... THE CHARGE OF THE LIGHT DRIGADE.- A DESCRIPTION, however imperfect, of some of the events which occurred during the Crimean war comes opportunely just now to remind us that the system of that time was not so productive of military efficiency as tlle opponents of late changes would have us to believe. The most cursory glance over the journal of Lord George Paget will recall to memory Letter ...

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... ADDRESM. I ABBOTT l'AGE, & ?? LIST OF S0CiND INVESTMENTS, B B O T T punmLsuSsED , TuESDAY. This Cirouhvr i9 B thocvuihly relirble guide, and should be c nsulteld bg uII intending lnveetorsr E k CO., Itecontai the very best advice as to buying L AGE, w1J., nd selling all Ueanrlptio43S of StoCkh and Shares. STOCK Some specially eafe securities recommended, R l ayina lerge Divideode, and ...

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... Eozlsl nnlre chn nlas,(tae lt B Engraiugi ,bOSTe 2I 5ESR. yeBRAn.,r. Mapetes u reanin part of HOUSEHOL on' .1- FVUF_ ?? Lan .ther ?? of a, ge5t I, p zemottng to the Comprising- bySmith; -sin Ix jealeb; ste~l barand bronzed fendrS, mantel glesaosblotnS ?? dining tahie. mahogany chiffoflallerefeasy an rou In roaloX. rimen rep widow tafla. CO~t andeasYC del-lre. al~netsood tisleonprler.iron~aiaes ...

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... ales, , *rg s va SPRING MANSTLES. SPRITG DRESSEM tlPlI?G HIOSlJ;P~Y COOPER. HUNTER R RODGER Beg to iutimate that tbey are now shoing the ltesb Pro- ducacea in &U their DoparLmeats for Spring and Sinmer Wear.. RE.&ALLD BUDfliGS. 63 BQICHANA STHEUT. I -- aNL, ?? 2AS, 26, ...

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... REPUBLIC OF VENEZUELA. THE LA GUAYRA AND CARACAS RAILWAY COMPANY. hi. ' ,ii c.c:. tslh t(pi rt of a total of 2,0,000 dols.) SEVE.N PER CENT FIRST MORTGAGE 1BONDS. . s\in ?? d cnien ctned thleoper'at on of the Sinking Flnd 'Principal 1 ?? t E . I x in ?t N oi. iik Atiu icaio coin of the present n-ight and fineness, free of all United . i i, ill 1in to bcaler of lds. (&oOn) wC:, with. interest ...

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... NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS. ,CHEAP PREPAID ADVERTISEMENTS. Small Advertisements relating to Articles Wanted or0 -for Sale, Houses to Let, Situation. Wanted o, ,aat* &So., wlli, from this date, be inserted in ! cat.. J THE HULL PAC1KET THE HULL & LINCOLNSHigE TIMtES5 At the Special Rate of 15 WORDS FOR 6D, ' .9CANTO.N-PIACE, ALABY-R0AD. Prinia- 13ts p Iss Simpson and Madelle. Izely (diplo-. zode). T ...

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... 3EIRICN FRES BEFJr S~4 5 '1 I~WEEK IN LAR' GE SUPPL1,Y. A tCUNDTIN PERFECTT. x ?? 7d. to S'A. per lb. ?? ?? - 91. to 10d. p-c itb. ~,AL'TNU ?? . V0. t~ 6!.d. )11r lb. PLEASE 011D)1:1 TALLY OF CU, TIIO1'!NI rARCN AKT fil1A YES. CARDIF V~TiTESTAR, LINE. RO0'AL AN;D 1-, TiED STATE6 MAlIL STEAZIE'- -. ?? ,t. sj ti' .11' 2 t ?? L 'tot ti-i' XN~il. 1 -.i At p,11 ?? 1~:ri at n V to ?? Lh., it- 1 'mo ...


... T7-HE CHARGE OF THE LIGHT BRIGADE. A rlS an IcIO, however imperfect, of some of the events which o°C rr I C(uring the Crimean war omes opportunely just now to remrinl uli tsl thc sy)tenm of that time was not so productive of military eificiecy as t!, clnl-rr nts of late changes would have us to believe. The most cur,~rt glance over the journal of Lord George Paget will recall to n iced 1Ittcr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... i , . 1.t . ?? . I Koa- I T ,~ ,: r\\f~ ?? ,,y LI II II I ' iaV t - ?? !DT. , jjjJT. w: , l ROUEN 1 C I I W II \gi' t , It sl.. ?? 51vI ?? ] 111 . 1t L ,IFILIt I ' I Lon( - I I III id 1 1 i,i *I I IU I 11'. 71- 1 S. -. s 1S. ; L 550., 1 -e t inL 0. ILL ewL 0\110(1 f 0 I '11NIa ...

Advertisements & Notices

... APPOINYTMEN-VTS WAINTED.I XIAN'IED by respectable Wvidowi sltt.t~ as ]Ply vs Nurse: -would mind a 'aby trom birth, or itak. cbharge of grown childiren; po eed uceuliewek. Addreiss 44,54, Freeman Ofice. ?? AYTE) ?? rcetsl, eg;7 m ietit in gentleman's family tocaeltl al dren ; can. rake a first b by; can teach VSIlf.iie take care of clothes. Addjress A B, care OtMs r0h House of Rest, Mlecrion. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'WANLTED CLASS of ADVEBT.TSEMffENT'S For consecutlve insertions of the classes of small Advortloement - prtieoulludsd below tile followinig are the ?? sharges c 16 Worela, Once ?? 6. 17 to 32 wor ?? fl - Ditto,Threchisertions- Is, 06l. Ditto, TPiece Inertions.. 2s. Oil ~ Advertiso~~~lOC~tO exceed~~ng32 worda arc~ hargd at Elie rate Of 6dt. fo evey eeldti~al igh woda or ne neetioia reduction ...

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... bie ?? Cfaniages If. go Ij Cane7- heatng. Inoodorder. ?? A g lap? 1 ,AAU'--A, ?? heSaid, Cheap; cs. so. f 1,74 p1i't ud l.cnn xe;s, sigt d on n-ivcr C . 1ttruo-tsoldua -L - la-A'- .Jr~ic rad 31:ha .li A4\JI P P. rc- xnontzoslCd-, wxy lre ;EIo5 nth- ag22 - c olia:ft-u CH - - ?? 'lore nw; fer been used. .z* 'e . ?? cc-id condition, to i-C Sold a 'I ?? ?? 4Li ..nd rc:' 6c Sale.-snquiri- at ...