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Advertisements & Notices

... . AVER'iw'ISEMENT INDEX, !Tue follow'nz is the order ot the Advertisemento m to-day's heriaa:- ?? F'og. THtRD PAGN PUblIc NotIces. Dress. knr'I&sts. liclarsc:cc N. elitters r i,5oovis. ents. &lC W 1;Dk No ticrs I; llbicaZn.*; ticc-ee. JiunS1l-ettiL Iloom I Minerals. &r.. To Sell or Let Iebts. xat tiroana Wanted.}Pen. or Sels. fine Arts Ani Fti iicein3 , Late F'olicies, (Hound Ai ; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... KO LiGK 2XilILI0US nII lSe THE SAFEST ig~ti8 ( t~jf &t [I A ;p 34?B It w4tti~ I, ir ]*,!.aI iA ,\C ID '' e at i?(t:4:s1 1lv: 4 , i 2p,9 ,14a rsi U' p. '2 ¢8i Cti ,' ' ''! i.: 1 ' , .,.2 :;tt,,1 j:C :! C C j.?1t ;;{ ;PATENT gEXpNS ag(, . ;.,, I o II ~ ~~~~~~~~~C )1 7 Boes .tt (liid, 2s Wd, As .3, 4and I ,k ; . P _i J r _ A * - 4 A#_ aia Al ' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TDESMi ADDRESSEB 0J o E HARRIS & SONs, .)YERS AND CLEANRS, BJflfIrGHA If AND WGLlBrWATMPrON. IGNETT'S SXOKING MIXTURE,' THIS oIMOfRNG MIXTUB1 which f5 Composed ONX TEl E PINESEt GROWTHS of TOBA 'CO has sucetssfully stoeejthe ite of time in the market. Idany thounande of Smokees use nu Oat, rind. from the fact that by the judicious coubination of vurviOA Tohaosov, which we fortunsteol hit upon ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .7?, ?i ' . .. ?? ] N ? ? , * ? i , . ?? .\ ?? N *,Y \? ?? ?? ? ? ! ? ?? i? ? ? ' l ?? 'N ?? ?? ?? ?? 'N 'N N N N N t 0 N; 'N ...


... JkIODERN PERFORMANCES OF GENTEEL COMED Y. So far back as the memory of the oldest playgoer extends the Haymarket has been the home of eighteenth-century drama. At the commencement of the Buckstone management and during many subsequent years it enjoyed a virtual monopoly of the comedy of patch and powder, to employ a phrase at least as appropriate as that of cape and sword, sometimes, as ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'LIST OF NEW WORKS.- FRASER'S MAGAZINE for NOVEMBER. Price 2s, 64 CONTENTS: Pelitical Leaders and the Political Future. The Old Pacific Capital. By Robert Louis An Early Celtic College. By Hngh Mac- Stevenson. millan, D.D. A Religious Poem of the Ninth Century. Mr. Sempill's Settlement. By Alexander By Professor Gibb. Aflardyce. Woman as a Sanitary Reformer. By Ben. The Scotsman's Return from ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ANYTTD CLA SS of A D V7 B USEMENZO. For c ~otistur inseertleos of, the classes of smaill Advertisement paxticularfacid bolow the follow'igi are thi5 MyetIahl charges.- 16 wrds ?? 6d 1 17 to 12 words, Onice . e. Oa. Ditto, Three Ineortiolis. I.Oi.DtoTelrrins-2 d Advertlacnionts exceeding A. wordS are charged at the rate of 6d. to, every additional eight words for eve icsriornici a reduction ...

Advertisements & Notices

... C_,J$e1 bp Rtlctfom G-i REAT SALE of HORSES TO-M ow, th aor r. 1kX &J~tim- RepositOrY. LCNd. _ E:ntrir3 ill be oitd ?? to ten ?? this morning. I~PE an d SONS, Auctieneers A 20451 d On View This Vay, iron ten to four o'olo ok. A Impo-1tant Sale at a lerge had Iell-ch el-c tio n of Rar e nnd Costy Pui-s. comirrising all the usual thes fores-fon and ciomeastis use ecnd orusineat, of choice ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MAA ,ATATE BONDS AND OBLIGATIONS. inconseequence of ci ?? froze the United States. IOlDEtIS are recussted to SEN1D. nifelirly 55 iPusslble. ?? .AMfES caid ADDSESSO.S to tlis Council of PorSigri Bondholders, 17, Moorgats street, KO . BD LC.l,, er Otbr2S, 188. ?? A D(~IiA IO S in, roasqeouce of communicattionls from ?? 1 HLEtare reqosted to SEND, as ealrly as possible. their NitiISS ...


... A very large audience assembled this theatre on Saturday night to witness tho production the nautical comic opera of Billee Taylor, and boforo the conclusion of the first act, had stamped it with their unmistakeablo approval—a verdict which they unanimously confirmed at tho fall of the curtain. Mr. 11. P. Stephens, who is tho author of the libretto, has taken the old ballad Billy Taylor to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T HE IGLAD RAiLWAY. lA NOUMW FR OCT0DD5, 288,, 'FT~R Time Tables and Time Table Books of 3L the Company issued for July, August, and September, 108 Wil, with the following exceptions, )eA l n force dur- oig ober, 1880:- INVERNESS AND PERTH E O MAIN LINE-UPTRIS IUW 046 ivm. Train from Invernees t Jo; will bol dis40ntlnued. , \ ~ heG 7$85 pma. Eaeursion Train from Duned Pt n Saturdays will be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ELD STREET. IB Y piVATETREATY. Now Ol! View. pirclaro iu Catalogues. DUNCA E;if H. 3:UblIANAN & 'CLOY. DUAuctlonecrs. A GA GLrtime. DRtURt COrNER, To-DAY l',oNIDAY). 1ST NoTrEXeER. SkCo3ND DAY'S SALE OF Th. Valhilbl ifbrarY Of BOOKS In History, Ziorhyol enn oetmry, asnd ieneral English Itature aflr'h` _de to late well-konown Collector, Wmn. Smith, Esqi ?? KEITH,BUCUAYNAN&£'CLOY ?? been ...