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Freeman's Journal


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Freeman's Journal

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC NOTICES. 1G A I E T e T H E.A T RE. f For :7lVe Nights only. Fir-St ad only engagement in Dublin, Of the Great Polish Actress, Mdmae HELENA MODJESKA, &Ppsorfed by Mr WllSON BARRETT'S COMPANY, THIIS EVENI1,NG (Tuesday), Nov 1st (at 8), J MortIner's ?? Play, ItEARTSEASE . Ceuttarces,.,. ?? ?? Madame relenra Modjeska 'JT-MORROW (Wedlnesday), MARY STUART. THlURShAY, ADRIENNE LMCOUVREUR. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AUCTIONS. COUNY TO DUBLIN. PRO PITREINT OF £50 A YEAR, i Payablefor ever,tnder a Leasein feefarm bytthe ;tenant of that part of the Lands of Little Newtown, situateinthe barony o! Bathdrubn and county of Dub- lin, containing 5 acres , roads '2p statute measure or 'thereabouts. T BE SOLD BY AUCTION, IO In One TLet On WEDNESDAY, tilA 16th November 1881, At Crookee& Autiron RRoms, LOWER (sMmoND ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ternagcp-inatock. lid .t3rvirit-:c>, ish and Frenh I n:rso ss;t from. 'The ?? asoi-tine;it to se- I jsctorsmua barito-. Urgen ordters printed at shortest aCt-c. tlon's thoto- 'otuaruy blCards, a speciality. Jat:vrn-s iu free on rpli:cutiun. 31 ant S Eaton, Sa- ior-dr, cC, 4ij 1 aiLtsree-- Dublin. 33ALL FY,; 3illZisit-. of every description sutpedl. 4- an! lU lerninle street. 6'98 REP.IDARer ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AP~'O)NTnfENTS WAINTED. Jb~i* l, WI afderstands fli Grocery sod Spirit DIu wat Itain sabove; reterences satisfactory. AlditseFreaoffice. fl~x AI a reewetable yount Womani of good ex- .Z-Wpriene, wo les lived in be~st houses in Duiblin; toetb; estmonalsforefficiency and general charac- ter. 4ddflSS275, Fr*eman Office. B MT 'Indo; -4nbi-d a sithiation as Cotter by one laexperienced. Address ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AtTCTIONIS. COUNTY K(ILD'ARE. Highly fmpotrtxnt to Agrictlltu-rists, Grazier.e, I mand '3tlinrs. SALr, of valnable LEASeHOLD INTEREST In ?? of PRIME LAND), Fifty U.'res, of which is under grassi. Si .Tro BE SOLD BY A UlCT ION',b At Crooke's Public Salerooms, P 10 LrWER OIIMONI-QIAYA, On TH UISDAY, 17th of November, ISSI, Byr directions of tho owner. 'Th~e Interest in the Lease ot bits Farm, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'KAPPO.INTMF2YTS WANTED. fLLI*ERIY gad sales; wants a situation an above u a Persorkoft-nvera-l yeaza' erpeyence in a good uinss conaitry towaM; SeI9TY Moceerate. Address 240,- Freemius Offce. i 1jITNBR~Y, qak55, a5.d .'sntleakuikng; wanted by 1 'isa aboveD; Sdtiif.t~~ r~riCe; nary not Ao mu11h a1n object as a ireiptetaible hsome. Atddress 118, Proemant Office. 49T'n ERland Daughter. RiC, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC NOTICES. frA I ,T Y, THEA RE For FOnr Nights only, Flirst andI 00¾j eng.Igeinent in Dublin. Of the Great Polish Actress. Mdane HELNA luppore by All WILSON IBAR1UT'tTS COMPANY, 'F1IS EVENING (Wednesday), No 2nd (ab 8.), SeL1er's (irarid Play, IMARY STUTART. Ifay turt.. Madame Helens* Aodieska ADRIENNE LECOIIVREUR.t FRIDAY NEXT, Benefit of Madame Wfoijskit, SATURDAY, - nOMEO and JULIrT. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... USczCin utL~ zitsi. ut: 111;' ly eclittaile Pat - . i rtn: cer~e printedn ,brtZ iC . ali~pteatiunl. 31 and a atn,>-. L1 ? t cr-.; 11 2quimri'e.- of ever:; descr:ninn Aa',,S-Det 01 6oncir'L t,l An.!- P Ca.. or i..tin ?? 1 .tt (.1 ow c.,Oo.2 .ji:o ?? i~:L - i-, f,,n . ?? . ine uuf - Cd zCCCL.Li.: 'LI L_ ~ ~ U i 2 I - -: - a-. . , CC4an, 11% I1'' .2. fpl u6 o ..iLL-3: Oc ?? i.C . De,~ jtit' ' N ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I I s Mermonam Cards at Patons . Only suitable Pat Iters kept in stock. 2tOvarieties English and Frenc d pa;terns to select troi. 'The largest assortment to se- .iromls i'e at t ' ?? shortest c'tice. YAto's PlholhtO-3o1ary CZsnls, a speciality. R~tterns CoSt free on application. 3M and S Eaton, z- , t Xoaers, &c, 49 1)ame street, Dublin. r ALLER;.; Fonemma Requisites of every desCripton] ...

Advertisements & Notices

... APPOINTMENTS PWA1NT.- ~XANTEtD In grocers establis Itieflt arn active ladl WV as Mjessenger, aged 14 or 15; must be willing to janke hmselfeneraly nseful, and be watt recomnien- c( inaed Camsll at1 as9 street, p461' ti ded. Call at ItymHidt, House and Patlotic-( W ?? Registry Officle, 4 Saouti Arnie street. p7115 a: ANTE-D severalI Salesmen for Haberdashery and Ci1 WYFanicy Jewellers ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBIC iwTtCES. P -NoMES Gt A I E TY THEB TRE. G , For Tbhe'N~bts only. First and oniy engagoement in Dublin, Of the Great polish Actress, Mldme HFLENA MODJESKA, $uppoted by Mir WILSON BARRETT'S COMPANY, THIS IEVENING (Thursday), Nov 3rd (at 8), ( Hermnaf's 'adoption of the famous play, o! ADRIENNE lECOUVREUR (drionne tecouvreur ?? Madame Relens Modjeska 6 TO-MfORROW (Friday), Renefit of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AU~cTION W; lh^ 1li, GIEORuES QUAY,. oky of Deab,. rmprtant to imall Capitalists and otberJ SA.LErOf LEASIIHOLDIN iThRI IV No 4 WRIThE' LANB, h 'c has undeigole complete renovation. rxd to hel by' leane for a term of 41 yeas, from 1873, At te yearly rent of £9, is ale of paying £41 per annuM d r thereabouts. rt0 BE SOLD BY -AUCIO JL OnBTJHUSBDAY, D17th November. 1881, In Croke's Publik ...