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Advertisements & Notices

... tjE: ?? Share in 0, ,i.._l~h~l~oj~ty TI~kin,24Crowin-streit. Halfax. VYE.5 nS LE 200Silkstone and Haigh Moo- $&I ce. Dimlted. A~pply Battimson, 4,Swans Arcade, Bradfored. F,, ?? DISCO UNT BANK LI MITED a JL oOCORPORATIO,4 per coat. BONDS ready to delIver, gS mle fo Leeds. - RESIDENCE, newly E gadngreenhouse.,vineay, eoaeh'bouseI G3ood railwaY ffacibltiC8, 12 acres Of land can be had it ie4 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WEEKLY SUPPLEMENT TO ?? LEEDS . MERCURY OF THIS DAY (SATURDAY):- OUTCH PICTURES: By a Rambling Philosophelr. No. I. A BENEFACTOR'S CAREER: The Story of Jonas Hanway. iIOLIDAY.MAIKING UNDER, DIFPIOULTIES: The Sea-side in August. SNOWDONIA: i.-A Wild Day on tho liountains. l'ILE LAWYER'S CORNER: The Law Relating to Pairubroke7s- Answers to Correspondenta. HOUSEHOLD DEPARTMENT: Gossip on the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 5calrs bp 2atton. 5L;TRIES of HORSES for the Sale to be hj1d at our .12J Eospository, near the Ceital Station, LWetis, T6-morrow. may bd ade upt to tel o'clock this Inorsing. HEI'PPER and SONS, Auctioneers, York-place, Ledis. .A 6807 d This Day, at eleven o'clock. To Clergymen, Students, Gentral Readers, Ibrarianl, a1dd Booksclles. MIsesers. PIEPPERt And SONS are instructed bf the Executors of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... W ., B Ur 1d P T. I 0 T11E ~LUVN GS. TfATIO0NAL TREATZ~ENT0 POSITIVE CURB Author of The People's Common-Sense Medical Adv~ei, COve? 000 pages, nearly Itoo ntustraitions sent post-paid for So. Od.), I and Founder of the World'is Dispensary and rTyllse' Betel, with Blzzolh at 493. 01f rd-street Lonadon, wo,, NEW HOPE for the ArrLICTEfl.-.whalt pal ?? I in a previo CI onrbue t h Prs ave shown ...

Advertisements & Notices

... = ?? gIPRINGP'IELD HOUSE, Ilkley.-Soecet BOARD:>NG f SOIOOL or tg le A reiiedent French kvernrr. 'rminrpsls the Misses. I3IOOlik.and WYOOD. -9 s03804-z P R1VA.TE Les5ous ?? of noglected eeluns.., tion, by M^ro. H[odesen, Ladies' Sohool, 67,, New Serds;. (jIELS' GRAMMAlt SCHOOL: and KINDER- t . Head llistreaseo ?? 2'Jeisdeo SNOW. D10v37e tMRS. AllMSTItONG7 Fulford Field hLouso, York ...

Advertisements & Notices

... REBDS and LIVERPOOL CANAL and DOUGLAS NAVIGATION COMPANY.-Notico S is ereby jvefl, that thif Sec ENERL ASEMB~ ?? the r'ccprietors of eyeel e oasder atPheCTUR al Offie, 01tier X n Hall-s.e. iepoi fI ?? O!riday, thIs. e f etmbre ll Open from 10 to 10 14726d ~LOSXG ON ERT t te E HIBITION.-At -T0 O - IrnX, at HEBDEN'S FINE ART GALLERY, Coroeincciet B3aiiiffugs. Ifridge-stieet. Bradford, a, ,,' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -tftfFD AT., Y DlEB '-Et - il ' - ?? l.0 * Do-. ;-i AtVANC) , 1 d. 6L -W 23 YL iM ER a-UB ?? . . .peu l!eea Z l.rkv psm*eni, a p~ageS) Bx o :- A . LDVAQB:) ?? Od. $E1T;E:1 :jx1j NE-VW AGENT8. DALV, oer week, 7d. DA7L, perQarter(Credit) .. , 8. :Po.. (In Adnce) 7s, Gd. : :Y.Y, e quarter.(Oredit) ?? 2Sd :Db, (In Advance) . 2&6d. 'M r'OBTAM Of the DAILY and WEBEtY is Id. to all places ini the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... e g~~~ftfp% anb E011M ^G REAT NORTHERN ;RAILWAY. 0e CAYGILLS CHEAP EXCURSIONS, to r DERIBY, on Tursday, September istleaving leeds (Central)at .0.20 a.m., Itolbeck 9.23, Puddey 8.23, Staruingley8.32, 13ramley S.36, 1, Armley 8.41. Roturning at b,. p.m. g Full particulars in small bills, at stations, and CAYGILL'S EXCU , IN OFFICES,. 141. BRIGGATEiLE DS,where TICIVFTS f MAYBE 3IAD IN ADVANCE. F ...

Advertisements & Notices

... (I.GEOlRGE'S ?? onS, 43 ted- I ~ Grde. len 21. J3.Hinkeand Sn 2, x NYW LEEDS tr r aco, HO0USEh in ositioth +N 'gmdWen,&,u,.* -rw. ,cuth aspect flout 45. Hbidle and Ban,23, P0ark-row. -B0E to BLENHIMX-TERRACE.-To No1~ ETa NIT dreirabole IIESIDENVEl) Containing two .rse~tlo oo io1rasMdry. and, Celiar~sxbxo apd, bath-omT q~h hes~o .eld stubhlug. Rout a W. a VVIM atsd Co., 23,Prkri IRKSTAL.-A ...

Advertisements & Notices

... r ' RT H - A STIN_ RAILWAY. 1t .ROY AGE' 1t1LTUIlALSSEOW -5t - DEllI CH EP FaVE DAYS' T.IW to the WEST of EiG ID. 3UONDAY, Juy1ti; Retaining ori FRIDAYNIGHT, July ltth. . From Norsllecton, Thirek, Piekering, lIirbysnoocide, Helisley, Scarbooigh, Aon,3 Vapon, ao ae, nresbirogh Borogh' To erfby, 'Chesterfield, Metlook, Bith, :Bmron. Tamwortb, C Birmingham, and Worcetr. . ?? * . or partoislcala ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DOUGHS LOIODXWE. 0OLDS, A, , NST~sE, *. *J COLLIS B ,R., This wonderful remedy Was dscoveared by Dr. Z~ CuLLIS BROWNrE, and the word Chlorodyne coined b'1 S. him expreesly to ?? it. There has never hien a remesl( so vastly beneficinl to suffering humanity, and it is * .. a subject of deep concern to the public that they should not ce imposed upon by haying initations presskd upon them Oln ...