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... Weahe o tec RACING NOTES. Weater o themost -enjoyablee character was associated wd thle Cup day at Goodwood, and there wats ae great Incerase In theI attendlance, eslecitelly on tile lawn, whichis-wore a particularly gaY 16appearance. Tristan, as we anticipated, was 55555d1 a great favourite for the Cup, but aitlenugh lio looked alt over a winner ~.aftor laying a long way out of Isis ground a ...


... THE AUSTRaU OS- V. GEXTLV, -VL [BmY TELF(ItRAPU The match between tire Australians and ?? Scotlanl eas commenced yesterday in very difil ad 'nlet5 weather at the ground of the Crange iCuh, , tirat~nii Edinburyh. Rain fell In the moronl%, and c r, pi a wvicket which enould otherwise havo heat very Feood a9 and Biannerman stood out of the Australiat rr Tfe,, SlteI thei tos,t~e Colonists vrent ...


... SP'ORTING_ INTELLIGENCE. SPORITING NOTES. ?? the EDITon of Ilae DAILY 1osr. Si,-B3etwcen the Sussex fortnight and the York sole- pres a bration a certain lnto rgu cusin sportingeiccs h ased. the jaded turfite iii tho isiterim s~ecks fresh fields and twe pastures new,1 in order to reou'perats his energies for renew. dur iug the contest, Ardent indeed must be thle aportemaicth 0who follows the ...


... TEE TWENTY-FIVE MILES BICYCLE I CHAKrIONSIHP. A race for tho Tsveaty-fivs Mile.slBeYclOCOharaplenslipof the World tonic place at Lelcester on Saturday, at the Aylestollf a eark Grounds,inthepresenof averylarge concoureeof spec tore. In addition to the champion belt there ?? money. The race was originally run for by selected competitors thir weeks ago, cadll resulted is a dead heat betseen i, ...


... SPORTING: ;:INTELLIGENCE RACING NOTES. The Newmarket: Filrst- Spring 'Meeting commencesa to. morrow', a - 'uy Vthe large nembers~of stress ehorses that have arrive'fl'rieoeea-~hraolbn lack of apot during the four days, While the 601ine Will be found In I asldess condition for Toeing. 'Amongst the horses that are likely to run for the Two Thoueand Gnineas and, tha~t are trained :away,from ...


... .SP T - I IN TL LI - . OFmI ?? INRiN 'TELLIGHXOB.: R ACING NOTES. A fairly-tntoresni programme has been Issued by the populad. elerkof the. course, but assuall list of-arrivalsoindleates that the apbrtsvil. be poor. About a dozem anitamil have been seut (rom th head quarters Of the turf, and a few. have reached here ftenr. Malton Beverley, and Hednesford Stables. The dourse is,I hear,' in ...


... TrTt- T ll~bT 15A-~ T n~lo ?? aboa KEMIPTON PARK RACES.-SATURDAY. and The Rrcrntsosen MMn-WErnnT HANDJOAP PeATe Of 155 cov5e;tg second receivasl 20itv; whinere after April 27 7ib, of 200 ?? li 101h ectra. One mile. siae Mr. T. Cannon's 5t. Cecilia, by Hernsit-lellolly, 4 yrs, ad Oct 13lb ?? I to h Col. dB Blaramberg's Queen Mery, 4 yrs, Bat 131b Waire 2 tia'll Lord Folkestone's WhirlrIo, 3 ...


... 'RIC UT. THE AUSTRALIAN ELE3N V. CAMBRIDGE UINIVERSlTY. [UY TELEGUAIT.) Yesterday, at Canbridga, the AustralIans smffered their irst de-, feat In England, at the hands of thb Calabridge Universitv. Th ' Australians, who bal lost six wickets over nsgtt for 212 oahhoed off their Innings for 291, thus leaving the UnIversit1 itb rura to get to,wila. Tho brothers J. B. K. and G. B Stu d began Us ...


... RAMNCG NOTES. A tremendous company was present at Northampton ontho opening day of the meeting, when the Earl Spencer Plato was escarried off by that Smnart horile Altbotas, whlo ropresented Sir George Clietwynd in preference to the much-talked.of Exile IL, Afdeld of tenr runncrs contested the Althorp Park Stakes, and a lot of money wm laid out for Alfonso, Zieka, and The Duke the first ...


... - SPORTING INTELLIGENCE LINCOLN RACES--YEsTERDAY. by A HUNTERS' FLAT RACE PLATE Of 80 SOV6; foUr.year-old, for list Sib, five list 101b, six and aged list 121b; penalties ed allowances Two miles. Capt. Middleton's Lord of the Harem, by Kingsley, dam by Wihdischgratz, a, 12st 21b.Mr. A. Coventry 1 Mr. Lesder's Donald, 4 yrs, 12st llb . .Mr. G. S. Lowe 2 lr. Osborne's Weedliy, 4 yrs, Llst ?? 3r. ...


... HUNTING APPOINTES. ?? . zips -nAo.1 ._ r s^_o f_ ALBRIGHTOaN (at 10.q45).-Saturday, November 25, Daretp, Tuesday, 28, Ivetsey Bank; Thursday, 30, Church Eaton; [e day, December 1, Chnrcbill Station; Saturday, 2 Bell Inn, i ATsIIRSToNE (at 11',-This day, November 24, Arley I Saturday, 25, Brinklodw Village. BTCESTER (at 11).-hSturday, November 25, Warkwortb. BeAUvonrTs, DuxE: or (at 11).-This ...


... SPO IN NTELLIGENCE 8 RpORTING NOTES.a To, the EDIORo Of th D4 AILY POST. S~ir,--As Ianticipatedwould bathe case6,theracenguri g~d the past week was of a tame character, and only the most v, t inveterate followers of the turf assisted at Brighton and b -e* Lewes, the former-of which place was visited by a, similar storm of wind and rain as eharibcterized what should haved been the ...