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Daily News (London)

Advertisements & Notices

... wthi six months. THOMA O~r NN andC., 2 ?. iaer-stroet. No business conection wh any other euse, rM~E TERi; YElARS ?? is nlo X 'other house in ndon whereso podea PANO can be oh. tamed at 1 v r mouth, on the threeyearasystema, as THOMAS 05E'AMAiNa s~d Cb ...

Advertisements & Notices

... haf-pst IL Nine will be resen in Three Acts, Mrs. Cowley'e Comcdy, THE ELLUES BrE~ATAGI3 Dorieurt, Mr. inng- Letitia Hardy. Miss Ellen Terry; Hardy. ?? Howe- Flutter, Mr. T'er- rises Saville, Mr. Pinero; Viliers, Mr. Elwood Courtall, Mr. Tysre Sir Georg Toucbwood ...

Advertisements & Notices

... inAngoat, 183Z , ptt cent, be thi allowedonceila paid yun?.J.tis noti ndetoiezueaup of MostpgoDebentor?? Oharsa ' * rambtOXL THOMAS (IHA HHRSNEWTQf?,E5q,, 3taindlodgp?Thorn. ?? ?fflald. the ?slot Wbaenoltla, WotleyXalI,- The Right ?Honouswhle - The Honourable ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Iw.titie. Hard Mis Elenrerry; Hardy, Mr. Howe; Flutter, W. Ter- ris; ;avile MrIinero; Villiem, Mr. ?? - Coutrll Mr. TBEBELLE'S STRATAGE -cte, Scene 1 St. .1 Lcon'sinn. Scene 2nd. Doricot' olg ceaane r. ;A Itoom in Hardy's House. Act Wn. Bl~om A Minuet ...

Advertisements & Notices

... tbcoughesct the world a ald~nd 2n. ad per bottle. A grat saving iii taking family ?? each. Establishsed over 60 yersm poonly by THOMAS POWELI, Elacktriars-ccsd, London. O3~NZNET, and MOUSE, TRADE MARK. for POWELL'S BALSAM of ANISEED. IA:N08 for MIE, ~.prmnh ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ItOLDERS Mv informed that the TRANSFER BOOMS wil be CLOSED) irom, the Miet instant to tire lot of Octo- ber, beth days inclusive, THOMAS DAWISON, Secretary. No. 1, Gresliwsnhouse, Old Broodl-street, London, E.C., 7 10th Sept., 1881. GL .Iri LfTEIGT. ANGLOAN CAN ...

Advertisements & Notices

... beonds are ready for do.I El3 D opita Gr 50,t] c M.P.,00 Share ofH. e, Upabe 1e sitree, ilublin ex.Iord Mayor Dublin. wut Thomas Rwvin;;cn, Es, J.P., Director Dublin and Glasgo e~amahios Comjany,' lermo BRay, county Dublin John indltcra.U . PbU~eahMonkstrsi ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 3INyaniitd Mgien ?? Ltsdga to prvt at aappitet a ?? 15th, b callin ?? and Carr1.e. Btrixofto an VernAiM. Ofaes Evsrrs. THOMAS C'OOK aud SON., Ludgatee-clrcus. E.C., on or betlse SATE'RDAY, lbs I15th April. ?? 14, in oonnecton with th Eal% ExrssTans ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 3d.. aIBON [In November. J HE BEATES Of YAREOW. 3 OSW os.Crown Svo, U 5t Ss. fd. [iow ready. l THOMSiM HARDY. - ri ,LAODICE.AN. B;r Tntoasf HARDY, Author of ] Ae FEbrfrom tho Msadding Crowvd,. umpet Md~o, &c. -- Fos ?? SVO, ito. Gd. ' o, ?? 29. 1A ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Cohiedy e01 tld DIY OlCE. MTessrs. ?? i Farrend 1. htaclan. J. GC. 70 ie, in. t1. CraFord, 9. Lcstocq, ) lVtLarCpeaves, and Thomas lthee; Misses SplnbeoLorkn, 3.1. Abmingon, Palmer, usel Oicsads 3ece ll lsog lon iaile Goitte aBishop. NB-On 'l'husdiey next ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FZunotne, Clii a detite]?' 1kdn ial ?? VerinW Ait i he val da b rone. ?? Tue.?. VAle LLY WANTi BnlSo,0 into ?? (Hamlet; , SMI-Thoma Signor COTOUNI ?? Aria, L'affna uites (MfStaba Maiel ?? fRiO& . M ad.~ tfi~l1. VALER an.Cor Aria Rche quad d TSibut o' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... half-past .LNine wffl be present d. ?? Acts, Mms Cowley's ComedJ. 1' TE BELLE'S IV ATAGEMi. Dericount, Isis Irvinsg- Lsatit BS Hardy, -lblis len Terry; Harny, Mr. Howe. haitter, M.r. Ter- Id rim; Sevile, Mr. 1Pinero; Villiers, ML1r. El~wood ; Courtall, M~r ...