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Belfast News-Letter



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Belfast News-Letter

Advertisements & Notices

... TO BE LET OR SOLD. LBE ET, a Suite of OFFICES, excecd- T ingly well fitted up; situation desirable.- Apply4Box. 105, Post Office. 176l4 TO. 12, UNIVE RSITY SQUARE ; in excel- 1 lent ?? to John Groenhill, 85, Eigh Street. 17835 1AANSDOWNE TERRACE, Botanic Avenue. _1A -Splondid new 1OUS13, nicely painted nnd papered; threo reception, six bed rooms, hot aud cdbatbhs, lavatory, &o.-Apply at No. 1. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rX.LF AST STEAMSE1tlrCOMPANY LIMIITED. lbt, TEAAERi TiO LIVE'`; POOL. - VOJt'I'\T( Xti ZAuNi -TIC, EdLECTRtIC, TFEl>- L1L-A'a or alter the tollowinig hours - ji N -Xl. ILi. L'i ad o , ?? -l, ~i; 0 l, 8 ii 'i t10; 10iLL Li; ii, lit ii ; 12, at ii: 11, lif ]'lM -I'L~OOIL (Clarence Dock)., C NOW- il-n.- i, L U ., UaI-i; jii ~;4, i1CJ; 5,'It 91 ttai. al ILa 10, tlit a1; I ,.It I;i, at2 13 - ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE TO ADvERTISERS A . cur= order of the Post Office states that letters addressed to Initials or Fioti. tious Names wisl bc 8ent to thc Dea,- ILtw'Oflcew Dublin. Advertisersshould, rionsequiently, give their full and proper names when they desire to receive corn- mruninations at a Post Office. Letters ean be addressed to Initials, at the Nuws. LRrsM Office, as heretofore. LODGINGS.S. *COLI ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO BE LET OR SOLD. 0 LETJ IOUSE and SHOP, with BAKE R ROUSE and large YARD, No. 49, Mill Etreet.-Apply to J. Robb & Co., Castle Place. 18552 URNISHED RIOUSE TO LET, Antrim Road; two reception, BiY bedrooms, piano, hiot and cold baths; moderate terms.-Address, urnished House, 186G8, News-Letter Office. ITrpO LET, 12, UNIVERSITY SQUARE; AL immediate possession ; excellent order.- iohn Greenhill ...

Advertisements & Notices

... : ) D F' S S S U I T S , 0. LVIE'MEN IREQUIRING 1;ESS SUITS ( cs'aiet pnosiblyq get better value than 1 offer i7Z Wl,,tu tlfdghoul Wool Dyed Cloths. , 1ANCIS CURLEY, 73 mo 63, HIGH STREET. : ~10.,19 I ILLINE1\Y DEP.&RTMENT. J: OIIN IIANNAN & IS MAIING A SPECIAL DISPLAY of :1LLINE'RY in all1 its Brauches. ;0Clf0lCI: DI:SIGiN's IS i MILLINERY BONNETS, IME FEUTIhE AN\TIQUE, FERLT, FUR, aud SILK ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LADIE.S' BOX COATS, d&c. J.ARGA' STOCAK OF NE WEST 1114T2'ERIALS Land COLO(TINGS for BOX and NErWT% wAlKWE COA ?? Any Lady may be pleased in 'r ic, Qualitil, (a7nd Style. CLT TLi S to Order, from 30s to 63s. llR ANC]S CUURLEY, IIIGH STREET. 10549 -! THE BAZAAR. :WOOD BROS. Are now showing a very large and varied stoch, of BALL AND EVENING DRESS MATERIALS, In the Newest Textures and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... JLADlFS'PO0.X COATS, (tc. T :A1G1 ST7'0CK OF NEWEST MATERIALS J and COLOT TIiNGS for BOX a nd IINEJII}- iFIILiK:7' t.A4TS. Any Lady mnay be pleased. in 1'7ric, a t q, and Stl le. t ULSTILhS` to order, fromn 30s to G3s. : 11'ANCISC CURLEY, HIGH STREET. 10549 a LUDIES' OUTFITTING WAREROOMS, 4.V, DOXE:GALL PLACE . (FI11ST FLOOR UPsTAIRS8), S BELFAST. P: . O'BRIEN C lgSPECTFULLY SOLICITS AN ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO BE LE T OR SOLD. 0to LET, HOUSE and SHOP, with BAKE IL HOUSE and large YARD, No. 49, Mill 1 BtreeL-Apply to J. Robb & Co., Castle Place. 18552 wfi~LE 12, NIERSITY SQUARE,; 1h IL immediate possession; excellent order.- tohn-Greenlhll, 35-High Streot. 18562 T ARBGE YARD~lwith DWFILING-HOUSEoff 1 J Shankhill Boad, suitable for carpenter, car- j pman, darwy. &e. .ent ?? Brown,. i $4, 3611 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OYLAAIL ROUTE TO AND FROhl ENGLAND TIELFA6T and FLE'ETIVOOD STEAMERS,and V lb, ll~abhieanYorckshiiro, and London miid Northi ;\ rtern ~ludWay C~1'maIlis. Steamersi-Earl of Ulster B I~h,,fC~l~ajgjt, floDudale. princess of WaII. Voy j*I4ISFASiT TO FLEETWOOD2; fvr Fv5eging Isutidays aid casuiilties exraptedil 51 6 p1011,, or i's soion uitter its the title, permits. =0r. FlLET WOOD 'PO BELFAST. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PAILIAMENTARY NOTICE. power, subject to such conditions and restrictionS as may be provided by the Bill. To authorize and empower the Company to enter upon and open the surface of, and to alter and stop up, remove, aud otherwise interfere with streets, rotds, highways, railways, tramways, bridges, footpaths, watercourses, sewers, drains, pavements, pipes, tubes, wires, and apparatus within any ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LADIES' 'OX CO(.1'S, (Cc., T 17'GI. STOCK OF NIEWIEM'ST Af,lTERIA4LS' and GC)r,( A)U NjU.(S /0or BOX and 't NA1. i.4 ?? J. I A (,11S. A vy Lady mtay be pleased in i1iC' qt(jjt~it, (andZ Stgle. ULSTAICS to !9,derfli 30s to 63s. Fli ANCIS CURLEY L . 110M1 STREET. 10549 i LY~o1E' OUTFIlTTING WAREROOMZS, } 4.i, )ONLEG'ALL PLACE (2II:SFT LOOn UPISTAIRIS), BR:IY,6AT. 11 Th O'B RIEEN n if ...