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Belfast, Antrim, Northern Ireland

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Advertisements & Notices

... TO DE LET OR SOLD. ANSDOWNE TERRACE, Botanic Avenue. L -Splenlid new HOUSE, nicely painted s and papered; three reception, six bed rooms, hot aind cold baths, lavatory, &o.-Apply at No. 1. B 18237 le r 0o LET, the large HOUSES, 11 and 23, T U lsterville Avenue; newly painted and papered; every accommodation for respeetable c family ; immediato possession.-Apply, I, Corn Market. 181G4 fa RNBINN ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TBE CUNAIID LINE i'IEiUII'S VERIY MODERATE. (;'.%'Al, :UAII ST 1-AMh1IS FitlIU LIVERlPOOL 10NEV ofit cyc.i y sATrURDAY anld 13UST0N . - tnWN% I 'ZN -.iD AY, IH iill~iUtillOttel. .,liIlLaootig'ii12'dinie Jinetlaluat TIhrougii-hZaOti8 'I C lttloilig tfr oli r 1 ' Id;L Mo1 btettlelrcs ae fin. iL.e to1 Iilfrm In V1.1 \EWlOOL, via QuoustowUit~l' i (I, l H, C.,? I coll esdy, Nov. 11, fc,,l r~iI ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 3NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS A sEC1rT order of the Post Office states - that letters addressed toInitials or Ficti. tious Names tiU be sent to the Dew- an( letter Ofice,Dublin. Advcrtiscrsashould, Oil consequently, giye their full and proper N nameswhell theydesire to receivecom- P munications at a Post Office. Letters can be addressed to Initials, at the NEWs- LETr;Ux Office, as heretofore. FT LOST ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO BE LET OR SOLD. J ANSDOWNE TERRACE, Botanic Avenue. S -Splendid new l-OUSE, nicely painted and papered; three reception, six bed rooms, hot and cold.baths, lavatory, &c.-Apply at No. 1. 1S237 1 RICHMOND CRESCENT ,TO LET; three L,'reception rooms, seven bedrooms, and con- Dervatory, at reduced rent ; free to 1February.- Apply at No. 2. 18220 C OMMODIOUS OFFICES TO LET in Done- J gall Place; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... L.A1j1S' 'BOX COATS, dic. 7 tPG1 S7c'OK OF NFI'EST MALTEIlrLS 1i aW'd COLOULINGS Jor BOX and NEW- ' OAI 'S. ;yng Lady 7nay be pleased in 71C, ,ualityt, and Style. lLS 'ERS t0 Order, fron 30Ss to 63s. 11A2- C11S CURLEY, 11IGH STREET. 10549 THE BAZAAR. 1 I0; OOD BROS : |Arcnow shofsing a very lare aind varied stuck of DALL AND EVENING DRESS .UA'':1k'ERUS, I|I tthe Neest Te.,t ures aid ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICEi TO ADVERTISERS A MIaMsT order of the Post Office states that letters addressed to Initials or Ficti. tious Nanmes itill be sent to tlss Dea,- lettcrOflice, Dublin. Advertisersshould, consequently, givo their full and proper names when they desire to receivo coi. municatioiis at a Post Office. Letters can be addressed to Initials, at the Nhws- LisErF.n Oflice,as h6ereOifort. LOST._ ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 11ANDI) 213M EN(GLANDD 1! J1,FLA&IT ad Fl t.'LiC12T OOI STBEA, ER , 12 Ca',i10ilhoca..1 Y,,ri~shii , Olid Liaondo n id1North l3At plln aiNIa (olii'al s. SnoanIe~rF-E'Lul Of DI~tOV I Jo ol t ill III, '111010 1,11Dii i'1e, Prinicess of Wales. j 100 EN caolil (Stpivs.7 wid casoalties excnptela) .1 'ofro Ic 0201011115 reult:-ti L WI C III TO 'II]IPST ua, s lIi i ..(1,0 7 1081 (1:3l o10- 1-151 p-n ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PAIThTM1rgTTAR;Y NOTICE. numblered in t1he said plans hereinafter referred to l, 2, 3, 4, and 5, in the T'ownland of Bally- mullock, the said Townbiuls of Dromain,,Killy- glen, and Ballymullock, being in the Parish or errange of .hillyglen, in the o.oresaidl barony and county. A portion of land v&rTaining Om. 2r. 25p., or thereabouts, situate in the fields or parcels of ground numbered 1, 2, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... JtFI,FAS7 'STFAH SHIP COMIPANY MINUTTFP, r- 1JLY iL,.X!-~%L~t 'it) LIVELiO'OtL._ -03,,rmoi _jY A..N~ AItAUiNtTIC, ELECT14IC, T.'tLOd LI IIIAJ tit orafter the followituc hours- ',131Lit- A. at ; Li2, it Ii 013, at iii; 21, [It .dl:1all -2 lit 7; 3, tit 74; 5.i't I,; fi C I 7avd a', Si o1,~-, aiid u-I, Ut Iv-jo , 2 ,, . i; -7, 2o, aU, A0 .I-oil 1lIVEIIPOI, (Clareace D~ocil. 'R 0.- a: it); -004 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... k1OTICJi TO ADVERTISERS A rEmEat order of the Post Office states that letters addressed to Initials or Ficti. tionu Names trill be sent to the Dea-'. Lelteroflice, Dublin. Advertiserssliould, consequently, give their full and proper names when they desire to receive corn. munications at a Post Office, Letters can be addrcssed to Initiabls, at tho Nrws. LETTE;1 Oflice,as lierctofore. LOST. TOST ...

Advertisements & Notices

... To 33F LET OR SOLD. A HOUSE and SHOP TO LET, with good r Ai. yard, 44, Hutchinson Street, and 11,,Pal- j inerston Streot ; rent moderate.-Apply, 85, b Vrosvenor Street. 18011 pi fYODMbIODIOUS OFFICES TO LET in Done- T lcJmgail Place; also, large ROOMS, suitable CE tor photographer or assembly-rooms.-William r 3IPCormick, Chiohester Street. 17892 j FFFICES TOT LET in Castle Chambers and tc ,F ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CIOTICE TO ADVERTISERS Amcm oraler of the Post Office states that letters addressed to Initials or Fieti. {ious Names 71 be .qent to Ahe Dce'. : ac ,et'tei Crlee, Dublin. Ad\vertiscls sloultd th coosequently,give 1IN-ir full and proper t pames whem they dcsir. to receive corm nnunications at a Post Offime. Letter. cnn be addressed to Initiaij'tt the Ninrgs- listTvn Oflice,as heretofore. HT fa ...