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Advertisements & Notices

... ?? ti I: C ?? I,1 cuR1E r - mast cruol strtd8msunt Ovr made by unprinpiplea QIlnqks- 1N )FO (I Fo rul-rcienthla largon-rogtlrding A .tho fiood ald the Stonruuch, inl- O diles, 0,iiilrers to take ?? C)- CONsUMPTION. tives, Mlaerals, Narcoti ;s, &c, it it 1PNEUMODYNE 1 p ti W ILL ABSOLUTELY BEAL TilE ArFECTND LUNO, CHECK THlE COMMIENCENIENT OF A CoNSUsMPlsTION AND PAEVMN-V ITS Dt:VE- LOPME.UTr. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... POWELL'S BALSAM of ANISEED. POWELL'S BALSAM of ANISEED. XTRAORDINARY CtJIl Of a f OUG E Tbo foillowitng letter hais beeu tiudreseed to Air Powvoll, from WiU Bo:rds. )iq:- Nightingale Bill], Edimonton. ear Sir-I have recently suffered much from a most violent cough, procceding from W'tioklig in roly chest, whichl Ito rellmedy, out. of mailiy resorted to, could Allay. Iy heiad woo constantly ...

Advertisements & Notices

... iWFfEz{?itVAL XUPRI{'L ?? Iif~ ?? rleet 1I D V ItII 1' in 'tiva-, I t.5lr. AI+ r.)-it ?? xl ni-ax'-i t.. ; -, I4 ' :,-in i, ni ii.' - iell', tl;7isi ion~h) 71-1 a:1.v n'ld litl .1l n, ii 't l!,, 1inilt-, ?? d :.t. Ii:j: .~t r t.i . si. c-~li f inn ftSt1. : 3 ?? 'f li.oi n'l , i i; V;iz i t fI e An'' - eii : t j r A.II' ' V . ii ,i.74 3t., i t ' t, I0te ' ?? an-!l : ?? tl1;. ,la~ - ?? ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ERTY and Rorke, Baggot-sitreot, ?? mi a most respectable ianner and on reasonaible ni terms, having all the Materlals and Appointmeants at vi their concerns. 16 j -A J N MeMorhisn Cards at EatOns; Only ?? Pat- s terus kept in stock. 2°O varieties, English and ?? M patterns to select fro(u. Tihe largest assottillont to se. lectfromisat latoll's. Urgoent orders printed at sliostest ?? notice. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... w M, hIELANFUT1 PIIINCIP~jAL IN IRBLAND. slegancq, (iprublUtyul nnCeapne33 A. A4Tp J MATI AND CO. 64 DAW~iON!Jr:I~TRElRTDiJBLIN * s . 531 PHEN-DetAND STANDING Atrtendltays repared to send ?? workmen to PLUMBING WORK, And Personally superintend orders Intrueted to them. Special care is taken with ?? SANITARY ARRANGEMENTS 0na Repairs are promptly attendedl to, 10 LEINSTER-.S¶.REET DUBLIN. H ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MISCELLANEOUSS ~~fll fy r~emostcrue statemen evew C I ?? bys unprincpled Qoacics-. CONSUMPTION, ?? o ?? . PNEUI¶ODYNI?' WI¶TLL AB3SOLUTELY HT EAL mid 'ATvs'fc l'u.N, GIilE~Cj aisa CofllIENCiiOIENT o( CONSMTsION riANMD P.UiVLitT arc DVest LW iii?, ?? PNEUJMSODYNE - s ten, limes more nou~rish.- AT HUMO1 DYNE Aiid listenting than .YUMODYNS Comi LiVes orfjargon- d--f 1NEUBMODYNf Oils. PINEU2ODYNE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... j S f ?? A and 0 11 omal Service, o a son. BENN11R-Nov 23, at 76 LoWeir Monit r the * of saubel. Denter, soliito?,of a t ?? bteo, he SlDORAN-Nov 20,at 'arin oravnor, Maahderoeen tane wife of hiclhel Lane Horan 0 ire (lau~gt r. m PANSHAWB-Nov2u, tatal2 lia ?? a derc A, D) F LO we, R oldI Louh, Io t X daughter. 1voyC I I b . I tb b. Jby1OhNSTONe- T sA9, the Wlfe of Perlo A C Hope Johnstone, EAi, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AUCTIONS. ~/,CROOKE, Auctioneer aind Valulitor, begs 'I1 M . to state that le continhlos to make liberal cash advanceO on Freehold and Leoslehold lnteresgt5 in Landis and Houses latronaket in Grocery, Wine, ald Spirit Rotabnilabn t ASnd on all kinds of Norclian-iSO of Chattl Pro ety that may5~ b~e transferred or con' c - Cell D, iiigied to hm e s hloev ns tiadde SaD~le eiliithmper ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AJUCTIONS. T11I1 DAY (Taosday). E.xteniive .S.lo in Condinsation of Houseeholil Flrtitiire, Youths and BovsClotbing, Carpots, iLAWLOR, dcc~&, dcc. L^'AWLOR, HIIILi, AND CO. wvill continue to Sell at thicr Aaction ItReilaq, 11 anl P2 BlACFIEILOWIt'S-WALIC, Oa THIs 'DAY (Tieodny), 30th November, 1830, the balance of the unsold goods from qaturday's Sale, including Drawingrowo ?? suites, pedestal ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AUJCTIONSA. ROK ,A.uotioneer andl Valouator, bpegas M .I Cto state thant hie' ?? to mk i)1 cash advan Ces en Freehorld andi leaseihold Interests lii Lands acild 11ousesi, Interets1` ?? Griirwry, WinR, aril 'Spirit Est~ailishmeets, arid en all kinds of Meoclianilie or Chlkttel Propeirty that mnay be trans~ferred or con- FiV signed to him for herist tide dais either by Pnublic Ant- tion or ...

Advertisements & Notices

... * i.: ri .1i ?? i; c lilt ?? e1; alle{.l ?? t- ,-~ilu1 i -I -a ol~iii -1:-trlil'tineloi~ lit]t.;-gl r eli', ?? i'.l ~ ~ tiA ItI L * i-t ,-I'tire~t: Ar 51 ?? orteC- Ii-i lt; in01-- Ccii I rtti'- ?? rca' ,1 lol t:11fn(ii~l . 11t''; l i'll m ll: Ici ~ALPAlie N ?? 21a) i Cis * 1(i3111-11atc:1cll -he~l i=C 1 : IrI e Ith; De. Iuw :1 :-pe~t cI, i- er eri(ftotll :f:iliet y t0o Very ?? N 'inu Ii, I,. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'm Can ?? ft oll' .;:s II sui:abl a Pat ti ck. 21- 13 . ietie, El ailit Freuch ;i I;; l ' iarrgeit 1 s.rilllenlt to su- ehion . r,. . ...