Xi3NATIOR ?? with flavour li t ah great theifesturp of olor Tes; al nu:lities remarhsable for thwir rich brown colour. Kelly I rotlrs, 29 Upper yeos Sltki1l street, p50S8 OD MBINATION of strength with fine avour is the g ii reat keeolummndation of our Teas. ell13 Urothors, A BUpe Geoge'sstreet, KiUgsetwu,, and 3V9 pper Paek- Pro villo stsemb ?? (iOi3GOii0V, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... JIUSISD OA'BD& P , exlouise ?? Y~rk 2568 batrols. of Ub0t fyi ayifght ?? w~loci.e ofors tdthe trade 5 ?? 1f efi. Dub~iu, 47 gasry strost.; p5S88 ll V RSj>o ?? vory cheap, a quantitv of n\ t bond Iht ltvuoer of ei patterns and s z~s. t ieid at 27 twoi qury. : 27M4 009 Psipere in groat varlety, wholesale ad totail. Jamai ?? and (I, Hosne Piaritosf, 114 5*n6 ' rt. Weit, Dublin, Patterfis plot ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLICATIQES. WOR~i3 AND~NEW HDITIONS. Art of Etomirrpaillg YB tar. v P c y Roy T J Pet- Aau, of niesi' .o'Hqo~'26 LifoOf the Vn1arI1, M n.t' e H.w er 7 S g liandbook for Writers and ?? . * 3 0 Ilirthdaiy Book for Children ?? .. 5 o LIr Hiey P O'KeffeQ 20 Gray j, ADtt a; a 2 _ I _ni Lonton1 Le is Chandos Cascs 2 0 Prescott's Conque~st of Poru. 1ook IV, catr 1 0 X ~e a n d L Jbe n as of iii ...

Advertisements & Notices

... N Nomoriam Csds at lsten's; Ously suitable Pat la terus kept in 8tock. 'O varieties, lngiosh and French patterL s to se lc t from . Tbe larest assortmeont to se. ct from is at Etatou w ?? or era printeid atthortost notico. 4~aton Photo-5'10rruary Cands, aspeallty. l atlerns post tree on app5ication. L and S Eiaton, SEa. tioners. &c, 4sup len, srreet. Dubl n. Xol~tTUARY C:ards; the greatest ...

Advertisements & Notices

... * PUBLIC NOTICES' A ^ I.T Y THE ATR RE Lab Fite NighF e of Mr D'Vyly Chrto' OPERA COMPANY THU WANING (Tuesday1 Sopt. 21st, i By 1 8 Gilbert and Arthur Sullivan. ' (8) by the Oporetta, SIX AND SIX. : Hi UR1)AY NEXT, Septembor 25th, . DAY rIIERFORNIANE . At Two o'clock of THE SORCERER. EngasmURAt for Six Nights only, of XISS WALLIS, ,o noinolng MQNDAY, ,ept 27tb, with ROMXO AND JULIET. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I2Efl2TY an~d ltorke, Bnggot-streot, ?? GE in a most respectable manner antion reaisonablI terms, having all the Materlals nid Appointments at th'er concerus. I1i04 IN Memorian Cardsa f at Eaton's; OnIy suitable Pat . terus kept in stock. 2001 varieties, Bfglish and Frenob I 'latteries to eelect from. The largest assootmoett to so0 et from i satou'. Urg,ent orders printed at shortest t11oticej ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC NOTICES. GA T B TP Y T H HAT REi. G4LpatnSix Nights of T Hr TOyly O P13R COMPANY. OS VENINAG (Monday), Sept. 20th, * . W.I .Silbert and ArthVlr Sullivan's Cel brated Mothern Comit Opers, THE SOAPCIIREiR. 9rocciindf13l 5 b# ?? Oprretta, SIX AND SIX. $TZ flT AV N .Xr, Septetboer 25tb, DAY PURFORMANCLI At;ero oiclock of THE SORCERER. , ONDAY, Set 27th, for Sii Nights only, i , W.0 Vlis ...

Advertisements & Notices

... * PUBLIC NOTICES G ET Y T II T A T T A ?? Carte's OPERA COMPANY. -TI'S RVIPINING(Tu (rsday), Sept. 16th, W. H. Gilbert and Arthur SSllivn's n Celebrated' lodorn Comic Opera, TULE SORlCER lER. ?? r(at 8) by a Now aidd Original Operetta, SSSIX AND SIX. ?? Cllorus ati Orchestra. Conductoei!-oMrP. W.V altou. 'ATURDDAY NEXT, September 1th, *'DAY PERFPi'ORMMANCE . At Two o'clock of TIl0 S001FRREII. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ., ,> . Wo~t8SMFO 'AUCTION ?? MIHAEL ROOKE, AUiCTIONEEiR and VALUATOR, -'10'LOWEW ORMO'ND.QUAY. THIS DAY (Wednesday), 15th September, at Damea- town nndiMacetown, Mulhud dare, 200 cocks So. cond Crop and Old Meadow Hay, and Gl acres Aftere' gs hto s December next. 3iItDAiYIEXT, 17th September, in the Public Sale- rooms, 1$) Lower- Orin6sd-q1nay. Dublin, £100, £40D, and £40 Insurance P'olicles ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MUMLIC OTICES: I ?? A I E TY T H E A T R E MrD'Oyly Caste's OPERA COMPANY. '1Mt8I liVENING (Woedne.fiay), Sept. 1tlS, tY. S. Gilbort and Arthur Sullivan's Celebrated Modern Comic Oporn, THE i: ORCalullt. lrceded. 't 8) 'y a 'NewanOriginal Operetta, SIX AND SIX. CoMi-pleto Chorus and Orcelstri. Conductor-MrP , -W. ilaltol. SATURDAY NEOXTI, September 1IBM, DAY PERFWORMIANCE AtTwo D'clorti of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RU~~Q'P,~OA1DS. AAA; rarilt og 119h; Thomins Dillon, .Auc- A tiocer ?ZBachlor, wlkgives tho highest price fon Hueholdn nonurnisssre. lrge or emnall lots ; no cbuige Bet,35 South AnOOo-stret;Tlhrlls --O7r indrable ?? 44 6, 4entrs' li id; Walking fiticks in great variety, One door ?? street. APTSII Brekfasttrea ?? Papers. To be Jhad aft W IHBrDWne'B, Ihularninm P1381 LTARS, Tabenacles, Oeioples ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AUCTIONS. crux CO, Auctioneer and Valuator, begs to state that [Le continues to make liberal Eiwa?~sevansses on Freehold and Leashbold Interests ili HXouses, Interoate In Gtrocory, Wino, ond Spi~riti iliastols~jbm~nes, and on all ksinds of blorehandiie'i ?? Propetrty thlat fury be transferrrod or con- sgd to hidm for hens OdeD Silo e ither by Publir Auc- toorPrIvateJ Treaty.. lle alsotb ...