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... ,THE SA&TURDXY EVENING CONCErtTS. The twenty-ninth season of tite Saturday Even- ;ing Concerts, arranged by the directorate of the (}lasgow Abstciners' Union, wvas inaugurated in the City H-all on Saiturday night. Despite the fact that no decided novelties were promised, andi that the management only undertook to pre- sent what may be called a good average entertain- ment- the au~dienlce ...


... ROYALTY THI ATRE -MISS WALLIS. Theatre-goers who have been educated to the point o3 appreciating acting which is always intelligent and such as to satisfy tie nmost re- lined taste, wrilt be glad to now-il they have not already acqulainted themselves with the fact -that M~liss ~allis has comeo to the city in iul- filment of a very briet enagemeut at the Royalty 'theatre. A few Weeks since she ...


... INTERNAYTONAL FISHERIES EXHIBITIOlN. OFFICIAL LIST OF AWARDS. The oflicial list of the awards made ly the jurors on the various classes of exhibits have now, with the exception of two classes, been completed, and last evening were given to the representatives of the newspapers. In one of these classes the jurors have not quite com- pleted their work; in the other the bharacter of the exhibits ...


... LITBERAT URE - -I ti (1) Hidsory of the Insane in tke British Isles. a, A dark house and a whip for madmen was, not a thoughtless expression on the part of, r, Shakespeare. nor did it spring from any! y want of sympathy towards those labouring I so under the most distressing of human afflic. .o tions. On the contrary, he has wealth of kindly 'h thought to suggest, not only for Lear ...


... S.. Tho' fiery an' fiercely the sun may arise, He'll be pale ere he sinks in the west, A match will be waged till it e'en shakes the skles, An' a vict'ry be scored for the best. You brag o' the brave wha ha'e won for you fame In the red ranks o' danger so grim; The.brave for the present, whaurever their hame, r Are the skips with the best Dicket bruine! Chlorus-Then, hurrah I Johnny Frost in ...


... Lf'ERA4 TURS. Mr Joseph W1-hitaker, the editor of the Book- seRler, has lssaed An ?? lnianack for the year of our Lord 1S62 ' (Londton, 12Q Warwick Laue). It is the new isunc o0 the sanre almanatc -which has been piaced on our table for nomne years past, and requires no ruroniniendation Lroni us, seeing that it is a publication of ?? reputation. Married Wiitlhout Leave is a little book ...


... ROYAL NORMAL COLLEGE AND ACADEMY OF MUSIC FOR TaE BLIND EV5NING cONxCET. 'Me good work being done at Upper Norwood ] by the Royal Normal Coilege aid Academy of I Music for the Blind should appeal snc esalfly ' to the public sympathies. It is to be regretted . that with the exception of the higher-priced: seats St Andrew's Hall was hardly so well filled last night as it might have been, for, ...


... LITERA TUP. - rn Ti e Glagow leatf7a Lect-rf. rue or~e aeafi ail Of G:eorge Combe a lie was 515ec fehow reC5tures, an-i ith thuw biecel0.itiV in ?? during a long termt of a ht to shov; them how to train them- 'ye5 3) their children into the possession of a , r in a sound body. The great -a all' Oi' educaticn he held to be the healthy * rrntoruors developinent of the individual, s . ret obect ...


... THEATRE-ROYAL ' PROX1N'ADE' CON'CET The promneniade concert is not altogether an institution at modern times, its history in a certain respect being, indeed, traceable to thie davs oa tnie old serenade by torcnlignt iu ruianitic garden, mediival street, or tavern yard, and to the coartly reign o: pcrraiies and wax-lights at Panelaals or Vaxhaln. At tet latter scene of many a Lul:A and ievel ...


... raE MARINE EXHIBITION AT TY'E - I MOTUTH. The nort!7-east coast exhibition of naval archi- tectural, marine, engineering, fishery, aud coast- lightinlg ?? was opened yesterday at Tyne- mouth by the President-the Pight Hon. the Earl of Ravensworth-iu the preseece of a large and distinguished company. Aion.gst those present were the Djuke of Northumuberlalnd, Earl Percy, MA?., Mri Joseph Cowen, ...


... CA TTLE SHO WS. TRASRfAlER.-TheI forty-eitghth annual show of the Stran- rmer and Ithing of Gtalloway Agricultural Society was held in~ the Ballgree, Field. Stranmrer. on Toesday The day was doe, and as there were excursions by raiiway and also by a steamer from Ireland, the turu-out of people was very aimge. The entries showed an increse over recent yearS being ib all 33i ilalloway stock, ...


... SATX'I)UAY POPULAR. CONCL' cox frfS. Tho nrogralitlie sUbm:itted. at tlIC 1oncert ?? I it S ntu day eCe'nill' an ,1ich toY: ; as mtin' itcm c i i iIIl8 V'iiVi: ,Letx' ors rh.-cLC'O- Utt So sto SiticctUo i;;tcr.-iI~bv. tice 'Ii it~:to Setitihons it Aleots.IcLO.,ill, aund at cx.Ine ot the ?? CO:nnOeeu i-'elicicI Dasvid. 'fi '1-gil h rceiaX isb~lttcotniarativiV fiftle known i.! this c ntry, l )ax ...