... MAGAZINES 10R AUGUST. Cream-nL, P='rsr, and OALPrN's publications. Lit I Belle Sauvage Yard, London.-Amnong tite pubir-L cations received fromt this emuinent tit-in for thea I current rnuilutl is tire Practical Dicitioinary at Ide'clianics, edited hr Edward Knight. 'Thrr CX rollert work of reference is now app irrtchirir' ci-i i plet~ion, ;ard re weu have on iorine-i (caieornts desecrclbed i ...


... ?CIEXCE ?iNI) ART TEACmNG. gte twenty-eighth repotrt of the Science and Ar D~etof the Counnittee of Council on da as bteen issued. It shows that the Ger of persons who0 during the year 1880 at- ii tened ise sohools and classes of scen2e and ar c a £neteioO with t~he department are as followsa, c ?? attending Seienlce schools, and classes I h iS2Od, aS .samne 59,519 in 1879, and 837,308 re i ...


... Sit4raturt, Philcsophical Classic$ fo1 Engpish .Raerls'. Pcet. By Robert Adameon, M.A.;-Profegsor of Logic in Owons College. Edinburgh and London: W. Blackwood and Soms. Although the intrinsic merits of Ur. Adam on's work ray be freely acknowledged, many readers will probably be of opinion that the subject of it is not entitled to the precedence which has beeu allowed him by the editor of this ...


... C. - . tilt. Tins Book of the Rabbit. Part XI. Edited by LrONAReD U. GILL.. London: The Bazaar Office, 170, Strand. D With this part Mr. Gill completes his book on rabbits. th The text is contributed by various emlinent breeders and I exhibitors, and the book will really supersede Rayson's, B wvhieh has hi~therto been re-arded as the standard work on A the suibject. A capital Onex renders ...


... MUSIC &ND THE DRAMA. (n~om oun oW- CORRYSPOflENT.) London, Sunday.Nigh. ni T~znew melodrama entitled Youth, wt which the Drury Lane season oened last night, cil has apparently been written with the -sole 511 abject of working in a Series of co-stly and Sern- la] sational set scenes. Otherwise the story is not 'fon a particularly interestin..or wllolezoneelone. The 'i hero, young Evened Dar ...


... ,SfjO.ZAD p TARIEZST X THE COURT. Holyrood Palace, Priddy. a gare a dinner Party yesterday evening at t s princess Beatice, the Duke and Duchess of Dt tob Duke cf Connaught, and the Duke of .pbUrg I pre t. The salte in attendance were SbEer 'pLady in Waiting: the Hon Bar. , bdy S°U gO; La bArt, Lord Thurlow, Lord in Viscobun$ ' ?Idport and air J C MWNelU, wtig g OeCera the Right Hon Sir H F ?? ...

Literary Extracts

... W, ittrary CE-.4ract.51#. i SIB YWALTER SCOT.Sr In novel writing there are many ?? ?? well which other men have done bettar. but no one m 'ker of fiction has combined so many rare qualities as he. Tarse iare alway plenty of men cleverer than ha, but he bas i_ rival in a sort of majestic ?? of power. In facti' - prose is epic. For that sort of coinpositioa there is nro ?? of precise and ...


... NORTHIUMBERLSND AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. SHOW AT HEXHAM. Yesterday, the annual show of the Northumberland Agricultuaral Society was held at Hexhamn. Ii is twelve years since the society favoured Hexham with a vrait. In 180G3 the show took place there, and Ion that occasion there were entered 84 cattle, 86 shep and 9t5 horses, and the total of the entries, with a few pigs and several stands of ...

Literary Extracts

... WI, Wrary CF)'Itrado. EGY1TrAN FORCED L.&oun, I remember once seeing a public road not half-an-hour out of Cairo being repaired by forced labour. The labourers were men, women, and children. To each batch of ten labourers there was attached a ganger with a stick, who kept striking the labourers when they loitered in their work. The foreman, whip In hand, went about cutting at the gaegers, and ...


... LONG BENToN.-The annual exhibition in connection with the Forest Hall, Long Benton, and Killimgworth floral and Horticultural Society, was held on Saturday at Forest Hall. There was a good attendance of spectators, and the show was generally successful. The judges for Plants and flowers were Mr Balfour, nurseryman, New- castle; and Mb Rogers. Newcastle. The principal prize- takers were A. ...


... RICHMONDSHIRE: AGRI(.ULTtIxAL SOCIETY'S SROW. . , KVVW.LJ -3 3. l.lA .~ Vt . The annualr show of the above' td6ietY took place yestiir' L'day at 1ichumond. Foruserly. the 'so'ciety's inbeting W64' held alternately at 'Bedale, L eyigni. ?? , bsu ?? some timaeago Bedal~iormed asociet'yof~its o~wnand now~ r. tie Riehmondshire 6how* is confined ~to tiso Richmond and ~; ~eyur dstrct. Last ?? the ...