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Liverpool Mercury

Advertisements & Notices

... I Al); ;g ? ?nId.-?jlz5r21IallQOU5. is no n?o be Sold, a PIANO RARMONIUM by Alcxaadre; I. walnut ease-ill. Queen's-road. ins-leO t 1UPARM ?? 1531 UP -- bytise ?? at 21, mona-road. Edge-lane 3lde?a8 ?? J3RICRS no Sale, near Laden-lane satE Sestan Paris j fret Liverpool, - ?lz to J. sjemns-aen. lo, castle Onatle-aIreet, Ildejal ? N. ? Opt 3 Price £5-I?. Bald-street. 2122 J9' N! L. VAN GRIJIeiENS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ??OTICE TO ADVERTI?FJ?, E?('UIIoy OFFICE An Enquire Olsice ?? been opened to Roe-nfley in Irnene- 4115510 Connection With Oor New Advertisement Depertnsent, at which Repilee to Aneertinementa appearing in siss Liver- ?elfce'e 5.1's osceired free of charge, end whore flee of may be consulted. TheC!IIAGEOorXNRTIONInIhODAflYMEECUXT 'of PItEPAD) ADVERT2?EMV2g'pS mci exceeding three lines in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~a1es by zThdion. WnldaoAuction Mart. Lowrer Brick--road. Liverpool. ?? Diry Cowv Sal. ?? BURNSID)E will Sell by v L\) uc-in OnThursday next, 0th January, 30 newly- Pe calesr COW S of choice quality, direct fromn the coulntry, in g-ood condit1on, full sof hair, anld ripe for the pail. Te auctioneer solicits his friends attention to the above, and hopes that they will at the bewunuinc of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ¶J J TOLl, ItF6F24T-STHEYS A3?D IS-. t.&2XtLILL. L:XDOX; PAkIS, L[VEIIPOOL. it ?? hIitMINGHAM-.Lnns.ooc. 53, I.. 'Li-n: IlUtit -CaRts, MAS HOLIDAYS. Omits for 4o..i.n.o tici. 0.-n frs'0 Viitt s:t of thu float roaniafacinre 3 53 - 3toQ CiIS'i 11 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... (iOXCETHLL LOR ELON- I A ?? oinlyh ontolou Enltertanmnt. __ thelet John.9'.§ .A-IA~ Go1e (L 6 eae2^ ft Son ofn Our Hoy| 7-t18S-Gl5liL ELIRTUM, : w -. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Cduc?tion. ? 1 TIIINCI[AMC.MISSES LOWE.- I it rFV19t?C: Ii'tt SE, v..rnn;ton.road ssoarrnng - C . Or: 2. B j -, ?? House Boarding Itt TRS ??SUMLD .lanuasy 15 Rev. P ?? ICR. 'ni ?? . cl loaf 4, 1P I ?uL'U.-i'roie,or 31. de M. dLk., ?? a: I S ?? .a yaru:tr..u. Private Z-kiao V ? NC'i - .-?r:trnsieur .1. it. GAILLAILO, ?? at.,r '.Cflrcr, N r ...

Advertisements & Notices

... This Day ffefondayl. ?? 3-2. Anlield-VIeW Eneelleet and valuable Household lOosnisure, partly soppiled ly fikerere, Runonefi and 1.050: PaIr of noble lapanees di Vases. examples of japaSiSSO and Chitese Art in l(cs515.iO 5? Ware. tacqoor Work, and CarVi5cV Ship's Cbeeooine?. by Owes Owen. LiverPO AnerOltlBTOmO?,ChltaRevrteer i?h In cone Charts Walkers Patont fti'Jp500-LOO. Maps, nooks. and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... t vxan-uo I 2)} fl-fl 1'OL)ERTS & CC.. TEA.' £ t . F:VN ?? ILh;.aI ;)i '1,T RO(BERTS &; ;V. TEA. - ,I AiLLo;St .. Ic the ?? ?? ltT?? -I~tERDIC'TI & CO.> TE ?? -& 4t ' ?? it i.-SILL tit. .A.ND ELEC'Tho 1 Or-.atVAa ff'i C~O U:t ''ic:t.heS ETlce.Eo Plate'. Rei ass'o Gne r quit--s in Spoons and Qu'ters for ; t., 'u.C v Fin K rn-st lcr.y, a Wvei se ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?flaflnteht5 ?IVanted. -? ? email rican BEDROOM. Ti. ic-s N A& N 122 --raurc-oeiei- A 1) ?? ?? .i'Gai. ?? RI:SIDRNCF.- - . So's I on ?? tecenty minutes trout Exeba.-'.. iota. - A-'lc--.-ct c-hi.' 0-i-i * - -'e.oein ?? 'aS HI' Sty FUfliiol?0d Iu?ThTh7Tii0? 2 i-c u--usia. Outtual 31&Stoent.s.. Y 1 c-i ?awOy?uo c? nooS .. 5 5 4. .105 N iss. Mereuce-ofties .1, s- ? niottin-sti reqish-es Superior ...

Advertisements & Notices

... :.IONDAY EVENIG CONC~lir.S - CUONUI.RT HA;LL, LORDs ?XLSoN ST ;sEET. -WIANS' HAPPY HOURS. ,> 'TI ., A MIrdiCw~d Mltn~lfe. Monxologute >o. A meat. p VAN HAs ?? :?U S. j 'V ANS' hAIPPY HOURS.I j , ~~T?TV!GYNACT FiG IS( WEE.o ¶1 , ' -lets. Iflstrnmueii+.tse., Yenfr~ioquint, d~rimie and : I t o .'h('lrarter imx..vronatrarI V9VRe A > bS ILAipY HOU-Rs. j LAST F~W~ NIG1;TS. INT - u-nul.uL I eservd ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE TO AI)ViERTISER?5 E?T3IRY OFFICE. Ms Enqoiry 0171cc nsa been openefirn Roe-alIce In Imme- - diate ?? with our New Advertisemeflt I$?partesiCOt, at which Replies to Advertiseusests appearing In the LieOr- peol Mereerls sre received fees of charge, and where dies of elle Meiwuris may be con5ull.ed. The CLECEfor INSERTI ONin the DAILY IRECOURY ef PREPAID AflVERTISEMl?Th t?ot exceeding ...