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Yorkshire and the Humber, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... e ' C * ' ?? Carb.bet6dM'S f u f --.STUJART (b 'the l West i6stitblished Working ?? Optician' and Spectacle Maker ith Hull), No. 72, 11 Carr-lane, Hull. D. S. most rosijeotfully informs the public that he is a Practical Optioian and npeoaome maker in all the various branches, and he, respectfully solicits an inspection of his Eye Preserving Spec. n Any article left and not cllifori I kth n ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS. ,CHEAP PREPAID ADVERTISEMENTS. Small Advertisements relating to Articles Wanted or0 -for Sale, Houses to Let, Situation. Wanted o, ,aat* &So., wlli, from this date, be inserted in ! cat.. J THE HULL PAC1KET THE HULL & LINCOLNSHigE TIMtES5 At the Special Rate of 15 WORDS FOR 6D, ' .9CANTO.N-PIACE, ALABY-R0AD. Prinia- 13ts p Iss Simpson and Madelle. Izely (diplo-. zode). T ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TSW WESLEYAN CHAPEL, Meatnwood. OPENLNG SERVICES. N * 4Jil7 be- orea THIS jFriday) EVENffING; in the. B n cfaspel, by the Rev. JOSIAH PEARSON, of 71ting)75 Wersvice to coninenec at seven o'clock. Coleotion in ~~W~i~ng 0'ntld. .1 'D35846 $ssULOilS _'-m355 IVESTON (the Sailors' g i ve an sceoat of her work among th'Sailnors, IJ~' Fnent7 IST DAY l(FRIDAY), Anpeu 1 sT, at Sour o'olock, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ; ales bU Ructfon. lbo Yorksbiie Repository, Yoikb~ait, k Tuesdaystveer A'ril ?? ,. . - NNUAIh Speoial Spring Sale of TUN T1RS, HAOK . A Harness florses, Cobs, aad Ponies. 'khlh sale *il iobid5 abod 55 high-class horses, ehieily the propearty f p to Aeto plso inoluding an impostant conaigmeit ir tO ed! '2nc erbansese. Entries should be mwlo this day to . : IMPPIE t and SBoN, YAGStioer br de, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO-MORROW' S WEEKLY- SUPPLEMENT TO TuE LEEDS MERCURY, In addition to a COMPLETE STORY, the HOME and FOREIGN NEWS of the WEEKi and i't customary, LITERARY FEATURES, will contain SPECIAL ARTICLES on the following and other subjeats:' THE NUMBERING OF THE PEOPLE: By a Rambling Philosopher. TAKING THE CENSUS: Features of the National Roll Call. TWO FAMOUS ECOLESIASTICS: Egbert and Alotuhl. A ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE DAIIY ME1R)CRW1 BY POST. PaE QUAITRa (OnoRD) ?? 11. Od. Do. (IN ADVANCI) ?? Ma-6. WEEixLY MERCUIRY. ,TINTY PAGES (comprising &uSaerday's Noercuryf, 12 pages, and 10e1.ny Sunptement, 8 pages.) AD V ?? ?? 3s. I 0 DO. (IN A3>vAN0 ?? ?? ?? DELIVERED BY NK3W83 AGENTS. DAIsY, per week, 7d. DAILXr, ?? (Credit.) ?? 88.:Od (InAdvance) * ?? s.O6d. W4ERLY, per Qoarter (Oredit) * 2s. 8d. Do. (In ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BILACKWOOD'S MAGAZINE for APEIL, 188L No. DCCLXXXVI. Price 2s. Ed. Contents. The Private Secretary-Part VL Shadwell's Life of Lord Clyde. Freaks of the Telegraph. Lightep Spanish Poetry, in English Metre. By H. K. Vallombrosa. Bound Delia's Basket. Old Scottish Society. Greece and Her Claims. WILLIAM BLACKWOOD & SONS, Edinburgh and London. HO USEHOLD WORDS. T E. NEW FA'MILY JOURNAL Edited by ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .FOR THE BLOOD IS TIlE ; IriIs >IlARKE'S: o JORLD-FA3IED : t e, : v E , ;. -- a rBLOOD MIXTVREA.- b) to ~ ~ ~ oft t ARGEST SALE of any _ MEDICINE in the WORLD. Ig 0VERWHELMING TESTIMONY r tsV CCOMPANIS EVERY B0TTL1, . l RPOVING THIS to be the GREATEST _ st Al EDICINE EVER DISCOVERED g lOR CLEANSING and CLEARINGethe BLOOD Bc 3r ?? frora ALL L'IMPURITIES., d PIE BLOOD being the source from ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LEEDS NONCONFOiST U, ION, The Second of the SerIes of LECTUIOES by Ror. R. W. DAlU M.A vwill be delivered in the ALBERT HALL, on TUESDAY, At4 6th. 'Chair to be tken at eight o'clock, byh-. Ald.LAWi',Jyp Non-memsbor-Adiisbsion Sixpence. G lBvI y ORK B ATTLE MARKET, . EOPENNG OF THI MARKETS AlD PMtBS. Notice is herehb given, tlat the ANNU AL PALMSIh PAlM I the EXHIBITIO and SALE of HIOP1ES, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... pt~S , ?? -0~I~ - . W/ l' A STRIMAo 3 ROINCAITIfS, &:a. , - pa. . .CLI A, E. J 0 o L I SO8 S OtX2 D Thsii Wbftdtr1Ul remeidy W`ยง ?? ?,t lBa! i .COLLIS BRIOWNE, and the word Ohlerexdyne coined bI' him tapressly to designa it. Tbee Ms nev~f bekz's,. , rriedy so vastl bon h hdui isea subjeet of deep81 ?? to the public that they bil not be imlosed uipon by:havihg ?? yrtltcd ahould them' on ...

Advertisements & Notices

... POSTAL ORDERS. 81'ECI *fL 7\WTICE.-Ad d5'tl~ricr, ingtergd of resit~t~i n Postagc Stanips, are 9o0w pf5articularf k r ooes ted to 0se the #61! I otqui O'(lc9s5 inslt Nol to cross them. Anon t. Cost. Amount. cot s.d. d. d. 1 0 ?? ~s100 ?? 2 1 6 ?? 120 ?? 2 2 6 ?? 1160 . 2 f 0 .. 1 176 i,. 21 7 ?? 1 20 O ,, 2 T itE LEEDS ME.ROURY. PREPAID ADVERTISEMENTS. (in all cases the cash ingest c r* ...