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Advertisements & Notices

... de Let, No. 48. newly painted an a~eedconainng ?? and flee bed T rooms, bath, and w.o.; perfectly dry. Rein ;M.-Apply to T Thomas H. Williams. estaten'sent, 54, Besnonont-et. 12oclS he ~ b Lt, HYFAXN'STEET(1(0.en £919 0A T SvrlHne,3 odsot-tetIlaI, 0 6 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... £4-PpytPaersonl en, and Thomas, 16, Cook,-street, loel3 ~ Ali 1) OK P-ARK, Rock Ferry.-To he Let, Na. 3, fating ales To S AS river. Three entertoining rooms, six bedrooms, kitchens~, good M c. Rnk nily ?? to Paterson and Thomas, 16, F Tr nis ookstret.loll ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Nelshbesn'hood. MInisters will nhhgs by kindly giving notice of those DII- Mecaingi. I be THOMAS MA'THESON, Chairman. THOMAS le. BAllEt', Mob. Sec. ALEXANDER BROWN. mug THOMAS A. LEIGH. lIon. dcc for Noon-day Prayer Meeting. es. ? Radian-bay. fidejel ED FREE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EXHIBITION, 1881. xUl.. FIRST-CLASS AWARE'. THOMAS B1RAD sORD & CO., Victoria Avenue. W7TASHING Machinery and Laundry Requisites. v v THOMAS BRADFORD & CO., Victoria Avenue. lrAOM[ESTIC MACHINERY OF ALL KINDS. ILJ THOMAS BBRADFORD & CO., Victoria Avenue. T'AIRY- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BErkenhead'; Mr. Pr ,n, Thomas Greaves, 79, Athol-street, IAvrpool; T. Thomas- Greaves, 30, South-road, Southlrirt; Mr. Thomas Greaves, 69 and 71, Clinroh-street, Warrington (pledged with Mr. 'Pe James Morris and Mr. Thomas Greaves); and others. being ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Kensington. Garden in rest front. Rent L.--Apply to Thomas Caton, 4. Clayton- square. 14my2 A >Vj .O be Let, a sami-detached VILLA, No. B, Seaton-road, bed- JLr'a smere-pork. Bent 42.--Apply to Thomas Caton, 4, Claytor-square, . 14my2O ot r6 ro be Let ...

Advertisements & Notices

... it), on the third door. Rent £15.-A?ply to Paterson and B L Thomas. 16. Cook-street. 15au20 - RIELDS.-To be Let. an OFFICE on the 4 ? 30 ? door. Rent £50, clear of ?? to Paterson and Thomas. 16, Cook-street, ISsnZO 0 *r'altURy-BUILDINGS, 21. Water-s?reet ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 6d. te to by postal ?? W. CULLMER, 17, Southampton 3 'ifty Buidings, CbanceryLanne, London, W.C. 'OR. C. HTOLMES THOMAS and THORLEY THOMAS, 'esa. s.L n nmachinists, who resided at blinlmfe, Manchester, in the icau year 1851, and wvere in thie employ of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BRANDY. ?? Supplied to the Queen at ill the Palaces. To the Govemor General of Canada, To the Aristocracy, and Generl Public. THOMAS GRANT, The Distillery, Maidstone. 'NTARIO. THE CHIEF PROVINCE AND 0 YGARDEi OF CANADA.-For Pamphlet, contaiu. ing map aid ...

Advertisements & Notices

... H4eyiesrile-siret -Mr. R. A Pheiiice, Atterriliffe; Mr. J. Mo. glidg Whittker, Warrington: Mr. Thomas Greaves,. Warrinton; Mr. Thomas rvawves, Waterloo; Mr. Thomas Greaves, 7,9 abc- Athol-sv..t liMy, W. Pow-l, Derby-road, Bootle; Mr, John .ith Whalley Great ...

Advertisements & Notices

... oval-leaved, the best varietyforhedgesscreens,&c., evergreen, hardy and vigorous growth, 20,W00 fine piants. IVIES in great variety, variegated and green. ROSES.-Standards, Half Standards, and Dwarfs, hardy Lancashire grown Plants of the best sorts. LILACS.-Deutrias ...