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... FREBMASON BRY. Royal Masonic Benvolent Institution. The CommitteeofManagementof ?? Wei- neoday at Freemasons' Hall, Dr. JABRZ HOGG, P. G.D., in the chair. The other brethren present were C. J. Percival, C. A. Cottebrune, J. S. Pierce, Fredk. Adlard, James Brett, Robert P. Tate, Edgar Bowyer, A. H. Tattershall, J. M. Case, H. Massey, Thomas Cubitt, G. L. Moore, J. E. Gordon Robbins, and James ...

Published: Saturday 16 September 1882
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1123 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... Mir, Irving took his benefit and brought another brilliantl successful season at the Lyceum to a close on the evening of Saturday last, when the house was crowded from footlights to ceiling by an audincne whose enthusiasm knew no bounds, the said enthusiasm sprinting, doubtless, from a desire to manifest keen appreciation of the grand and un tiring efforts of the actor- manager to satisfy the ...

Published: Saturday 05 August 1882
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1715 | Page: Page 7 | Tags: News 


... SABAH BERNHARDT'S COFFIN PORTRAITS. Two years ago it took Mdlle. Sarah Bernhardt's fancy to be photographed in the famous silk-lined coffin which the members of her household have so long been accustomed to. It was certainly a fantastic idea; but, inasmuch as the cele- brated artiste's peculiar fancies were already beyond number, the photographer, Mr Mlelandri, agreed to take the likeness as ...

Published: Saturday 25 February 1882
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 588 | Page: Page 6 | Tags: News 


... JI.E lPIIILO-TIJESPIAN.S AT OXFOtll). This amna teil inecictv ?? memulfrs of ?? Utti'csity, whteh Il ais ui etiigu tlii i feel f o22i s rae i ?? oCCicasiOniS by its perforiii;ltca'; 0 oiil an'I elsewhere, acl which iti the neafil~ ra ljirifl 'It see Ivs to teae bri'ige A. 1). , gave enter- ta imentiutS inl {lie Unill. lo ' 'll tile aftertiois altii titi of F^'ril day sil SatIurday ]a t w'eek ...

Published: Saturday 16 December 1882
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1692 | Page: Page 14 | Tags: News 


... M1ADAME DORVAL. -4 The present epoch may almost be called one of remi- niscences, and, without intending to make any comparisonrs, which, after all, serve no practical purpose, it is perllitted to us to remark that the French stage of the present daly has not the same splendour to boast of that it enjoyed in the first half of this century. At the Comedie Frarqaise there are uudoubtodly a few ...

Published: Saturday 21 October 1882
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1760 | Page: Page 7 | Tags: News 


... FREE l A S ON Pt . Royal Masonic Institution for Girls. Ois Monday evening the 235 girls in the Masonic Girls' School at St. John's-hill, Battersea Rise, were treated to an entertainment by Br Michael Mullen, of Bradford. The enter- tainment, which is styled 2sMirth, Music, and Mimicry, and received a favourable notice in The Eta of March 21st, 1880, consists of some capital delineations of ...

Published: Saturday 23 December 1882
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1568 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... TO THE EDITOR OF THE EIRA. 8ilr,-leferring to the statement in TYhe Era of the t8th inst., that there is no truth in the report that Madame Ristori will shortly appear at Drury-lane Theatre, I beg, as Madame Xistori's solicitor, to state that it is her intention to comn over to England at the commencement of July next, having made arrangements with Mr Augustus Harris to take Drury-lane Theatre ...

Published: Saturday 25 March 1882
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 800 | Page: Page 7 | Tags: News 


... ROYAL GENERIAI E WIIETRICAL FUND BENEREIT. The annual bouedt of the admirable fund named above, which has for its objcet- ts all intercsted ii theatrical matters doubtless know-the welfare of actors and actresses who have found old age,'incapacity for work, or poverty overtaking them, and which is therefore entitled to the most liberal support, took place at Drury-lane Theatre ol the afternoon ...

Published: Saturday 25 March 1882
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1819 | Page: Page 7 | Tags: News 


... ITHE NEW EDD iSTONE LIGHTHOUSE. The Duke of Edinburgh left London at four o'clock on Thursday morning to stavt the light of the new ]?ddystone lhehthouse, and set its fog-bell going for the first time. A sailor's task was performed in a thoroughly sailor-like fashion ;aud the brief proceedings on the rock, under the inspiriting iniuences of a rising wind, were carried through with. out a hitch ...

Published: Sunday 21 May 1882
Newspaper: Lloyd's Weekly Newspaper
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 687 | Page: Page 6 | Tags: News 


... I S. IiARiMER.-YOU have no more claim to any of, the property of your intestate mother than any of her children has. They all take equally. You miestsettle the matterainicably. JNo. THODAS.-l. There may be a local act giving such a power to the Vestry.-2. Any person wvho is rated or assessee Cto the Poor rate iu a value of not less than 201. a year, isl liable to serve on a jury-3. Yes; the ...

Published: Sunday 21 May 1882
Newspaper: Lloyd's Weekly Newspaper
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 2269 | Page: Page 11 | Tags: News 


... . From the Rte2istrar-general's return we r learii that during the week ending Decem- ber 16 the annual rate of mortality in 28 great towns of EnglandandWales averaged 2611 per 1,000 of their aggregate popula- i tion, which was estimated at 8,469,571 uer- sons in the midaale of this year. The rates I of mortal2ty in the several towns, ranged in order from the lowest, were as follow:- t Bristol ...

Published: Sunday 24 December 1882
Newspaper: Lloyd's Weekly Newspaper
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 419 | Page: Page 8 | Tags: News 


... I The camip of Wimbledon opened yesterday with every urospect of its proving a most sliccessful gathering if only the wveather proves fine. TIhe lcoacil of the National Rifle association ale enabled to announce a very satisfactorv all-rould improve montt in the number of entries. The changes of position and also an improvement in the arrangements for the shooting for the Queen's prize have ...

Published: Sunday 09 July 1882
Newspaper: Lloyd's Weekly Newspaper
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 506 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: News