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... ' I Messrs. Branch and Leete will sell to-day, the 14th, and to-morrow, at Homes Hey, Croxteth- drive, i collection of pictures, drawings, prints, and high-class furniture, the property of a well- known merchant and shipowner. Among the 50 pictures and drawings exhibited on the walls will be found After the Storm, (562) an academy picture of 1877, by W. Small, repre- senting a number of ...


... I~~~C t14 Thstre.'-bs Clocnes (n UOLMC-. j ,vetre.-Mother-}Ia-L&W Coa es.Ain r r..ove-maklfg; Colleen Barn. P .p ,_ighting Fortune; Pretenreof Mind. P- ril~ staowroolneim etrectl- Exhibition .30sh.,owusroos, f~ii:aguSS Minstrels. 3i li-rellaneos entertainrment bjtiCD and Musie IPromenade, Lime- S etie pradise-street. . ..-E3bibition of Paintings. ose Colquitt-5treet.-Open free C, 1,jtt-street. ...


... I PUBLIC AMUSEAMENTS. ALEXANDRA THEATRE. hiss Bateman began, last night, at the Alexan3ra Theatre, a brief engagement, when she appeared as Leah in the famous drama of that name. There was a large audience, over which the performance of the piece exercised the old fascination. The company associated with Bliss Bateman is a most competent one, including, as it does, Mrs. Lyous. Dir. H. Holland, ...


... IIHE HALLE CONCERTS. |During several years, the Haild coner~ts have w been an important awgency in the extension of T. musical culture in Liverpool. Than Mr. -Hall, cC no musician has donle more to enlarge the aos-f quaiutance of the peopleof thiacountrywiththe tl classics of theart of wghich heisso distinguished mn an executive exponent. Manchester and Liver- jn pool enjoy the presence of an ...


... ART NOTES- ?? p Yesterday was the privute view of, M5Th _ Agnew's annual exhibition of selected pictures by living and deceased English ?? &tsts, at their ExchinOge Gallery. -The cata- loge numbers 15) works, the majority of an which mnay be classed as representative, while of some ha-ve- been among this years leading Pa .taiitionua at Burlington Huse and the Grosvenor. Among the later there ...


... ?? Thie Contemporary ReIvew (London: Strahan and Co.) presents an unusual variety of papers this month, although only one or two of them . profess to deal with particularly pressing sub- jects. Mr. W. E. Bear replies to the Duke of l Argy31 on the principles of tenant right; arga- ing that payment for value received is the only l fair measure of compensation to tenants due from landlords, just ...


... NAVAL AND SUBMAIRDYE EXHIBITION. Although we have had exhibitions, permanent t and otherwise, of naval architecture, there has been nothing at all to equal the display which is to be opened to-day at the Agricultural Hall, Islington, f London. Perhaps the absence of such a gathering till now may be due to the fact that marine engineering as a branch of applied science has, in truth0 sprung up ...


... VARI ETIES. 010,1tEM OF THOUGiHT. Time is tho only touchstone wvjicll distinguishes the true man from tho impxsdtel-. Upon the aCA of hifo Sutrtnder not your bont to thl wavee but row yourself, and dc uot row unekillully. Human nature is so constituted by the Creator that morality is as necessary to the prosperity of mankind as oxygen to combustion, caloric to vegetatios, nnd respira- tion to ...


... FULWOOD FLORtAL& HORTICULTURAL a SHOW. The fourh spring show under the auspices of the Fal. 3 , wood Floral and Hort icultuiral Society was opened at the Cr Skating Rink, Preston, on Wednewlay, at two p.m., by tic Edmund Birley. Esq. (the G~uild Mavor), in the presence pa of a considerable number of the elite of thu town. In Si: declaring the shlow Open, hisl Worship said they had come J 1 ...


... SECOND EDITION OF- Bo-PEEP. On Monday a second edition of the Theatre Roval pantomime was produced in the presence of a large audience, many of whom were probably attracted again to the house by curiosity to see what could be changed by wvay of improvement in an entertainment so uniforrmly goodfromthe first. The term secondedition isrightlv applied to the performance which began a ...


... A TIIEATRE BURNED DOWN AT BOLTON. Varly on Sunday morning, the Temple Opera House, Dawves-stroet, Bolton, was totally destroyed by fire. 'rho building, which was 45ft. long by 35ft. wide, and in some ulaces S9ft. high, was capable of accommodating some 2,000 people. It was originally built as a mill blnt the floors being taken out, it wats fitted up in superb style. During the last week MIr. ...


... THE SEPTON PARK FLOWER 1: SHOW. I by On. Saturday, the fourth exhibition of tire Liver- Po pool Horticultural. Association was .opened in El tefton Park, and will be eontinue'J ?? wf holiday). Nearly £400 wa's offered 'in prizes, and ()L the result is an enormous advance on all previous ot shows, a -marked improvement in the character as JMl Weoll aSS in the number of the exhibits being the ...