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... CONACERTS. SOUTH.-SIWE AMIATEUR OICU 'T >.tlc * ~~~SOCIETYT. The members of the GLasgOwV Soath-Side ki Amateur Orchestral Societv cave a concert last I evening in the National ;aLls, Gorbals. Un- a fortunately the audience was ?? a liiited c ole, but this was, doubtless, largely owing to the very inclement weather. The cuncert wras n certainly worthy of better things. A progr:imnle 1, ...


... EEREFORD MLTSICAl, FESTIVAL The lengthy programme for the sesend day vi the festival, lasting from half-past elevea untfL fiv o'clock, showed that the authorities were desirou of satisfying all tastes. The first part consisted 'I nearlv the whole of Handel's Judas NIsccaM'eC the few excisions being some that v~ou th interfere with the run of the story or impen interest of the music. The ...


... aoX ?? oWN couR.sEroSPxT.) London, Sunday Night. A LzNTG preliminary correspondence in the r I Timwe, in which Onida, Mr Gilbert, Miss 5 ! Litton, Mr Herman Mdrivale, Mr Pinero, Mr Hamilton, Mr Moy Thomas, Mr Hollings- head, and Mr Henry Irving have taken part, eexcated far more public interest in favour of -Mr Hamilton's adaptation of Moths, pro- duced yesterday afternoon at the Globe ...


... jBIRMINGHAM MUSICAL FMTv44 W (FROM OUR OWN cOflRZsUOXDasT,) 'i -- ; j B'uairninghun., T:;cesdayEvu, ' ! The early morning was shosery, but b;- time for proceeding to the Town Hali, w1. 'the week's Musical Festival is to be coadt * the sun shone out brilliantly, and soon all as to the depressing meteorological iur which threatened nus yesterday were atee At half-past ten the doors were opened ...


... LITERATUBE or snseClthimP,- by Edith A. ot rst,,e to the National Health e author of The Cookery In- scietb &c (Warda, Lock & Co. London: War- a5G,, e gWjSbhurySquareO. NevwYork:lOBofd I -This is an admrisaO litle handboo hl;eet e;wect of dress, and contains much use- cc the sa' `li on the phlsiology, materials and litf, lthing It is intended chiefly as a f *or the yong hoasewife, who will ...


... LITESATURE. tl) ThU S&eechcs of Lord Baconssifed. We have only one £ault to find vwith the 8 eholarly end cultured gentle-nan (gentlernan of 1 I the age before the word was defamed by a eerey charlatanl and soiled by all ignoble use ) t who edit3 these two hanldsome and carefully ! chosen volumes. ?? is a trifle too serios. Mr Kebbel, who has transferred his old s and hossourable love for ...


... MUSIC AND TE DRIAMA '!7Ox OUR ON COMRESPONDE-T.) London, Sunday Night. I' Manola, the English version, by Mr Farnie, of M. Lecocq's latest opera Le Jour et La Nuit, was produced last night at the Strand Theatre. It need hardly be said that the English libretto differs greatly from the original. MM. Vauloo and Leterrier, the French authors, have in Lo Jour et La Nuit out- Heroded Herod ...


... 6., -S2EW THEA TRS. THE GAIEY. 1 If it be tru that the sesthetic mania is on the for decline, it is quite, clear that there is Yet a good smo' deal of vitality in Mir Burnand's clever and sue- s ceesful bit atthose people who gave, wayto the ai crazse. Since The ColoneT' %was 'first in iro dured to a Glasgow audience, in the end oil last for yait has been played before Royalty itself, anld ...


... CATTLE SHOGW. MArYEHILL. The annual exhibition of live stock under the 'Auspices tf the Marybill Agricultural Society was held in a field adjoining the railway yesterday. Some years ago this society, which has been about 30 years in existence, took a new start, and since then it has gone on improving every year. Coming between Avr and Glasgow it possesses an interest beyond its own inherent ...


... UNTEPNATIONAL FISHERIES . 5. EXHIBITION. (ialos .A SPZEAL CORRESPONDENT.) ea ?? lEdinburgh, N~ednesday. i t! A GScEAstn ange has come over the face of the w wVav' 'arket to - day-the half - vacant, t benuc' fast ffilling with objects of far more ii interesf an were previously displayed, and the; cl short la d Newhaven lasses wvaudering amid C: the avenses certainly give it a greater 'veriimiLi ...


... I 50Dt OMYLD SHOW AT rxrzmuu. C ? A great petal show at Invrrnee?, participated to ny rena asescnes,.svae held yesterilas, and ens a greaser suere5u StISI5 anyone resold nave anr:rsya:os, 'The weather was riot, and I tnebsts tsts-ntn oar its large sinesleru. Wise qailiry or die I ste-S sciowo seas eqissl to atrytliieg that baa tAilS seen tie 'I recent years cisc or the Bighlaessl Susristy's ...