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Belfast News-Letter




Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland

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Belfast News-Letter

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE TO ADvERTISERS A . cur= order of the Post Office states that letters addressed to Initials or Fioti. tious Names wisl bc 8ent to thc Dea,- ILtw'Oflcew Dublin. Advertisersshould, rionsequiently, give their full and proper names when they desire to receive corn- mruninations at a Post Office. Letters ean be addressed to Initials, at the Nuws. LRrsM Office, as heretofore. LODGINGS.S. *COLI ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO BE LET OR SOLD. LBE ET, a Suite of OFFICES, excecd- T ingly well fitted up; situation desirable.- Apply4Box. 105, Post Office. 176l4 TO. 12, UNIVE RSITY SQUARE ; in excel- 1 lent order.-Apply to John Groenhill, 85, Eigh Street. 17835 1AANSDOWNE TERRACE, Botanic Avenue. _1A -Splondid new 1OUS13, nicely painted nnd papered; threo reception, six bed rooms, hot aud cdbatbhs, lavatory, &o.-Apply ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rX.LF AST STEAMSE1tlrCOMPANY LIMIITED. lbt, TEAAERi TiO LIVE'`; POOL. - VOJt'I'\T( Xti ZAuNi -TIC, EdLECTRtIC, TFEl>- L1L-A'a or alter the tollowinig hours - ji N -Xl. ILi. L'i ad o , .'t -l, ~i; 0 l, 8 ii 'i t10; 10iLL Li; ii, lit ii ; 12, at ii: 11, lif ]'lM -I'L~OOIL (Clarence Dock)., C NOW- il-n.- i, L U ., UaI-i; jii ~;4, i1CJ; 5,'It 91 ttai. al ILa 10, tlit a1; I ,.It I;i, at2 13 - 8'. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO BE LET OR SOLD. 0 LETJ IOUSE and SHOP, with BAKE R ROUSE and large YARD, No. 49, Mill Etreet.-Apply to J. Robb & Co., Castle Place. 18552 URNISHED RIOUSE TO LET, Antrim Road; two reception, BiY bedrooms, piano, hiot and cold baths; moderate terms.-Address, urnished House, 186G8, News-Letter Office. ITrpO LET, 12, UNIVERSITY SQUARE; AL immediate possession ; excellent order.- iohn Greenhill ...

Advertisements & Notices

... : ) D F' S S S U I T S , 0. LVIE'MEN IREQUIRING 1;ESS SUITS ( cs'aiet pnosiblyq get better value than 1 offer i7Z Wl,,tu tlfdghoul Wool Dyed Cloths. , 1ANCIS CURLEY, 73 mo 63, HIGH STREET. : ~10.,19 I ILLINE1\Y DEP.&RTMENT. J: OIIN IIANNAN & IS MAIING A SPECIAL DISPLAY of :1LLINE'RY in all1 its Brauches. ;0Clf0lCI: DI:SIGiN's IS i MILLINERY BONNETS, IME FEUTIhE AN\TIQUE, FERLT, FUR, aud SILK ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO CLEPIG 'MEIV. CLERICAL SIT'S AXDi OlERCOATS 7 O 11 HElEL, 21111FF SPECIAL PRICED j ,SUl'TS, ,( 80;-, and 90,J-, all of whicju will Z wi'U Ie hiohly lviwficial in wecTr. biua'llt III'$ a0Mlnd Cap to order, 21.- I.EAINCIS CURLEY, CLEWICAL AND GENEl'AL OUTFITTE11. 10549 THlTS EVENING. IT. LE CHEVALIER NlEDZIELSKI 'ILI, 1'LAY, IN ST. MARY'S HALL, I:.rot1uetiojn and Cadenza de la Streghe (Danse ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PIP'ABTlENTAlY NOTICE. IN PARLIAIEN'T. SESSION 1882. BEIFAST III1BOUPR. (Power to alter and extend Clarendon Dock- Power to construit Tidal Docl: and Deep -Water Quay-Power to excavate, dredge, and remuove portion of West Twvin Island, slob lands, and foreshore-Diversion of -Mile Water River and closing present course of same-lixtension of thoe Victoria Cleannel seawards--New Graving Dock and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... tIOTICE TO ADVERTISERS A TILRNT order of the Post Office states thatletters addressed toInitials or Ficti- tious Names rill bIe sent to the Dea,'. ItelerO- ice, Dublin. Advertisersshould, consequently, give their full and proper nameswhen they desire to receivo coIn- mnunicrrtions at a Post Offiec. Letters can be addressed lo Initials, at the Nmws. LIETTER Ofliceas Ireretofore. HOUSES, ETC -W ...

Advertisements & Notices

... JLADlFS'PO0.X COATS, (tc. T :A1G1 ST7'0CK OF NEWEST MATERIALS J and COLOT TIiNGS for BOX a nd IINEJII}- iFIILiK:7' t.A4TS. Any Lady mnay be pleased. in 1'7ric, a t q, and Stl le. t ULSTILhS` to order, fromn 30s to G3s. : 11'ANCISC CURLEY, HIGH STREET. 10549 a LUDIES' OUTFITTING WAREROOMS, 4.V, DOXE:GALL PLACE . (FI11ST FLOOR UPsTAIRS8), S BELFAST. P: . O'BRIEN C lgSPECTFULLY SOLICITS AN ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO BE LE T OR SOLD. 0to LET, HOUSE and SHOP, with BAKE IL HOUSE and large YARD, No. 49, Mill 1 BtreeL-Apply to J. Robb & Co., Castle Place. 18552 wfi~LE 12, NIERSITY SQUARE,; 1h IL immediate possession; excellent order.- tohn-Greenlhll, 35-High Streot. 18562 T ARBGE YARD~lwith DWFILING-HOUSEoff 1 J Shankhill Boad, suitable for carpenter, car- j pman, darwy. &e. .ent modernte.-Francis Brown,. i ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OYLAAIL ROUTE TO AND FROhl ENGLAND TIELFA6T and FLE'ETIVOOD STEAMERS,and V lb, ll~abhieanYorckshiiro, and London miid Northi ;\ rtern ~ludWay C~1'maIlis. Steamersi-Earl of Ulster B I~h,,fC~l~ajgjt, floDudale. princess of WaII. Voy j*I4ISFASiT TO FLEETWOOD2; fvr Fv5eging Isutidays aid casuiilties exraptedil 51 6 p1011,, or i's soion uitter its the title, permits. =0r. FlLET WOOD 'PO BELFAST. ...