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Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC NOTICES. A I E T YTHEATRE, Fngneinernt of MlrlD'OlvCcarteh oPEIIA CO3IPANV, Commencing EASTERO7nd .;AY, Aill lthwvith (firnt time in Dublin of) Gilbert anld hslivan's New and, Odi-in tl IlIclf-Drairatic ipere, THE PIRA.TES OF I'ENZANCE, 4 Which has heen pliyetl 'i'i i conlsclive times at the Oper: 'Comniotie, 1i. MdOn. Preoeded (at q) by !N TMr; SlIRs. Complete chorus and aucmaented ...

Advertisements & Notices

... V. R. A FIELD CONTKtXNfG ARhOU T 12 ACRES tintbevcillinrtv, ri Bclfast, is 1REQtUfiJl') Oil DltlLL PUPWOSES. pergions desirous of lettiug lanud for this sor- vice should apply to the DISTRItCT COM:3MIS- ISARY GEINEI RAL, Commilssriat Okice, Belfast, ltalig acreage of ground ilad rent per aminun. CHAS. E. WRENCHI, G37 7 District Commissary Gencra. VOT4C12 TO ADV 1EETI SJPS il=roze srder of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... l1.lTh ZES, &t r. fII RIES ;l ofall chuses made to w uier at fair fopices Jor lest cowls. blrue, GM.) '1Vt, Q(een's ] -r db, cie., for lJor Coats, Servant's Suit, if Swotch or .Wrdt Tweedcl, o;i,. l 1RAN CIS C lLRN IY, CLOTHIER AND OlUTFITTi P11, 73 AND 63, UlGII S.EIEET., 73 R. MORlTIT.MER, PRAkCTICAL UMBRELLL. M.' -EiEIR, ,TEGS TO STATE THAT II] I HAS A 11D Ilarge and select stock of LA ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IUL&ND AND O 0TJLAN D Up~~ml it D~1aily S Fnoos SITAD 111 a171.n iriFROM OT -Z. i-s (8,71711,jv Trait-llfrlo 117. junsOytL,~, Iul ituven Poiol a1 71 ~ioanoroin101111i1-ab~ohouij -0 a1!I Throuh Fara frot lii i-.plsIin a -1n Cleibas~oror at49, Queen'a Square, Bielfast., andl 4',) lor frtdw1 patcuo~ Lo ee Iriell Official aotide, pagoe 11 U LDFel,80ON & SoN, 7212 ~ ~~~~~C, QIl,'ao'-n Squara, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SHIPPING. I3ARROW STEAM NA\1\VIGATION COMPANY E- RLFAST AND ENGLAND. 1R oyal Mail Steamersvi via Barrow. fo From Belfast Every Evcningf ait S p.m.;fri Barrow (Piel Pier) E~very ENTcuilng at Or after 7-15 p.m., as tide permits. EXPRESS p ASSENGER and GOODS SER VICE TiO ALE P3ARTS of Enlgland and tho Continent. For Train Connections, &C.I see Sailinig Bills, Bradshaw, Official Gmude, e. or ...

Advertisements & Notices

... r IuSp ' SEASON HAS NOW REA3LLY 1 CO11311MJ'C'XCD. I never was in a better position as rqegards very larqe Stocks in both shops eNexsest nul Best Gouds only. I'hree oJ the best Gutters bsihln employed. RIRANCIS CURLEY, CLOTliER. AND OUTFITTER, 3 A:;iD C3, HIGH STREET. 73 G L O YE S TEST EECEIy E OUR SPRING ) DELI RMY of ST. LEGLE1. GLOVES, 2s 6d, every pair warranted. The celebrated is lld ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AUCTIONS. 110MPTANT SALE THIS DAY, IN CONTINUATION. OF HOlUSEHOLD FURNITURE, Supplied by Mess *V Fry and Co. vim vsohl4 carpets cretonne curtains, mahogany ?? and ca'iaets, cottage pianoforte, in rose- wood case, by Ballingal; chimneypiece glasses. brass f56rdees anud irons, culinary utensils, china,', linEn, *C; suits of furniture in Italian vlnut, with niediae- Wal pinted panels; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ! ?? - - - -- ?? 1 NeiMnortsm Cards at Eatons; Only sultable Pat terr kt-p in stock. va raieties, linoifis ana renc h ttansm to select from. The largest ?? to s- n afrem is az aton, C .Cngent orders printed at shortest iee Eatons Ihuto-Mlozruary Cards, at speciality. hnt:erns pe-r free on appicationi. 31 and ai Eaton, N tenor, 49c, 4i flae ,s.rtee, Iublin. ?? ,UaRlTCY Cards : the gre atest t ...

Advertisements & Notices

... APPOINTMBNTS Y`ACAJNT. YI'ANTED an humble bard working Woman to act NV-1as 0ousekeeper snd General Servant in a famer's bouse; mnust be a good washer. Apply 72 Talbot street. I h RClittle Girl, aboat 14 years of edirectfr th countrY. Address 2 North ANTE t) Apprentic t~tlieC~i~fOC~ionerY ness, where she 7vll get a tborough knowledge of the ?? in all its bran'bes; a fee required. Address A M^, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A.PPEOIYT.AEN~TS WANTED. t~-drespectable von Wuimaln refo rsstai f-aiily; got-d recommnoidatiol no (ISO jection to the t Country. Atti re a 50t, Frevz.CeuOli 033cc.. F]-- strsn~bo wants a situation te, mind a honse, and - A in`mt -I a-ek'SlV iscltijl is IS months in last V~tec.Addrees 1.1St. reeijti~if Otbice. - tron- country G~irl cello res situation as General I As-'emn cmli sundr- , and can ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS A m0eI order of the Post Office states that letters nddresseal tof Titillsi or Fieti- tious Names will be went to the Dead- Letter Oflicc, Dublin. Advertiserishould, consequently, give their full annd proper names when they desire to reoeive coin. Inmticatiolis at a Post Oliio. Lotters can be addressed to Tnitials, at the YS LETTER Office, as heretofore. LOST. REWARD.- ...