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Advertisements & Notices

... _ EHIPPENrGO U,..C Vt OTICE.-Thc OCusard Sitcamers, for New York- l!SMIl arg their Cargoe; aIt the COtpIt~jl'K 'acentr-ally. siur N't-ewv Wh'arf P'ier, No. 40 (Novth tjij er), N~ew IYe-t city. THlE CUNARDi MLNE j)~O AL MIL TEAmiolls Fltobi ]A9131MiOOL, ovr NEW YOln ro SALVIA, BOTN~ OtW ii)INE.SDiIA ta miilerltott'd. :wtht o (laia, 1 apn, ildIt NeWi ZRI'Lacd, aod Australia, it0~ ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS. A InrErST order of the Post Office states that letters addressed to Initials or Ficti- tious Names wils be seot to the Dead- Letter Oice, Dublin. Advertisersshould, consequently, give their full and proper names when they desire to receive con- municatiors at a Post Office. Lettors can be addressed to Initials, at the Nrws- LETTER Office, as heretofore. LODGINGS. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OVERGCOATS FROM 20/. B FOF E ITAKIN.G STOCK AT THIE 1st OF JB j(T(1r1/, I an desirouls of ctlearilg a nuimber of WR1iAPPERS and OVERCOATS, a;id in order to do so 1 liaie vIarked them at very low prices. FRANCIS CURLEY, 73 kNDl) 63, HIGH STREET. 78 63 D rD E.S S E S. CASHIMERES, ESTEIMANES, FOULES, CEIEVIOTS, and a large variety of other useful and faslhionable textures for LAi.os' & Cun.DnEN's ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO BE LET OR SOLD. DTORES TO BE LET in Comimercial Court, i off Donogall Street.-ApplY to R. K.Bowman, 29, Hill Street. 175G0 1 1 PINE STREET, Donegoall Pass, TO 1 1, LET, in first-clas3 ordeo; rent wode. rate--R. II. Stitt, 25, Slipper Street. 1750-1 UIRST.CLASS ROUSES, Ulsterville Avenuo; F every eouoveniouee for a respeaoteble falluilys j immediate possession; rent free till Febr'uary. - Il ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ___ SHIPPING., CLYDE -~Ip,( HIEAPESTy iOUT B -BDl FI~AbT TO LONDON From Lodnbll ~li talla of L. and S.-NV. Rail-o c~arr ASgH to PtLYM0UJ'1l dir1oct every TUESDAY- ingrtoiiig I~ostatin through1 rates to ExeLter, aud1 forwairal- sag toeli sation on I aud B'. aici (4W, 1lailwilys. I 13ELFAST to SOUTklAMlPT(1 every TEDAfor- wainrfg to aill stajtions, Oh, L.;d . siu.AlotoI 11le of 1tight, EkBid ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS. A ASCENT order of the Post Office states that letters addressed to Initials or Ficti- tious Names will be sent to thl4 Dead, Letter Of/cc, Dublin. Advertisersshould, consequently, give their full and proper namesawhen they desire to receive com- munications at a Post Offico. Letters can be addressed to Initials, at tho Nsws- LETTEa Office, as heretofore. CLERICAL. TANTED ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO BE LET OR SOLD. 6'TORES TO BE LET in Commercial Court, K off Donegall Street.-Apply to E. K.Bmovwman, 29, Hill Street. 175i;0 J 1 PINE STREEIT, Donegall Pass, TO ., LET, in first-class order; rent mode- rate.-R. II. Stitt, 25, Skipper Stroet. 17604 r 0LET-IIOUSE and SHOP, No. 27, DIV[S TLST'RE ET ,suitable for a Grocery, Flesher, or P'awn Ollice-Francis brown, 34, Mill St. 117 ijIRST-CLASS- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OVERCOATS FROM 20/. EFORE TA4KING STOCK AT THIE 1st OF B Jumiacfl/, I am dlsirous of clearing a number of WIIAPPERIS ai7d OVERICOA.TI, and in order to do so I ave marked thzem at very low2 prices. FRANCIS CURLEY, 73 AND 6S, HIGH STREET. 73 THE ULSTER ARCADE. ANNUAL WINTER SALE. MANTLES, FURS, SHAWLS. W E BEG TO ANNOUNCE THAT W our entire STOCK of WINTER MANTLES has been RBE.MARKED at a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO BE L1F'T OR SOLD. TORES TO BE LIET in Comimercial Coart, Z off Donegall Street-Apply to R.K.Bowman, 29, Hill Street. 175630 r 0 LET, superior WTNE CELLARS and - OFFICES in C4tstle Chamnlrs.-Apply to U. Robb & Co. 2566 Q 6) LINCOLN AVENUt3, Antrieni Roadd, ti33, newly papered; close range kew at 3-1.- 'John Graham, Hoilse Agent, 113, Donegiall Streot. 216 'jIRST-CLAS.S HOUS.S, -Istarville ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BABY-LINEN, LADIES' AND | CHILDREN'S , . I OIJTFITTING WAREROOMS, 45, DONEGALL 1'LACE (First Floor). PR. O'B R I E N )ESPECTFULLY SOLICITS RL all Inspection of her WINTE1R GOODS, which are of the Choicest Designs for this Season. The Sale of her Stock is continued at Rleduced Prices. Foreign Outfits and Home Orders continue to receive her special atten- tion, B71,FST. 1st mnonitil, 18S1. 10541 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SHIPPING. OFALMAI IIO VE OAD F~OM ENLN D BILFSTad FLI4TWOD 4,yAMBSmi Lancahireand orlisre ad Lodonl and North eaten laihsy Cssyamos Stanle~s~l~qof Ulster, Ruo-fC01mngli T mora flodsle, 1'rilicess of Avalcs E~very ELAS TO LETWIOOD liteningl. (Snnai ad casualties c.exeeptodi atS i.,ora SoonI afiter as fI he tidle periiiti I1'LEET\OOB TO B~ELFAST. a-8-310; al:, ait 1(1-80; u4. ait. II; sOr, at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS. A IiSENT order of the Post Office states that lettersaddressed to Initials or Ficti- tious Names wtlU be sent to the Dead- Letter Ogfce, Dublin. Advertisers should, consequently, give their full and proper names when they desire to receive com- munioatons at a Post Office. Letters can be addresse'd to Initials, at the NEWs- LTrrrn Office, as heretofore. CLERICAL. C7ANTED ...