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Dublin, Dublin, Republic of Ireland

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Advertisements & Notices

... jPOWELL'S BALSAM of ANISEED. T pOW LL'S BALSAM of ANISEED.BT pOWELL'S BALSAM of ANISEED. pOWELL'S BALSAM of ANISEED. pOWELL'S BALSAM of ANISEED. FORGUo S pOWELL'S BALSAM of ANISEED. ?? ?? rkWELL;S BALSAM of ANISEED.~ ASTHMA. TIZ .- THOMAS A. SHERIDAN, of Elpbin, Ire. AlL land, ?? and nights; was a stranger to rest and sleep, racked and almosi killed with a hard cough I tried all kinds of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AUCTIOJTS. THIS I)AY. TvTpORTAINT EXTENSIVE SALE OF %i?- ANTIQUE AND MODERXN'HZOSEgOLD PURNSTITtRE, IirmabO-^wV 3walnut, oak, birch, and rosewood - sio suttred of walnut drawingro`n1 furniture tpbolstered in UtUrecht velvet, asus, rep, and diamask Parlour and diinigroom utites , in haireluth, leather, &C;, Six antique high back chairs in velvet; Six full compass cottage and ?? pianofortes, By ...

Advertisements & Notices

... p'aenoeamt trat Eatous3; (7olY suitable Pat A.4c)Vari-tinea, ?? a~tancta~r :1 7- Th ?? asstortwent to e- :oma:Etn.Urgent order-sprinted at ,hrtrtei: th1 LAtin'- Ph, ?? Cartis, a sp-ciality. fae rr~~t-oati apliiitioli. 31 and a Eaton, i,-ta Itlet-., ?? ,lATC -ree;, Dublin. TiALXtP; Fe2Requizites of every descry o I fl ?? At' an I Zii lenznlle Arttet. CWi fRi'P-CI)DACr.-snl'enetS a)t Speeitii- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... APPOINTMBNTS VACANT. DARENTS aud Guardians, Apprentice, indoor, to r Lndies' Boot and Shoe Trade. Apply to Walsh and Dio, Shalbourne house, Merrion row. p9i7f DAWNBROKING; wanted ora isubrbann office a good r smart Assistant- must have a knowvledge of sales; lbonru terms to a suitable person. Address 9313, Free- am office. PLOUGHMAN : wanted Man or Boy to Plough and A dogeneral Farm Work; must ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LW- AUUCTINS. ?? OF DUBLIN. : LA DS Qli NRWTOWx LITTLE, ?? B~TATHAIINHAM ~~aun#5.&3 ,a~to, maae, held for erer, TO BE SQItD BY AUCTION, In One Lot, On PRIDAY, the 5Eth day of October, 181, if aet previously dlspowlu of by Pritate Tender. . > In Crook's Public Saleroos, 10 LOWEl ORMOND-QUAY. Tht ?? property is beautifally sitnated about na k mles tbe metropolis. on te southern bank au the kiver ...

Advertisements & Notices

... : , AUCTIONS, .AND OTBER PROPERTV SALES 1a= FRIDAY, 21st October, 1881. Und, leened Business and Deliaghouses, Yards, &c. I C E A E L C R OO E E 'S SALES BY PUBLIC AUCTION 0-31EXT FRIDAY, 21A October, I881, In the Salerooms, 10 LOWER ORMOND QUAY, f IDclude-- For Zecutors late Mr Hamilton M'Intosb, .Iuse, Yard, Stabling, Stores, &c, No I NEW LISB1URN STREET, goth Rin street, and next the Linen ...

Advertisements & Notices

... APPOrI 23-VENTS WANTED. iSE parents of rospectabio yonng Girl from country 1T vish to Apprenitice tier to Millinery, Mxntles, and Sales in good house in City; fee will be given. Address 8592, Fro, iman office. r U Crocers; a respectible yonng NMan wishes a re-en- 1 giaerneet; thoroughly unders4tands both counters; highest reoerence. Addi gss 8 84, Freeman Office. r i t Grocers WVine and I ...

Advertisements & Notices

... __APPOINTMEN TSVAGA NY._ iIT NTUf D) caperienced Saleswoman ior the Millinery w van nMants; zone but thoroughly competent per'on Irnei anDplY, 814'l) experienced young Mean for I it eneral IDra'peryV; mustbe good windowrcrser. '1Cur- ran and Co, 16 Beach, Q3ueenstown. p5073 Ie fir-it class Clcakmakers to take ont wvork; W ateeis also a vcncyfrafret clan5 Fore- woman lDre,-sniaker. Addresslid42 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC NOTICES. A I E T Y T H E A T R E. a ~~TO-NQ'l4HT, flainlet . _ ?? b,. Mr Irving Opheiha ?? ?? ?? . iss Ellen Terry Enthusiastic reception of S3ll HENRY Ii VilNa, MISS ELLEN TERRY, AND THE LYCEUM COMPANY. MTr W ' crriss Mttr Howe Wiss Pauncefort Si r Ty ars Mr Johnson Miss Harwood Mir Niad ?? Harbury bliss Lowther NIr Chill Mr Carter Miss IV Emery Mr Ai cher Mir Andrew's Misslyorpley Ur ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 7APP GI TEVT NW-TEP. -aILINER and Sales; young Lady; ih er'ec jyparieuce of above; is & good Pushing saleswomlanl; :1ndjeirs~' buying of millinery arid fancy goods; West -r~erred; seisry no Object. Addres, 4057i, Freeman AtWNBROSINO; ft YOTung Man of 5 yeats' es'- Pgeeriecs wants a situation in office orsle-hp d-i acoseischarges. Address 4M~ Freemian Offic&s 1)AW?~BOKING;yofl~gMan, Sx yeears ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC NOTICES. A I E T Y T H E A T R E. Jlast Five Nights os Mr C11s W4ndhas and Mr D'Oyly Carte's OLIVETT OPERA COMPANY, THIS (Tuesday) EVENING, Oct 25th (at 8) The New and Original Opera Comiqua OLIVETTE Written by H B Farile, Music by Andran, }oicb baa been performed with enormous success .3S0 times at the Strand Tbeatre, London, And Is still being plyed there to crowded houses. Comrujete ...

Advertisements & Notices

... APPOHITTMEN~TS FA CANT.__ NT ED severail first clafsg Man11:l1nikerzs null NIsiloressmes, highiest pay and constant employment to competent persons. Apply between Ninti and ten o'clock to MNr Fieldel, T Fol~y's, 25,Nlary street. p7944 WANTFD some experienced Workers for the rivse. TVnile Outfitting edeijusesi. Apply before 10 O'clock ai'i to Mrs flnsnplreys, 10 Steoihen's; green. p8148 ...