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... . THE season of Italian opera at tho Lyceum Theatre came suddenly to a close on Monday last. For that night Rigoletto had been promised, with an almost complete change of cast. Mme. Rose Hersee was announced in the character of Gilda, to the surprise of those who knew that she was engaged to appear on Monday evening at the International Concert at the West minster Aquarium, and we are enabled ...


... . I SUPPOSE it was the advent of the Lord Mayor's show that caused me to again visit the Gaiety theatre for the purpose of seeing Mr. Burnand's new burlesque-drama in three acts now playing at this festive establishment. The experiment of producing a burlesque with a good story, in three acts, has been thoroughly successsful. There is no reason why opera bouffe and other entertainments that ...


... COVEN T GARDEN THEATRE. FOR many years past the lovers of pantomime-- amongst whom may be included many of those children of a larger growth who profess to go to pantomimes for the sake of the youngsters, but who laugh as merrily as any of their juvenile protégés at the frolics of harlequin and clown-- have been accustomed to expect spectacular displays of remarkable grandeur at Covent ...


... S ANGERS'. A STORY, the scene of which can without incongruity be laid in the East, is essential in order that the exceptional resources at the disposal of Messrs. Sanger may be utilised to the full. The legend of Blue Beard lends itself admirably to this end, and has been made the most of. There is certainly no more richly-mounted Christmas entertainment this season, and what have not always ...


... . HAPPILY it is not necessary to give an analysis of the plot of Messrs. George Conquest and Henry Spry's Mother Bunch and the Man with the Hunch; or, the Reeds, the Weeds, the Swell, the Gipsy Girl, and the Big Dumb Bell. The title is long and decidedly complicated; but for that reason it gives all the more accurate a notion of the piece. What Esmeralda and Victor Hugo's Hunchback of Notre ...


... . EXCEPT perhaps that once or twice the musical element in Mr. John Douglass's latest annual is rather above the heads of his audience, the Standard pantomime would appear to have all the qualities for success. The book is bright and pretty, the acting in the main adequate, and the scenery and mounting are worthy of the traditions of the theatre which has for years occupied a prominent place ...


... . A long list of novelties in all the sections of the programme were provided by Messrs. Moore and Burgess, and overflowing houses on Monday morning and evening gave fiearty encourage ment to the new departure. Of the many ballads, songs, and choruses in the first part especial mention may he made of Mr. Walter Howard's new comic ditty, Heyho says the Sailor's Wife, by G. Thorne, and of Mr. G ...


... . Though the pantomime produced this year at Sadler's Wells does not, perhaps, quite come up to the promise held forth by Mr. Chatterton, or rather, perhaps, deduced from his productions under happier auspices at Drury Lane, yet it is a very satisfactory entertainment of its kind, with plenty of life and go, and capi tally suited to what may be supposed to be the tastes of Sadler' b Wells' ...


... . LA BELLE NORMANDE. AFTER a few days' delay, partly attributable to the incle mency of the weather, and partly to the task of careful prepa ration, the Globe Theatre was re-opened last Wednesday night for the production of La Belle Normande, originally advertised as a new and original opera, but finally announced as a new and original bouffonerie musicale, composed by MM. Vasseur and ...


... . A beautiful and valuable service of plate, manufactured by Elkington and Co., and designed by M. Morel Ladeuil, is in the highest degree tasteful and artistic, consisting of a large silver centre piece and two end pieces en suite. The larger and central piece is formed of admirable modelled figures of= fawns, male and female, who together support a basket and engraved glass bowl for fruit ...


... . In our extra supplement we give portraits of Mr. Sothem in several of his leading characters which have appeared from time to time in this journal. The two smaller ones are engraved from the latest photographs of the lamented actor. ...


... . The heavy diligence has reached the lonely inn. The tired horses are being changed, and the wearied voyageurs are alight ing. Coaching in the Tyrol is not unlike what coaching in the Isle of Man was a few years ago. At the foot of one of those terrible hills the passengers had to walk and push behind the vehicle. When the summit was reached they took their seats, and the drag was put on to ...