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Leeds Mercury


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Leeds Mercury

Advertisements & Notices

... *,Iie% bp Rturtfoly 'NTirIEs of HORSES for To-norrow's Sale oat bur Eemtos ay besniale ?? 0 lc ?? ' I A,,itPIR mad SONS, Aotio noeryr 1c Low No. 105 Meadow-lane, L s~ ' ,Tds Day (Mlondray), nt twelve o'deekb at the *&ove 'jdressbi~ of Mr. John RDtunso of rV1HE whole of his HOUSEI~L .1 hatrmoniuam, sawing mmoabinS, feat46iter id.*ohbds:ea Aka drawers, litolhen dresser, and otherefo .E esae ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I L :IYp -l . l''t'iU' @ pr3 Qvarr (Ile; ADVANCE * 1. (3d, w~iSYMEROR.UTY. SaSaD anud Wr(Blif IP5UPP~rne11*,; S pages). By POsT. yRTE (CREDIT)* * ?? d PSJ' Q O. (Ix ADVANCE) ?? d. L BY NE;'3 S A ()ENT . ad lk spperl eek. 7d. . i'D , P~Qi~~ar eVUriLt)- - ?? 8B Od. DV j Do(In Advance) , ?? 7B, Gd. ,rLA p er Quarter (Credi't) ?? 2's. 8d. G;3 jOIn1 Advance? , ?? GSbd. OSrTAE of tho DAILY nnd ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ! ,: ! ' ' j@@ anb. -zt MIDLAND and FUR.NESS BAILWAYS.-ISLE. OF 1 TtAX.-Two Services DaIly (Sundays excepted) diurng Julynajd Augwst by the l~ictu~quo ga shlort Sea Route via arrow, as followa:- .a~m. p.m. . - a.rn. Xloon- LEEDS,. dep ., ?? abou5.10. '946 1 DOUOLA8,diP 8.0 12.0 DOUOILAS, err. aot60-90' I IE$gr2G 3 ' Touritt Pares, Itret soes ss: ed., third class. iSs. Od.: Fares or Saturday to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .,V Seecgalf foesRIAG V 12 O'RXS I Ho RSEi and Rb 12 o'rloe.-33 eho ita of IAhS I o'ctook.-26 bCARBR}ACGEirS. i~nsnsideN whd iXotelins, dogcabs pponky tispost ovoered aSeO0M. fginetttro vgeansuad light aprngb iThery, r'.pOB and PONIES Partheuliin in ratalones. b I.30.-48 HORSE~eSw oll an Tiesv Troh nlno to ntelve Bpi4872rdy, Measa. H -~ nd 8'~'Swil Sell by Auotio. a h okhr liE osios anea ?? m ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? cholcO Famiily HQU~E; kitchen *oagollrgeprcit. Rent £3. Itihardsosaad Co. j-J~~W Averygcood HOUSEj with bath, &C.; GfRhPT n £30. Richadont a~lnd Co. WrI AaLtlI his No. 5, HRso pecPark. ?? b h Houe. Front gardan, encog yid 15 los. 1 ~jlttVALLS hs 11, Brle-rod. Through1 2ktch5en.IrosObdocesnclosed yard. £18. WALLS hs 3 HAL-GRVEHyde oodian cellar, ktchen an itigroxso grouind udsafrentatSrdO. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... will be REOPENED and the ' n is inaitry, Sunday. Aug. 7. A14799 - REGISTE3R ! ! lREGISTER!!!- ntifhied to betREGISTERED as LODGERSare ] ,l~igjqssut lelay ab the Of 1ces, 6 South-parade, whero t w°°ith Cirdineand obtain aft necessary infornma. 61~toiO H$T^bd E. FINNIE, Secretary. B 14831 EL PRIIA AND READING RAILROAD 1D.AJ CoMPANY. 'ef pOND and SHARE HOLDERS willo at 1 t ,imsi ° i onifty the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .9rfp% anb 19ours. MiDLAND and FURNE SS RAILWAYS.-ISLE, OF 1 MAN.-Two Services Dail6 (Sundays excepted) durinig July ard Augulst by the Picturesque and short eae 11oirte via Bnrrow, ns follow. - .n, p.m. n.m. Noon. LEEDS, dep ?? 10.3 2.46 DOUGLASdep ?? 8.0 12.0 DOUGL , arr. bout 5.0 S .0 ILEEDS err 2.2 S.35 Tourist F4arfs, irst ces 2hS. Id,, third class 13s. , . Fare tor Saturday to Monday ...

Advertisements & Notices

... By PosY. \ 1- lpages, and T7FO.tY 8S'pJ~lelen;, 8 pages). OUS~mB (CnzDIT . 3s. 3d. .@ '3SQ, (I~ ADva~oE) ?? os. Od. ' DEL1Y B3Y NEVS AGBNT8. DAILy, per week, Id. ;pY per QwarLtci (Credit) . .Ss. 0, d lo (In Advance) . *C. er Quarter (Creeit) . . 2s. 8d. (in Advande) ?? 2s. 5d. Tht ?? OE Ihe DAILY and WEELY iS l,(d. to T1 paes ronG the ?itedi Kingdome and tlie Channel Ai places iln tle DyX it ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE IPIJ03LL~lERS' COLU WARD AL I LOOK'S USEFUL RAO)$8 . ; TI3II1 COOKEER W9ISHgTRU6CTEO6R. BV 1EDx s .JLBUa?OETr, Easiiner tov Ohs National ~tsinlinR Scbool:^ ookery. Examiner tte Netronol Health Boriely, &c, Wih' A tuhiooughly prc cal and most useful work, ?? ezgofltX- inhforation and sound 1dvice.-JdinbargA lJ4i'4 Peview. - . Loridon: WaidLock,and Co., Salisbury.quarV, EQ. Q WARD AND ...