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... SPORTINaI. LIVERPOOL MEETING-YEqBThaDnt. aOEXNTAL NEWS TELGRiM.] TrncmEwas alarge assemblageatAintreeyestaramy afternoon to witness the decision of the Liverpool Cup, although it has sadly fallen from its once high estate, the field yesterday numbering only a quartette of runners. The weather proved beauti- fully fine, the sun shining brightly during the whole of the proceedings. The fields ...


... THE MAZE LOCA FARLERS' RACF9 Tim following are 'the entries for these Trw43 which are to be 'run on the Maze CtUirse 0'? Easter Monday, the 10th inst.:- MLkzs Cup, value 40 SoVs., with 20 'O'sRdde for horses the bona-fide property, and in session prior to 1st Marcli. of hack carover_ or farmers resident in tile Counties of Bow, Antrim. Weights--4 years old, lost . veI old, list 71b; 6, 6, and ...


... SPORTIN G M1C(HESTE.R MEETING-YEsTnBDAY. LCE5NTAL N-WS TELEBA]M.] New Year's Handicap. Wiinbeer (J. Jones) 1 &jrance (Kirby) . 2 E[ih Reels (MIr. T. Spence) 3 . * 3 getting-7 to 4 on Mynheer; 2 to 1 aast Ad- vanloe. won by four lengthe; a bad third. WVininer sold to Mr.3 D. Phillips for 885 guineas. Selling Hurdle. The MiUer (W. Lawrence) .1 Briallu (J. Adams) .2 Fear,,us (G. Moran) .3. ...


... KEUPTON PARK MEETING-YESTsDAy. ti tl [CENTRAL NEWS TELEGIAl.] It The first day of the Kempton Park July Meet- a ing was commenced under favourable auspices, I the weather being bright and pleasant, which S state of things continued to the close. A fair at- C tendance in the rings and stands contrasted well with the number of persons outside, there being E only some dozen vehicles and very fev ...


... CO UR S-IN G. o tinghann, he had, after further medioal {nauiry, .1 advised her tIajestY to reSplte the capitat gen. Sir George Elliott, M.P. iB eXpeelied to arrive from Egypt on Saturflays^*hi will probablyre- sume his narliamentary dutlev on lt:ondav Last night's Court Oircg74r says DIr. Glvadstone ยข- was prevented by indisPosltion from having an audience of herMniesty at BuokiDgham P&lD10e ...


... SP.ORT IN G. * LIVERiPOOL NOTES. fSPECImAT TEGrAiZa ROi; rJTELL&B. CAPITrA sport is promised at Liverpool during the next four days, for the arrival-list last night is very large, and good fields will be the rule. Alban and Buckshot are the only Cup candidates on the spot at present, but the others will arrive in due course, and altogether the meeting pro- mises to be a thorough success. ...


... LODiOiWEiU sA=~EXICAIh LiSTITOTION V. AU GiHE COLLEGE. This the opening match of the College was played on the Institution ground on Saturday last. The result was a draw. The play was very fast throughout, and, though the College was on the defensive during most of the second half, the School failed to score, chiefly owing to, the steady tackling of MacConnell and MacMullan. The captain of the ...


... SPOTlt'rING, SANDOWN PARK MEFTING- FiCEXTRAL NEWS TiLiccitaM Selling Hurdle-Norah, 1; Storm, ; 2;t. tiu, 3. Six raln. Long Ditton Hunters'-Green Mite, I; ) 0, cock. 2; Rifler, Y. Eight ran. Priory Hunters'-Ben Bolt, 1: Subhigl1 , Three ran. Great Sandown Steenpechalse-Zoecoe l Sugar Plum, 2. Three rn n. fcelliug Steepleelase-Starnati,z l: 1Bee A 2; Afarsh Boy, :f. Six ran. Ti:c rtce wc( elared ...


... SPOIRTIN G. KEMPTON PARK, MARCH' MIETIN0.. YESTIHDAY. LCESTRAr, NLWS TBNLrOUnA.j Teddington Chase. Albert Cecil (Childs) .. 1 Hermita (Prince) .2 Cynthia (Jones) .. Also ran-Munster, Adams; Burlev,EaEton; Mignonette, Didmian. Betting-3 to 1 sgst Iernmita, 4 to 1 each agst Cynthia and Albert Cecil, 5 to 1 agst Mun- ster, 6 to 1 agsb Mignonette, 100 to S agst Burley. Won by ten longths. Hamrptou ...


... NOTTINGHAM NOT=S. rSPRCIAL TELSGRAM FROM POUrMUMB.L' NOTrZNIsAUr, MmONDAY N Trr.-The news of IIanlan's ridiculously easy victory was. promul- gated in London this afternoon before the con. clusion of club business, and several horses were quoted for coming events; but beyond demonstra- tions in favour of Dutch Oven for her two races, and the return of Wallenstein to twenties for the City and ...


... YORK NOTES. rSPEOtkL TEDEORBAM FROM oFsETETMB.L. SCANT notice was taken of the Derby or anly'other great event at York yesterday, and the pro- ceedings would have gone off as quietly as they were successful but for the tricks played by the original favourite for the Great Northern Handi- cap, Erimus, who threw his jockey at the start, and bolted to his stable close by, though be was soon ...


... BALLYME)NA ATHLETIC SPOUTS. President,-The Right Hon. Lord Waveney, the Castle, Ballvmena. Vico-Presidonts-Jaines Chaine, Esq., M.P.; A. Dawson, Esq.; IV. Gilion, 1jsq., J.P.; J. Gault, Esq.; K. Hlamilton-Jones, Elsq., J.P.; Edward Macabghton, Esq., M.P.; R. Mforton, Esq.: l. M'Ncii], Esq., J.P.; Hon. E..O'Neill, Alexander O'Rorke, Eisa.; 3ohn Patrick, Ei3q., J.P.; 1R. Simpson, Es,, J,.P., \. ...