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Advertisements & Notices

... P ATIENCE. An Esthetic Opera by NV. S. GILBERT and ARTHUR SULLIVAN, now being performed at the Savoy Theatre with enormous success. LIBRETTO. is. VOCAL SCORE. 5s. PIANOFORTE SOLO. 3s. All the following sent post free for half rice. DANCE MUSIC BY CHARLES D'ALBERT. Patience Walte .. Solo or Duet- 4 0 Patience Lancers.. 4 Patience Ouadrille . . . . . . 4 0 Patience Polka . . . . . . 4 0 ...

Published: Saturday 05 November 1881
Newspaper: Graphic
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 4915 | Page: Page 24 | Tags: Advertisements & Notices 

Advertisements & Notices

... STOCK A-ND SHARE TUT. - WR :LY EEFORT. A I.W of Sto;l and Sbazzs. eViD the L .14 P1':ies o! n mtA. coiwam - ot reznltt17y qnez ! in orA.%Ls@ stoe U~bV*2h , wil he Publisih K ; J tVZrY T .MDATY E VENING TI ES., 0E GIF1 HR LA ,.P H E G L A S G O W H E- P, A D EXPRESS ENGINE AND VAN, B3y the North British 1'>alwoay, reach Edinburgh xtly after : A.ZL, carriving tte Hcrm4 only. By ttas means it is ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Wj~EAR~ROYAL COVENT GARDEN.-i rqgPERO:EAD CNczRq-.L&sT NIGHT BUT 1otor, Mr. A. GWYLLYM OROWE ~~~ENADE ~~CONCERTS. - o Of.~F6RRDGE ~wifaii$TO.IGFT-TRE~hRROYAL, COVENlT. O~.ADE CONCERTS. Mr: .OSWAW I irill gins ?? CMlnAd k.N'NIGET B3UT TWO._ 1pROMENDE CONERT~- iss BESSI i EC tD ill pesform oll the Pianloforte Colioexto An NV Mio ill nd Val0 ie (.Conmtext Weiuihkl. 0 T.TETEROYAL. 63VENT-024 ~j ...

Advertisements & Notices

... . UOTEMS ABELRYTWIM .- e late ?? tam e&to arka add:- A fortnlt in AberyaWlth S equyvalent to S .1 B1. month's residence in motw trn lcs' T e Q E NS H tE fame the NC.. W IL VALM MR Prop. IRMINGHAM.-.The GREAT WESTERN HOTEL, a flrst-clvhs Family Hotel, dose to tha GrAat B Westarn Railway StPtions. Modertatetrms. Specaltariff foremimelal gentlaem.-M. HALL.Prordetrw.e ORERNMOUTH. PEn-st-class ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NEXT PATVPAY'S WEEKLY SJPPLEMENT ' O T31 LEEDS MERCURY, rn.addition to a COMP;TE STORY, the HOMXE and FOREIGN NEWS of -the WEEK, and its austomary LITERA.RY FEATURES, will contain SPECIAL ARTICLES on the following and other subjeots:- THE SUN AND HIS SPOTS: A Lecture for the People. THE STORY OF A SALMON: A Romance in Natural History. .THE O R D E R O.F a L U N I: Its Position- in Yorkshire. - ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PrBLTSHERS' OOLUMXS,. LOCX & CO.'S ANNOU-NCE-L ML[ MOST COMPLETB HISTORY OP TILZZ WiJEKD ever Publisbed_ 4';4EVF?_PE _N MONT.ELY PARTS. IL) & LOGIE'S ILLUSTB.A-TE2) j'juLY OPF TiLE WORLD. lft OILBBLY ILLUSTRATED writh Foild El> Y VALUABLE COLOURED efiflsistntmn THaS WOULD AND) ITSS PicEsi> EL, Gatta -ithPARPT 'L of ?? r'asial enoiach si Iapltei a-R Puaunrt& tr yi ...

This Evening's News

... Antiq fttninu'd 0tbtw. PRINCE BISMARCK AND M. GAMBETTA. The Paris correspondent of the Times sends a long private letter, which reached Paris yesterday, written by a man at Berlin in a position to be well informed, corroborating what M. Gambetta said about the supposed interview ,it Varzin' when lunching with the Prince of Wales. The writer says :- As to 1M. Gambetta's visit, I have it ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NEW OVEL BY VIOLET FANE. N'ow ready, at al] the Libraries, in 3 volse, CD OPI-Y; or, The Adventures of a Savage. 2D IIy VIOLET FANE. Sop},y I is the clever and originnalwork ofa clever w ctii. lits merits are of a strikingly unusual kind. It is chargedc throughout sith the strongest human interest, and ?? in novelty from beginning to eod. It is, in a word, a novel that vill make its ?? WoZrld. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TERMS FOR THE WEKYTVEWE . ~ NP T I FOBPOST. Cpepaid Credit. One~~ear. ?? ~ 616 ?? V One Year ?? ?? 3i3 ?? 3/9 A Half Year .. ?? ' .. 2/- A Quartr ~ ''reiv' in Paymtilt. Th eeljt/ccw an Scp ict can be posted S0o- as to reach Subscribers on Seturday Mlorning. TO ADVERTISERS. SCAL OFCHAGE5FOR ADVERTISEMENTS OFFERING OR SElEKING SITUAIONS, IF PREPAID:- NOT EXCR EEBDING 1S WORDS Bd. 27 ,, ?? 138 p ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIM AMUSEMENTS. THEATR.E ROYAL, BIRM1INiGHAMT, LAST SEVEN NIGHiTS OF TKE CELEBRATED MISS WALLIS, Supported by a most Powerful and Carefloiylsclected Company of London Arbsetos, *TolIGT a idrtSatorday), at 7.33, NINON. Ninen ?? . . .WAnTAs, Mr G. V. VILLS'S NINON.-Sice its first produetion SE Zn Birmieglnare, Ninen bae been thoroughly revised, and Is now admitted to be one of the bee ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I -i ?? ?? -2 a hlalmand nigb. P rice £15-Apply 134 Ira a~d. ai~aDA.RT.-Apply No. 8, Jubaie~leesre qt,>tBA 'I.s,:lt for horn or tand work. Ow~ner i - . 1 1YiifeS 15. Rc P2k n I~t.Zo abt,,rzon. - Utrsrs MAR E. age-d; sui table fo I,, - ?? ?? 14 hran Is high, with GIG andM -A: 6ea tot Hot-. bavng fh i' Tho ?? o -Appmy to Mr. I D~akn.LI.-1 * a. s HI' F F 1i~4 hards. Goodwncaer. _q -z ?? 7h.7., ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NEWTOIN AND (0 . SBrEECHILES MAKERIS, C A ' Ci t K TI ?? l TO ° 1 N s ( AV~ PtD 1 P 8 ?? ?? ?? ?? . ?? V1. AX.Vi i'c. ?? Li ?? ?? l'itM N ?? Ni' k 10 CAUDtIFF. , N- I i'l I t ?? I3! .x ls,+. .. Bri1st. vo t A) , 1',I 2 ISF AI> ?? ~ ~~T ?? '0-zAL 5? I A\ ~ AN 't N I A¶ )i'NI'4 V .: ?? A' ~ , . IIniX C' :~h i 1; ?? ?? E41, N IlTED ,.Iceland!' - in' e SEA'> C'?'re N3'X YOn' I. I' ?? ?? .. ?? AI ...