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Liverpool, Lancashire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... -OI G co.NCERTS, ?? ,oB iv 6 ,t'D a1 s ?? Afrla~ and sa -Mof ND ERS ON, F s S SO R SofX. in h; DOw and origtiii Ifj MAGIC SG ElT. Th S ° vDIG d 5le sd L } BLA^NCHtE,:S ~ ~ Per! Ormnc Of 3, $ EA L VISIN. fdp E E S -- ,Afnic Magic. The. I- S eXtI131O' f ~ ~ of SOOJ nd bib.Y ora 9rM Si £T** DE Ce ,7clL I I u-isw ?? Bo:~rsv Z. aA~ COIP.El ATM A £ 7 N. I rices £ror> 6 to 1 JEW. I UcCE5 °F E W , SI ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T I A s m LGu I chai:m~L T KO°MAXS M AGsUI RE, s UNDEItTAKEPE, sond loflini FUNEIAL OARRIAGE PROPRIETOR, ?? For 25, OLDEAM-STREBT, Etao] 2, MYRTLE-SMTR, AND 87, GT. GEORGE-STREET. 'A 1lm-Jail K) ta be ?? antofl. ; NC rpo CARTOWNERS AND OTHERS-TO be Sold, cheap, - To uRN BILN ,Ith tbre wompaoxtinnta, complete.-F Apply a. ColganS coopeage, lu, rooa s-treet., South Castle.- t streL8S . locnol ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I -Y- EXIDG CONCERTS, WALL.g LOP.D ,5L'3O3-STREE1s LS opnA. -,ovr K 6 AND3,1l L ?? from. South Afinca, n : O:;;D S I GU3T.- OO L CHE r Side G Nle SI SON, ?? ~ ?? inW e and oaf g W ThI W amrwjtil2~am~r Z by si:f5' , aS5? The Mysterious C lrfl .is esi ivt e ols of sc eland highly sensa- To sde (h'1l5rles. 6d: EaBdy of E R R 1? . ~ee E vCeningf) . T, EQECOMPAN~Y ?? ,ror rlhus~-Vdayt7 30, Sp I I ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rO. ; G XE ASD are LD PAIS; LIMYIFODOL, thE ?? ?? are II- - an oSS INjho F FRAUDS. we Ci u;i : or5a:f f)i a d ~s E~0 L ATE.1¶~of sp~ s - ?? SC :: aretides of teha ky ,oete~jafrtX'% ?? Ohr' nd _ Lintfree y hpoe Re cre S MrSARD &ca.tics. _ gthe tl e pae ket5 Iis- t , e t ts m idstaticles of the Ha v: r slfrsrOh, S. Oh y .cA.TScELErLY, wh lel hrn or . In Quart Pactkets. Re ?? E C. wapli0 SDU ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .C1UNARD LWE. C With the view of diminishing the coances of olllolo the Stenames of ts le take a specified ooarse for aJI 6 asol6 of the year. 0n the outward pase-ge from Queenstown to New York or A Boston, crosoing meridian of SO at 43 lat, or nothing to the north;- 4l. Th on the homeward passage, crossng the ineridlan of 5S at 42 lat., or nothing to the north of 42. FRI THME BRtITISI AND ...

Advertisements & Notices

... =(aPes bjd iudtnt This Day 5(ednedaly), 3rd Instant. At Two o'clock. ° 'intnS moder Hosehold Fiernituin, Cottae Pianoforte . n anut case, by iStoddart; ae lent Pirepr~oo safe, lMeho- dii gany ''reteare snd Bovkcase, vau`ble Iarble Clock with at vrisible escapenient, Walnut d Mhogany ch e Tolet lol Tsbles. Winged ad Single Wardrobes, Brode 1 Carpets. th Pail paintings, Oleo-rpta. Dinnezaerrice, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A LLCOCK'S CORN PLASTERS30g - Aredmitted by all who have tried them I £' to he the BEST RFEA:DY FOB CORNS EVER MADE agut C U R E Y OU R CORNS. AjLCOCK'S CORINPLASTF.RSPrelieve Hall at once and in a short time CURE THE c. MOST PAINFUL CORN. , 3 A LLCOCE'S COIeN PLA S'iERS 't4 Lt ~A~re Sold at the PRINCIPAL OFFICE, 1 57, GREAT CHiARLOTTE:-STREEET. i~ LIVERP(JOL, &nd by all Dea~lers in ons e ...

Advertisements & Notices

... r fort~t~t -oyodrs ~a . M. tgg wi1otl| o @: L ady '55lof ort me. ~si~ss ith~ewm. ~b~ c laes ?? iSuy~~ 2Ooeno5 he w ue carid C5O (O d ji~~au'fraU~, Want ~~rirs ~* 2oco ce Ci ~. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ vie ao- br eandco- ?? ns A ill Oties amongsti ns 156, sa Lee and Ko~ cni ntnsioy atstdtt Batd.Ee511 mayha 4 , oo tii-a( ?? any Wtown canth -is-asAdd - o-i Str oj U~ity--dBa- ics Fi ?? Add, Oh ~ 2no4 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE TO AD1VE SERS, EN-QUIY OmcFIE. Ar. En 7 i 0 e has been opened i B Rot-allo, un irm- - dte oneatioth our New Adeertleement eprtment, at whe Rp~les to Adverttmefnt= peig~ -nth 4Lve- 3, peal Mecrury are recenved free of charte, an here fie the MercurY may bo consulted. sofT The CHARGEforIINERTLO'rnthe DAILYtEECURY ST of PREPAID ADVERTISEMENTS (not exceeding three I Si lines iii length) ...

Advertisements & Notices

... N(OTCE TO ADYERTISERS. XNQUMEY OFFCE. An Asquiey Ofi~ce haa~beces opened In ReFsje, 5n tm- - Ebtt con tio i~th our Newr Advertiement Departmsn r 2toa elies lo Alldetiselfents appeau.n- in the livme - peel Mercury are received free d cbage, md where BIes of e Merfv MaY be co=seted, TheCAtRGEforINSE.TiONlfnthSDA YEMEROUBtY cf PREPAID ADVERTISEMENTS Wct exceeding three H..: lines in length) ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -M ~M T Che sad A C 4. A and Cifa infa A -A Attve Al F1D ' A{ 5 j aonriit in fdalinn4ituiil Ca -.15 v uctno of ill ?? te: 05ct ?? lonz~ssoen, l a tit . ELLEP-A Gentlemian with a good fr Ba~a a- m t cdrelteiint an Edinhburgh firo,- M rons= of an Additional o B :drs7. ?? stocnoS A Ide.-Addr Ur Sstang ti 1 ?? Trades, Wants sgn A 01. XeXnurYn Ti Wsieias oin~tsio. ocno4 bc timrs M sit unaorstafld ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Re I I I \ ssi-S 115 CO'tt-peNY j Am I U NKIIIT ?? .KKERRX,~ TOYLlETiRSD~AV ?? 6§iBOEBING ROY,' t~uWAGD ToYiS BENEFIT, t TUOPJIOW (FRIDAY). tO ?? DE ,BAZAN. -sIL ?? adl A DOG. ,, a n , ' fl o l fa . NO fee. ER 2. each; Stall. Rei r''C s is. G ui. y ?? Th ; EA011=06 tie. u-A OpER-A COMPANY. - kD EALLflT. 01153 gD, CHOiL% ERhOSA. , Sth instant. gIL. b I ERM OOR- L UC R jit 20S MAAS. toe is ...