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Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland


Belfast, Antrim, Northern Ireland

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Advertisements & Notices

... exceed FIFTY TEiocs.uND POUNDS annually. Alth ugh Magee Bays he is a Conservative, he voted steadily with the Ace-of-Heart Whigs, againast Captain Whitla, and on all other issues. Mussen and Rieatley have always been most determined Conservatives. But ...

Advertisements & Notices

... conscien. tiously vote for me should, in my humble opinion, vote for the Tory Papisit Taylor, and against the Ace-of-Heart Whig and Ultramon- .tane Papist nominee, Carlisle, espeoislly a e the latter-in utter disregard of the pripciple of the Ballot Act-bas ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Pounds sterling, and the duties of which he has most admirably discharged, camei from the solicitations of the Ace-of-Heart Whigs to join them as a Liberal in running down the gentleman because he was a Conservative and an Aristocrat, and had been appointed ...

Advertisements & Notices

... there will be a Meet in County Antrirn, the place and hour of which will be published in the Belast News Letter and Nort7u.ern Whig, on Tuesday and Wednesday, 22nd and '23rd inst. A. H. GORDON,) Hon. T. G. GORDON, )Secs. 17th March, Iss1 . 4213 GREAT GEORGE'TREET ...

Advertisements & Notices

... *NORIT'ISRN 7JTIIG for the follow- iDg years:-Ncezv-Letter-1737, 17.10 till 1745, .:A 1747-48, 1836-37, '61-52, and '54. Northern whig- 1824 till 1829, and from 1851 till the present date. Bound volumes of the Northern Whiig for the years 1839-40, and 1835 till ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Eng. G lish, French, German, drawing; very superior music; no objection to little children; terms moderate.-Lddress, C. S., Whig Office. rUMTOR, Q.U.I., WOULD GIVE TUITION'S Tin Latin, English, C-reek, German, niathe. matics; Belfast or along. B.H.B.R ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 11296 DICAL.-RISLNG PRACTICE FOR 1AJI SALE.-There is a house, with every accommodation, atismall rent,-Address, BMedicus, thc Whig Office. 11577 VTACHT.-10-ton Cutter Yacht MABEL; JL thoroughly overhauled this season; good cabin acoomrmodation-complete ...

Advertisements & Notices

... M E DI CAL .7- RISING PRACTICE FOR 31 SALE.-There is a house, with every accommodation, at smallrent.-Address, Medicus, the Whig ffice. c 11577 xrACHT- 10-ton Cutter Yacht MABEL; L thoroughly overhauled this season; good cabin accommodation-complcte inventory ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NORT7UJE4RN l IVUG for the fol- lowing years---Neivs-Letter, 17.37, 17-10, till 1745, 1747-48,1836-37, '51-'52, sand '51; Nortihera Whig- 1824-'25, '26, and from 1851 till 1872; bound volumes of the Nerthern- TVhiq for the years 1829- '30, and 1836 till 184 i ...

Advertisements & Notices

... upon your duties, after the General Election of 1874, Conservatism in our county had received a heavy blow by the return of a Whig-Eadtcal member to Parliament. No party organisation existed, bet by indefatigable exertions you soon succeeded in establishing ...