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Freeman's Journal


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Freeman's Journal

Advertisements & Notices

... AUCTIONS. THUSD Y, 11th Nover. lri. LAND AND AHAIIYSE PROVPTi SALES. I CH AEL C R OO K E S IMPORTA-NT SALES BY AUCTION. In 'is Rooms 10 LOWER ORMObW QUAY V3n THfURSDAY47lh November, 1881; Commerncng at One o'clock, mncludes- 5a3r2pZattd9 Newtown, heldfor ever;sentfree, Ansd let for £50 per annum. JoHn WairE, Esq, Solicitor, 9 Merchants' quay. S4 Irish Acres Land, Dlvellingbouse ?? Offices, Old ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Stcasa Cacre i_ * tablO Pat 'fterscsQ f StonapptU kaSxI& OD, zrrac, sr flamne treet flibuL rALItI; *FuneralRequisof every descriptfon 1 ppied. 1 and 0 Iseazale street, PaiPl) Advertisements of Specific Artides, Anf- 1 ?? aC, tar sale or vanted; Lodgings vacant or =O; ADt .intmentS vacan or wanted; 2'uitions, Lost, 1 ii. :, unatmonial, and other occasiocal annoance- s ,I 4..c likce, from ...

Advertisements & Notices

... APARTMENTS YAAGATv. ?? NTUlNIFITED, Second Filoor, front; woold suit an Li artisan and family or persons engaged In the macsets. 9) Greenl street. opposite the Recorder's Court. 1NFCRNIS1ET.F top llooim near Ratbraines in U!;e per wek. Addrcess, for thrieeclays, 5413, Freeman Off~iice. LT-NiURNIHED;14 Anna VJIlla Cnlflenswood; 2 i apsurtments; nse of kitchen. 57 'iJATILI, ho ready on ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC NOTICES. GAIE oTHEATRE. Mlr CFiARTlES REBRAlD'S OPERA COMPANY, THIS (Saturify)) EVFNXNG, November 26th, At S. the celebrated Comic ()pera (i 3 Acts), LES CLOCHIES DE CORN EVILLE rrices 5s, 4, s Cd ?? Is, and &l. lux Oflice at Craner's. MODAY ijXIr, Novenber 28 ca Wr DION BOUCICAULT, BarrAccompanied by M-iss Mari de Grey Mr Al Barrymoro, &c. Tn THE SHAUGtHRAUN. 13062 G A I E T Y H TR. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC NOTICES. ?? I FC T Y T H E A T R E. ?? Slx Wiaht-i Only, MrCfTARLF.S BRNARD'S OPERA COMPANY. THWS (3l.onllaY) EVEIN.ING, November 21st, A' 8, the ceeirafted Comic OperaX (In A.cts), LFS CLOClIES DR CORNPSVILLE. MfFelc by R Plancjuette. Adapted by H B Farnle ad Bn Reece) From the Folly and Globe Theatres, London. Comiplete Choms and Auginented Band. prieeq e's; 4, 2s 6d, 2a.ns, nd 64. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - AUCTIONS. - T~i DY (Tud&V, I, 7th November, IsS31 U2jUiSBR VEt) ?? tE, NORTh IN F~gREPS, ?? rtant to R, Con nd lotato Contractors* 'sS OF VALUABLE LEASEHOLD IN-1EREST In the Dwelibouse Yd and ExtenslYe Premises, Situate arid know as NoINEw LlSBUJRX STREF.t Uarifln ?? azoonamodationl for carrying PoItao, and other Commission DnsinesS. p inghon is conaortable. There is a rarlce. ?? 'wth lofts ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PARLrAMENTARY NOTICE S. IN PARIAAMFN'T. SPESS3N lS8l-RL CORE FILL (DUBLIN) BUILDING AND GENEi~RAL *.MEPROVEMENiTS BILL. Incorporation of Company. Power to raise Clpital; new andi irmproved streets; purchase of lands, houIses, And buildings by compulsion er othersvie: erection of houses, contracts and anrormerrts with other Corn- prnies, Corporations or Persorrs, Power to conpmny ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AtTCTIONIS. COUNTY K(ILD'ARE. Highly fmpotrtxnt to Agrictlltu-rists, Grazier.e, I mand '3tlinrs. SALr, of valnable LEASeHOLD INTEREST In ?? of PRIME LAND), Fifty U.'res, of which is under grassi. Si .Tro BE SOLD BY A UlCT ION',b At Crooke's Public Salerooms, P 10 LrWER OIIMONI-QIAYA, On TH UISDAY, 17th of November, ISSI, Byr directions of tho owner. 'Th~e Interest in the Lease ot bits Farm, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A PPOILTMENTS 'WAY7TBED. &IOC , go pluin, rceiiires 3 spieiatio~n as tbove; can ¶-be welreconimeiided fronsi her last Mistress, where she lived two ye s.Address r122 Freeman )OKgood ya g~ouao, ?? Servant in sinslifamly;atenj tale icey;no objection to ?? ecmmended. Ad- p IhPEIY ; Yopect~able, Man who understands the keeping of books, ix goodi eovresponilent, waentS; I Bitaatioa in above ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC NOTICES. fA I E T Y T H E A T R E G Flor Three Nightq Only, Mr CHARTE.i ItEIRNARD'S OPERA COMPANY. THIS JilmosdtaY) .FMNING. November 24th, At 8, the co~ebrated Cmnic Opera (in 3 Acts), LES CLOC H SDE CORN EVILLE htusic by Rt Ply quette. Adapted by H B Farnie and R Reece) Frome tbe2S.. f' ntmd Globe Theatres, London. prices5.,, 4q. 2,4 &I.24, Is, and &d. Box Office &tCraeneies. MONDAY ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 17:72:1 t~~tzijtt . V. ~~ t * sin'll e Paz::' I c itti i i., iarg-'nt a.S-ut.7'ei? to -- ?? -- .4.12 1 ..tJ LiC~t~i'. ititt t. ic~it~i, n ~xiD\ ifIS- .il~t-o Sz',ectic Artid;~, Amto-I r iti 'ant Ut\SCanL L: int -frotit pt'vut - tnii i - l: atit -ii i r the do. Ltaiit~i -n ut l - ?? Pat the .,i- Z( tL t ?? :.;itdut ii: .ti~,vrti st the price it tMO. rtS .-NJL Nucvz2'JLL& ?? ?? IJULn,4.-. iU ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,- PUBLIC NOTICES. A I E T Y T h E A T R E. GR THIS DAY (qatLSaturday), Nov 19th (at 2), Day Performance of H M S PINAFORE. (Last Night of . r lOYL.Y CARTES OPERA COMPANY. THIS EVENING (Saturday) Nov IMth, Farewell visit of the Suc~eenstl Nautical Oper3 U.M.KS PINAFORE, By W S Gilbert aud Arthur Sullivan. Preceded (at 8) by In the Sulks. Complete chorus and au'emted band. MoNDAY NEXT, NoV ...