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Preston Chronicle

Advertisements & Notices

... )RESTON EMPRESS BUILDING I SOCIETY, incorporated under the Building Societies Act, 1874, are open to receive DEPOSITS, interest 49 per cent., paid half-yea~rly. Shares, £20 each, can be taken at any fortnightly meeting. Next meeting, Januarv 23rd, from 7 to 8.30 pm., at 44, Lane-street. Councillor JA1nES BURnow, President; J. I.. BRADSHAW, Chairman of Directors; Wm. Coorna, ILane-street, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SPRING 1882. ON and AFTER the Isr of MARCH ! N AND JESPER'S SPECIAL DISPLAY I GENT'S. YOUTHS', and JUVENILE CLOTHJNG I Great PreperRtionel Newest Styles, Superior Cut, Best GVTlue, and the Largest Stock in Preston. P)FoSTON CLOTHINGa ESTABLISHMENT, and 6, CHEAPSIDE, PRESTON. D a Scotch Collie BITCH, on the 4th 1°aUnety,, .-Apply, 4, Brackenbury-road. ~ \IRxPPER IS WORTH THE Tj' 11bj ;y.-.Soe ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? Zoo Ie Ed. 0 LET, HOUSE, No. 46, Fishergata-bill. NO T F fixtures to ?? 17, Jordan-street. CUPERIOR APARTMENTS TO LET, 15, Lower _ Bank-.oad, Fulwood Park. 0 BE LET, HOUSE and BUITCHFJIS SHOP, in a l' thriving part.-I, Clolfton-gtrevt, off Fishorg~ate-hill. 10 BP LET, with inmmediets possetsion. 2, STAN- 1- LEY-PLACE-Apply, 4, NVinchley-street. T O BE LET, the SPRINGFIELD INN, Marsh.lane, I ...

Advertisements & Notices

... & | ?? 3BREAEFAST TABLE yei o olinined hot the facilities of Ship- I yent trom INI)1 and CHINA, tosnbined with the , aie Increase in I111i, of the area on Nvbioh Toa is dn Iod to what is little lees than A eT VOLUJ-lON IN TVIE TEA TR&D)S; 'sr' Bvrq, content. With a Mr(IieratoPrmtfit, aro Afld1(' T i1 lHE PUBLIC EXTRAORDINARY An example of winch will be found 3 In our Delicious J 'i~FN knd ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ml 0i( NTIIL1 PUBLICATIONS ?? \ j(NTII LY ~ ~ ~ ~~ good Ml OF* EI;rXY DESCRIPTION Pi riagE cTx,1,A) TU SaHw l.; Sam .T LiEL IIONICLO OlFFICE?, ?? FISIIl.RGATE, PRESTON. *ttS2s ?? in this age that people bmi0sn1s a good portion of their lives in misery ,tl .l Modical knowledge. For instance, Ner- ?? Loss of Ytlaityv,also Nervous and Muecalar S ,ran- te ossilo eurel by adopting a proper system ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FIIESYON GUILD FESTIVITIES, 1882. WILSON AND JETSPERS, Uv AnnoUllce, SPECIAL PURCHASES of . ?? XCl( BRO 'LDS, &o., in West of England and L sr erio BYorkshiro, from the Beet Makero I upol vaco piEClAL ORDFEIS i DTlESS SUITS I by t CmQ . G5 ?? 70/., 75/., 80/., sand Lipwards. plea orer plartmaen 5, and 6, CHEAPSIDIE, PRHSTON. 11 Orderh-carUT IIAIIR DYE, When once applied grea tsal grey or light ...

Advertisements & Notices

... )RESToN EMPRESS BUILDING P SOCIBTY, incorporated under the Boilding gojeties Aat, 1874, are open to receive DEPOSITS, lateresf 44 ner cent., paid half-yearly. Shares, £20 each, an a i anv 'ortnightly meeting. Next meetinv, January 23rd, from 7 to 8.30 p.m,, at 44, Lune atrerts. Councillor JAMES BuaRnow, President; J. R. BaDsriAW, Chairman of Directors; WVm Cooppic, Lune-streot, Srlici- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -- COME AND SEE our, EXXTRAORDINARY VALUE I IN 0VEI.COATS (OVERCOATS I! NINTER CLOTHING, &O. XILSON AND JESPERS, 5 eND 6, CIIEAPSIDE, PnRSTON. - 7ALNUT HAIR DYE,, when once applied Wan00 grey or light hair to a beautiful brown or ' bU 'Do of anl ordinary comb. It illt not wash o ut. i by uo It. Of . No chargolor a trial at the eatab- l .3 of tbo juvoutor.-J. W. PIPE, 101, Fishorgate, -C)NS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T YLDESLEY DI A t Y Being the Personal rlecords TIf 0 M A S T Y L D E S L EY, Mycrseonugh Lodge, na, r Garstang, and of FoxhAl Blackpool (grandson of Sir Thomas Tyldesloy, the famoui Royalist), Dsring the years 1712-13-14 TH13 ORIGINAL INTRO.OUCTION, COPIOUS NOTES, INDEX, MAP, ILLUSTRATIONS, &c VALUABLE HISTORICAL, GENEALOGICAL, OPOGRAPHICAL, AND DESCRIPTIVE WORE The following ancient places ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CipynlroIT EDlITION. NOW READY. PRE STON: 'III 0 G(umIDE V \IS:ITOIES' kANhhDBnOOI TO 1111: I History of lie ToteD, itq Pul-oic BlNldings, Pri';ciPal (1 jr- ts rf llltclent, o-e. A FirEnr:,ry (,F LQCALe ITEM SO, ISCIoENT4, iND INDOI:INA11ON. Printed ald Pj1,'islild 'it tbo C 'Aoinivlc Oilie and may l-e hrd if nil Uoot.)lillcr atri Stalioners in Townv! and Country. PIRICE ONEh TENNY; 0RI11 MAPl ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OVERCOATS ! OVERCOATS I1 OUR la. ld to ,Oa. OVERICOATS, Be. Ild, to fi0s. o s OVERCOATS, 33. lid. to 50r ( to ' OVRCOATS, 39. 1id, to gi0s. Are the Beat Value I Jt jtSON AND PJESPERS, AVCdIuAPSIDle,, PRESTON. tit T OUD, 110(1 W lit 149, Adelplhi-street, a o F12 black Dt t~~tlDH1ElC'P DOG. If not claimed within Foardav wil h ?? t,, defray ?? FT. our ?? ES Annullnal Congregational T A . ~~PARTY ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TYLDESLEY 1 ) I A R Y Being the Peraonal Records hal arr S 2' o 1 I A s Y L n E S L EY, wit Myerccough Lodge, noar Garstang, and of Fovball, Blackpool (grandson of Sir Thomas TyIdesley, the 3 ?? Royalist.), During the years 1712-13-14 I THE ORIGINAL INTlRODUCTION, COPIOUS MOTES, INDEX, MAP, ILLUSTRATIONS,. &o VALUABLE HISTORICAL, GENEALOGICAL, TOPOOlRAPHIICAL, AN) DESCRIPTIVE 'ORE Ei Yie The ...