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Daily News (London)


... ?? , ?? I - - OURUM 1, VaRomm . Few of 4 aetribetioa of the late r Stgujey to the lierature of tla ee r?a prized than the posthauous velgune of be mons on ?? Occasons, ?? ' ' miknteT 4Able (Murry), ?? b ' been publiske4- MAny of them, we a f printed sood after they were reah4 .4 Q seip*_W ?? OQr pa One ou the he ' of the day; but they receive a new value significance fro tbeir cokiection, wie ...


... CURRENT LITERA.IViRE. Tn ; The Great Diamonds of he World (G. f 13ell and Sonls), Mr. Edwin W. Streeter. who 'L'i ite5 Nvith the authority of an expert, has eorn- piled a volume of a highly entertaining kind, If and one whllich conveys a great deal of useful 4 informalttion. The umss of ?? embodied in it his seventy chapters has been collected from t of'ic2d, priv ate, ?? other sources, the ...


... THE 'DANCE OF THIE LILIES. Our Naples Correspondent vwites: b I had often heard of the Feast of San Paolino b the patron Saint of Nola, and this year deter- b ,oined to be present. Leaving Naples at half- ti past four pam. on Saturday, the eve of the feast, 0 .1 roached Nola in about an hour by rail. tlrough e: co-ntry green -with vine, golden with ripe coln, aind fragrant with scented herbs ...


... , Since Englishwomen began to be 0la80 untow themselves in the matter of what theiasbiqn Bf their clothing shall be, a sincerity that in some instances3 is simply ?? has been the. order of the day. With a frtakness that may theoreioally l~e a tirtuei, but when carried to extremes quite topples over to. vice's side, they have shown to the world every defect and short- coming that the ...


... C1 I'M- OF MUSIO . Dox .. CL, AeD ?? onN PioofaWales, a meeN iag was held at St. JTaes's Palt yesterday moning,I to solicit public support in nid do the proposed Royal .Colle of Magos movemeat in whi*e th ?? tie Ts f y takhe gathering Sk iie Baeovkbi i=w which Vwas filled to its mscaet. Aaon~ 61 w Hi Duke ot ldinburgb, Palace Leopold (Duke of hihany), ?? A~eh~O faterb, the Prems, tat ik ...


... Some years ago any woman over twotty-five |t who wvore a white gown was considered to belft drcsing young to a ridiculous exteut. Only'it ?? Ivere supposed to wear this most natural ss well as most becomning of 'colours. A French NVriter who goes deeply into the philosophy of ?? sayS:-i' You may laugh in a sky-blue a hat, but you must not weep in a rose-coloured o one. Clad in white wo may ...


... ma: T~fan:: Aft~er 1;he wuegd sgsshio d hate of late been fmished of die a 1 Ot modern English drimatists in'the imporst t u of consnotion, it s tifyin 5 ihdege to meet with a ea ?? s sldlfully developed as Mr. Godrey's comedy, A The 1}arvenu; produced on Saturda evening v at the Court Theatre. h ate en featres I the theme of this piece is doubtless notvelgy strikingly original. It is the ...


... CuJRBEN-T L1TflRATUBE. Recent publioamione on the subject of India have been more than ordinarily numerous and important. Mr. Hunter's great Gazetteer, to- getber with his Indian Empire, founded upon ?? former lebours, will at once occur to readers who feel an interest in our Eastern possessions; lnor will they be likely to over- look Sir John Strwhey's book on Indian finance and public ...


... TIE NAVAL zMMITION. The pessure of the eighty tonS of water rwoved 9ooma1udb for the glass window of the =dving tank, and it had to be half-emptied yes- terday for alterations. Rater, however, tbam disappoint the public, the mauapement provided da in the shallower water an exhibition of some of A B' the lifesaving articles described in yesterday's Co paper. The capabilities of mattresses, ...


... CHRISTMAS ENTEIRTAINMTS.i OLPIC T The Lady of Lyons was rdvve& on SatUrday evening at the Olympic Theatre, in substitution for Mr. Hermanis version of Adrissne Lemouereur, with which the present season at this house was hegun a short lime since. Miss Marie de Grey follows up her impersona- tion oi the great tragedy-queen of the Thfetro Frazisais by a performance of Bulwer Lytton's heroine, ...


... MUSIC, I MSONDAY POPUrLAR CONCERTS Nfot. fhis week s evening concert brought forwzardi the -for the tims ue here-a peianoforte qluartetbyvr ,Anton Dvorak.' A sestet and a quartet-both for yest .stringed instrumnents-by The samne Bohemian corn- a m !poser had previoulsly been introduced at the Popular of I .Concetrts, and somae of his orchestral works have beene-- sheard at the Crystal Palaeo ...


... ?? Enemies, which is published by Messrs. Sirahan, Mr. Edward Jenkins has achieved a very decided success. Nothingw hich a he has hithetto written approaches the best pas- a sages in these three bulky volumes. To say that g the book is unequal is merely to say that it is by Vi Ar. Jenkins. 'There are passages in it which E are unmistakably dull, though we are bound to 6 say that they are not ...