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Leeds Mercury

Advertisements & Notices

... Tir!E L-EEDS MERCURY.I PREPAID ADVERTISEMENTS.Ra sala. afec aci enes f/ee cashio maff to received before of V thojfirsC irsortion.)da '9TirUAxr1ON WANTED, AAR~TIMsMENT8 TO flE LET, 641 3ITUATI0NO.3 V'kAv:cir PARTNEnsirOIB WANTUD, ~ srssraWAsr\Trr, MONcEY WANTED,- MiscrLLILMSOUS WVANTS HOUSuE AVI) OTHER PBEP5ISI!S TO BiE iileT OR SOLD, SPEOIF50 ARCTICLES FOR SALE BaY PRIVTE&T C02iTEAOT., .A .iV ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FOR THE BLOOD S THEE LJFlE1 CLARKE'S 1 VORLD-FAMs.ED 1 MObOD MIXTURE. .BGEST SALE of any t N ,Dia N the thsWORLD. , 0VERWHDELMDG TESTIMONY A tCCOMPANIES EVERy ]BOTTLE, PROVING THIS to be the GREATEST I jEDICIW.E VER DISCOVERED OR. CLDPANSING and CLEARING the BLOOD ?? ofrom ALL DfURITIES. l'j'iHE BLOOD, being the source from which our syste st .A are built up, and from which wdrive our m ental ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CONTENTS .- OF T~l3r, , WEEKLY SUPPLEMENT P TO TEE LEEDS MERCURY V OF, THIS DAY (SATrJRDAY):- EASTWVARD HO! No. 6.-Through the Dardanelles. XOWLND . HILL'S SCHOOL LIFE: A Notable Educational } Ca reer. AUTU1MN DAYS IN BRITTANY: I.-Points of Observation GEORGE ELIOT'S EARLYVYEARS A Sketch of Her Parent- age aud Girlhood. i THE LAWYER'S CORNER: Pite Law of Libel and Slnder- Answers to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... w TO CORRESPONDENTS. st W. T. H., Rocthdslc.-Wakcileld or York. we think tho former town. pw A S1N for COLLINS'S FLANNELS. They wear the T A best. From all Diapers. The trade supplied by A. Collins, VI Cleckbcaton, Yorkshire. F 20e0 G N E W Y E A R S' G I F T S. ea THE MOST' ELEGANT NOVELTIES, cc I U~snSEUL AND ORNEONTAt, ARE NOW ON VIEW, at IV VD E. rARRANT'S, Corner of Boar-lane, if S ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I rr . NDLE and SOS ESTATE LIST f or J~552 isnOW ~rtll. 23, 1'AIM.2£OW, Leeds i~t~B. IINLE nd ON ?? Houses near 3Yoil~tuo Ridge. Rental 133lfs. P'ric £40. APPly. a-T . HINDLE and SON bhave 12 good ROUSES near ( ijlderd-15C4. Pltesoed brieks, Rental V £118ll.4i1._Pricee4 1BO1il nEIflL and SON have Five Houses and Yard. CV. ?? heaveo. -eaaller, 2 bedrooms. BMnWa £55 5s. 1'rice, £705 ffi~NDJLE, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EbucattolI. LEEDS GIRLS' HIGH SCHOOL, St. Jeim3's Lodge L 'Woodhouse-lai.. President-The Rev. JOHN GObT DD. rice-Prsident-Mrs. FRANCIS LUYPETON. Head Mistress-Miss KENNEDY. I The Term wirn commence on Monday, the 17th of JTnuary, 1831. Fees: Fotu, Five and Six Guineas per Term, accoiding tothe age OSf the pupil. TThue istraoco Eamination will be held on.Friday,. Jan.suary 14th. Psuther ...

Advertisements & Notices

... wrESTF. of UNITED PRAYER --FEETE OS forjP PII a R., sasepstcd lbY the IVsmi'2eal AlibictWO il sv.V.lI. 12 to 1, its tuen 13, M lliti-parade, ?? . i~ ; 1to 8ih. 1'iuitiitera of canosoo dnormissatisue s licsie - : t NI-P.A 1tADE O ...

Advertisements & Notices

... U o ~ E T I 0 N. TS T NATURE, A TIONAL TREATMENT, Sp POSITIVE CURER. By tV. PIERCE. M.D., d~a sant ?? d) ,a Fouder DIthe World's Dispensary and rmlarisda' Eotel, Buffalo, N.Y., with Brnhat 4i3, Oxford-street, London, W.C., England. B.r~W HOPE for1 the AFTFLIOTED.-Whatt Is Fed- sanionry c-onsumption ? In a previous article contribflted to the Press I have, shown that the liver is the grea. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 5als -bD Suctforn. ESTABLISEED 1810. P P E 'H ~nd.S ON so E0STATE AND) GENERAL A17CTINEOM ANID YAIERBS, FAST-PARADE AND YORIH.PL&OE, LEEDS. Bast-parade, Leeds, piec. Sist, 1880. be The year 1880 boos not realiledu the expectationls to OiOIh we cr U~P5e~On5O in our last annual eireulii, and we, in common witlh tho ' Auctionecrs generally of thise distrlat, regard it as the meet distappofflt- of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,5%bp MudOWt E~N~fIES f HORES fr ?? Sale to be hoeld PaZJlT-morow, atd our psitraory Auort-pe Roeeds, Laye mad Mesrs HARDonoclc tItE mo ?? ?? ?? N ~edil. Abnu theirtyhornse s aonview he, comnclfing 14Hat eer o'clodk, THsnoE HordsesomuMesr. Modrem CABINE~T FR TR an VlPPbeER sarI S.N,~eteOI A 2434 On view This DayandT-nerw Park-row and South-ardAution.Bos L~e tiesars. A~ WVICK and Y UNti wrin ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EEK OF UNITED PRAYER.-SPECIAL MEET- INGS DAILY from 12 to 1, Jan. rS dto Bth at the ?? 13 40tith-acsruie. Addrfrs Tain Day by Bev. E. G: F~lIAi 3i.A. 242 'wI7EEK onf PII~eAYER.-UNITEIJ PRAYER MfEET- INSt}S eili be heldTHIIS EVENING, inthe ?? OXIOBD'LACx CUAPEL.-AIDIESS by thOeRe. E.R .CONDERE, MA. ?? gi2.A.] n CiHAPxt-ADDRESS by the lbv. G. HIN'DSA 223 1 reeting to commuence at 7.15. . ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IRE AIL~ M[ERCURY. fy POST. ptQuATER (COEIT) * ?? 1 G8 Od. Do. (Ls .AJVnACZ) ?? .lOs 6d. WEEKLY MErlC)URY. . pSturday' il ercury (12 pages), with week's Supplcment (S pages), 20 pages.] By POST. PB QVAUTE3I (CYDmIT) ?? . 3d. Do. (IN A)vAYc;E) s. d3, d. DELIVERED BY NE'bS AGUNTS. DAILY, per week, id. uartor (COedit) ?? . Od. Do.LY ~ Quarer(In Advanco) ?? 'Is. Gd. WVEEXY. per Quarter (Credit) ?? ...