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Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE TO ADvERTISERS A . cur= order of the Post Office states that letters addressed to Initials or Fioti. tious Names wisl bc 8ent to thc Dea,- ILtw'Oflcew Dublin. Advertisersshould, rionsequiently, give their full and proper names when they desire to receive corn- mruninations at a Post Office. Letters ean be addressed to Initials, at the Nuws. LRrsM Office, as heretofore. LODGINGS.S. *COLI ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO BE LET OR SOLD. LBE ET, a Suite of OFFICES, excecd- T ingly well fitted up; situation desirable.- Apply4Box. 105, Post Office. 176l4 TO. 12, UNIVE RSITY SQUARE ; in excel- 1 lent order.-Apply to John Groenhill, 85, Eigh Street. 17835 1AANSDOWNE TERRACE, Botanic Avenue. _1A -Splondid new 1OUS13, nicely painted nnd papered; threo reception, six bed rooms, hot aud cdbatbhs, lavatory, &o.-Apply ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rX.LF AST STEAMSE1tlrCOMPANY LIMIITED. lbt, TEAAERi TiO LIVE'`; POOL. - VOJt'I'\T( Xti ZAuNi -TIC, EdLECTRtIC, TFEl>- L1L-A'a or alter the tollowinig hours - ji N -Xl. ILi. L'i ad o , .'t -l, ~i; 0 l, 8 ii 'i t10; 10iLL Li; ii, lit ii ; 12, at ii: 11, lif ]'lM -I'L~OOIL (Clarence Dock)., C NOW- il-n.- i, L U ., UaI-i; jii ~;4, i1CJ; 5,'It 91 ttai. al ILa 10, tlit a1; I ,.It I;i, at2 13 - 8'. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... p Gat-Li ALEXANDRA THEAMR. c:AD OR'NING P'ERFORMANCE, S.1217:DA.Yt NLZT, AT Two oCL-ocT. 'E R C R uST. AA 3Un. P.AFRXA2Y DOZBL~tCXECX MFO !.TAN T 1T BIDI2 T. L. AG EI~NAO'T 0 0 L B, f ?? IGIITS L, FOLLY .THEATXE0 . L. TOOLZ P'3 .~R E.OZ.LY TUEATRIt COMPANY, tte Ui.. ewful Arthotes: ~~ MNr i E 'ror, F_~E L~oiton. G ?? L joAM, a. A~lD A i~ m;io. 3fe ~~ Jomstooe. aad erut -TvpsD4T3 na w.7 32amw ...

Advertisements & Notices

... the - e-f- w'I ..aus eclaiser, Dutiaer, ±.Ogemne. by U ND RRT KER b. IO kg' FUZZMELAL CARW.AG E PflOPEIETOE, In ria- 1I 'ap- 25, OLDIHAM-STREET, 035 ,er.A H. 2. MYfRTLE-STREZT, A. 87, GT. G31ORGS-STR9=L .In) l~Wcjal2 Ile, &W D. BUSBY, L1I1EIME_. ~G.FUNEFRAIS FUMNIISHED A.ND DIRECTED net WITH REFIN.EMENT A~N- ECONOM~y. , d- 66 To 72, ST. the LIVERPOOL DENTAL HOSPITAL. :era ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ILax THMAS MAGUIRE,~ |~ ~~D QC1 EO:I S 3K BR. IB E, AND samd FUNfEAL CARIEAGE PRoEITOB G 25, OLDH AC-Srai;ETG 2. IYRBE;-STREET, AND 87, G P D. BUSBY,_LE 1fITED SA WFITRHS FURINISR AND DIREOCTED a g IWITEF0MEN A.Nr oCOMy. G 66 TO 7, ST. AI-E-STREET. corn Z aunoM4 ?? rose TAMIES' 1EVENING SHOES, Direct from 'Madlame Bard's, Paris-.The proprletors of Son ,sthe Bon Marchd have just received a very ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS. Xt whib Replies to Advertisemnent aprigin the Lier-, 'ml Mecr r eceived free of cag, Andweeiiao may'g, be consulted. 3 Aoxe~rtiseinents of this cietat Mre vore ill hecharreA Theosnl salearle. oniessanouncement inserted F yo,nd- alsb, rc leay.' To be Let.' Wanted, Fo ke., will also be charged scale price. 8iSeep Reference List. Mercnry-oflte. mneans that persons5 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... (The Thtra will 'be Csopd to _ Hors' ?Soveme JUeRnt. j sD C-- THE SHEAUGHRAUt . £ BTrfA par. November 25. K sN1EFIT OF 2 . F. WliINSON -N , 'tzt Following FvenlnDs, s- AD )IF3S. EDWARD S. ER- iL fY AUDLEY'S bECRET, I GzYS GEXR'LDE (NOTHING MORMf - And a Papolar Farce. 'rice, -> d~is f rom Eleven tf1 Poor. I f .. vzslnk r-:rmncaz3e.. n y 'vv oFtloco: comce az~y-gO.F ~u:L ttX~ ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NI 5COLL ?? AD o * *TI124s.P00 1 Aa.-ZYON JL NGENTLME-JN frpom seeia LEA & PERRIIN'S a V-, to 4y tbai the orsgru..t bean ba sz-~re on tire it-e. for I sto loktoseure the gennine M -ii, WOPRCESTE RSHRh~E UC.da 12- ?,~i1~t4tA by the Proprietors, VV~2> Wrco-eter, Com- sant BLsewieil, Landon; pre ?? en lyl mix tAX THUSA-ND SOLD.1 ia ITHUE -FST ENGINE O AE mai citoPSSLflY BROTHERS, Ltd. I aill N _ ...

Advertisements & Notices

... M L A2 S.a . ID~ i F !OR FOVE NIGHTS ONLT. u.- s D EDWARD SAKER T -_ . zapted by M. G erta. spt D .cDEY'S SECRPET. £Z4 i theD E and ori-inaa Me * Sc.e. !z o act. bsT. F-2ar Pemher-,.j AnEie En e.b i= v a'..ory of the Ot it w r- GNT-E GERThrDE, a hedd Osa. of Rnmeor; or, flrnzged and i ?? pn~mad in ]Yttn D2sn. %W. -for ., . ?? Fward Sak^er PA ?? m E Sw~ix r & Mk 65, t; e ?? FLr cc. 31ILFS'S ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CUNARD IMNTE. NOTC.'~st te vew f lmi~ahn~tb~chace Sof O371n th Aow~d as from Oneenstoee n toY e ork ?? BAeTAVIcrsAy me ihnd V4 Boton to. th GALLIA ?? ?? o 1 ?? WRIIS ?? No ORTH- . A1SfltR 19 FALN RMLVRO OOL. ICA QUESO N BOTHYIA. ?? York..n. Sct MARAT ON . rrett ?? ?? ?? . Oct. 29 ?? g.Cook5 ai~d2 G.nNe Aor. .3v.2 *RETURN TICKETS. ?5, 30. and 35 GUINEFAq. Steerage Passage to New ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 4~ommlrntra1 bairb.; Is JOJIJNST()N,~ -NJLES.~- A-N-nD CO., CAIR)IFF, C II -EM V- 0 T1E i1 A~t \N .\AND ?? ANAI)IAN l'F tT I 4() Lt'( A N' it .1.'1,OU SAlN'lD t *1 ?? l1'AIIS ;'MII)lEDr 1( 12 1R It L S, I i V i, IE I ?? (OMPLEFiP, VITH'tli iPAClKLN( HAMS.- .3I N I 5> 1- L RT, . i E J~u iyiL \(I 1UtIX 9.ALI> 1111S l :S 1; 1 X i M oslfTEU' B 1, L L I E S 1 t zt [> 1 !> { .r S > es - -r . i, . i ...