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Leeds Mercury

Advertisements & Notices

... INTRIfES of HORSES, OARRIA.GES, and HtLRN2ESS U Ifor the Sale to be hold at th6ol~~~ eify ~ea fr 'uaa ext, should be tent in net later btil Fri aes', 3 HEPPEE and SONS, Auoti'easxe C 353 fl This Day at ?? The East-paade, Anetion EdmaLed Messrs. IIEPPEt anai SONS wvill Still by Atiet ?? es above, Thit Dam ?? lVO co. A Variety of Valuable FURNITURE ah eFCS A fterom private sources, comnprising ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IWRE DAILY MIERCURRY. BY POST. PER QUARnER (CaEsDIT) . l1e. Od- Do. (Its AvANCaE) ?? 10E. Gd. WEEKLY MERCURY. ISatuirday's Mercury (12 pages), with week's SEpp(Gnimt (8 pages), 20 pages.] BY POST. PER QUARTER (CREDiT) . 3s. 3d. DO. (IN ADVANCE) ,. . S. Od. DELIVERED BY NEWV S AGENTS. DAILY, per week, 7d. DAILY, per Quarter (Credit) . .. Ss. Od. DoIr, (In Advance) ?? 7p, Gd. WEEKLY, per Quarter ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Torkshire, Horse and Carriefe Itei ejsitoi'y Leads. Tlaesdads next, JeanuaruElevelifi. ~,EEKLY SALE of HORSES, CARRIAGES, and HARNESS. Iftrses shouldi be made by Frida, to HREPPER and SONS, Anctieonee'S. N.B-Seven Irish HOR16SES -for Private Sale6 at the Repositoy Saleat pener 1Inud, pencer-place, New .5L LeasIo~iey wlt nclld th FITIGS f ?? eon Atica Sitin~rom, Intncehal, Lndig, odStairs; the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... %ilE A . 1fi I L Y it (U iY. DY FosT. (FtZaRE (OnJIT ) . . 1 7s. O d .. 1). (Cis. . d io. ( ADVA ) .. ?? ; lOs. Gak. WEEKLY MERCIURY. GSattgrday's Nercury (12 pages), with week's Su1p1ple??nt (S§), 2p psgcea. - By Fosr. Fpn QUAtTZU (CsEDIr) ?? . . s. 3. . p. (Tj AvDVAEC) ?? i3ELIVEREED BY NEWS AGENTS. DAILY, per week, 7d. JAtnY, por Quarter (Credit) ?? SO. Od. Do. (In Advance) . 7s. Gd. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... O~DVILLE, PotteiiiewtQfl..-This5 excelltnt REISI ?? ii~hcharingview emrylawns, tardens, coach- owl ~abliie fr tor hoses. 'Ik rsidoite is enclosed in its ~ersrisof bou anacre. atariculars apply to W. B. HflnIl 9atioar__0)i; s, B ielrsie on11 Sane. 23, Rkrow Leeds. f .HN LE and SON have a c ita Family Ilesi- withe o, tabling and gardenk, nea toroor. £50o. 1'AE-TV, -Leeds-WV. .IDL adSO ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NEXT SATURDAY'S WEEKLY SUPPLEMENT ?? TO TMER LEEDS MERCURY, In addition to a OOMPLETE STORY, the HOME and FOREIGN NEWS of the WEEK, and its ,ustomary LITERARY FEATURES, will coutain 3PE.CIAL ARTICLES on the following and other tabjocta: E A S T W A R D 1: 0 No. 7.-The City of the Sultan. MIE STORY OF THE PENNY POST: Rowland Eill's Great Work. AUTUMN DAYS IN BRITTANY: IL-1higl and Low Estate. A ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ADVANTAGE TO ADVERTISERS. It will be perceived that the new system of ,,POSTAL ORDzaS, by which the cost of transmitting small sums is reduced in com- parison with that of Post-office Orders, whilst the security is greater than in re- mitting stamps, will be a considerable advan- tage to advertisers who send pre-paid adver- tisements to the Mercury-office. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... INITED COMMUNION SERVICE will be held I A TIIS LMNING, in QUF.XNs-5rREET OApar,, commencing at A ADDE.SS by the Rev. SAML. WAIDER. Collection to bo riated to Evasfelietio Work in the town. All Christians :TEElK OF UNITED PRAYE1R.-SPEClAL MEET W'IMS DAILY from 12 to 1, Jan. 3rd to 8th, atthe Y.M.CA., 13, Soth piade. Address This Day by Rev. J. PRATT. Aoec24ti2n LL SOULS' (HOOK MEMOHIAL) ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rEE OF UNITED PRAYER.-SPECIAL MEET. IN lEGS DAILY from 12 to 1, Jan. 3rd to 5th, at the ?? 13 Sonth parade. Address This Dry]by Rev. G. PA N, M.A., B.V. ,cDection for expenses. A 242 ALL SOULS' (HOOK MEMOIAL) DISTRICT CA OSBXDGFROAD, MPNWOOD-ROAD. opetd for Divin, rwice, by parmission of the Lord Bishop of Rilpon, On Saturday. eth January. Eoly Communion at 8; Choral atsnies and Sernon at 1 1, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TIE PUJ3TSIERS2 COLUTN. SAMPSON LO W, MARSTON, AND CO.'s Sno 3RW1OOICS. = ;Xwedr hlrf8vo c.-c0hetz'1s, flROFESSOR SAXCE'S eiDITION of GEORGH r SM4THI5 The C1ITAID AN AQCOTJNT cit QTJESIS. .16ised aud Corrected. ~NGL sa~ ?? aO 4ite~4byJ, T el1 I'uMe qf thi's Sol-jog. now reay is entitled A irt .aluraey J. FARt ER A LX Author gJ A D 'PrimitiaVanners and Custoeie?' Crowq YD., cloth, ?? 3S. ed. rM ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LySALE of HOR~iE$tCHA IAG~eSr4, -an .BNESS, at the Yorlcshire 0gteto . Entries should be moile this dav to HIEPPRR and SONS, Atiglioneele. H 44 d Borough Auction Matt. Ti/s Diay (_Frid) ateee, oeevd Salq of STATIONERY, IOOXS ?? RES, PAPE PVAMPHLETS, PAGING MACHINE, &iOdi. E. W. BATIUtY. ~Auntioneer. B 446 d Wbit-ham's Auction Mart. 29, Albiou-street. Leeds.1 To Woollen Iserohants, ...