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Leeds, Yorkshire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... P'ostal On%;er imicead of sa1mo1s. ?? THE LEEDS MEIRCUBRY.~ PREPAID ADVERTISEMENTS. pt,. at o seo (0, cellt.1 SoC 00 2 021011 00/ur thejfirst biserhown.j/ SITUA.TIONS WANTEDi, APARTMETSOIT To BPE LET, SI1'USTIOOIS VACANT, P/l'IXIOIOisOOIPS WIANTED, A-PAMTSIEZTS WI NTED, MONEY 'WANTED, MIOCELI.ANNIuI WIANOTS, H{OUSES AND OTHOER P01E13I2321O TO 0/Ni LET o0/i S01.3, 60XciE1c AIOTicLMI- 1OR SALE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... l R. J. COLLIS BROWN'IS F 5-P CIELORtODYNE. il (OUGH1S, lae OLDS, A STMA, !C BRONCHITIS, &a j c R . J . C OL LIS B RO WN E 'S E D ; CiiLORODYN£. E Tbis 1rozaerful remedy well discovered by Dr. J.E COLLIS BROW'NE, and the vord Chlorodtiyne coilled byh him exptessly to desipaate it. There has never been a E reamedy so vastly beneoicial to sufteriug humtiniir, and t is n sublect of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... i~alez bnD Rmt,3iot orkehire Re positor, Tork-placs, I~seds. Jonthly Solect Sale of Hgh-cilass Rorses and Carriges. Tuiesdaeo cat, A , Icas Fi ret. Messrs. REPPER and SONS will o attir as s . b ,V1ROW 2d to 30 [-l>h-cinsss HORSES. AuLd ?? 74 to' 80 CAItIAGES and TitAPS. Entries for horses should be sent at onice. Carsiagi catalogue is neowclosed. Terms and aU particulars on applicatiuu to the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NEXT bATURDAY'S I !, WEEKLY SUPPLEMENT d TO THE re LEEDS MERCURY, ln addition to a COMPLETE STORY, the eustomarv el LITERARY FEATURES, and the HOME and F'OREIGN NEWS of the WEEK, will comprise IPECIAL ARTICLES and SKETCHES, as under:_ f VOICES AND THE VOICE: : as By a Rambling Philosopher. ox AN OLD SONG AND ITS AUTHOR. Tullochgorum. m THE BARGUEST AND THE PADFOOT: cc No. V. of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE DAILY MEIRCUTY:i BY POST. 1xaQ1 r (CaneT) , ?? lit. Od. Bo. EbA1 vsaon , ., lOs. 4dL WEE3ELY MERCUR1Y. . TwE-qr PAGns bmprirng &ttda'Su licrc-ry, 12 paget, and Meekly 2eiplesmma 8 pages). BY POST. - PtE Q11AvRan (CIsnr) ?? ?? 2s. 3d. Do. (L ADvAxcE) ?? 3s. Od. DELIVElRED BY NEWS AGENTS. DAax, per week, 7d. DAILY, ner Quarter (Credit) ?? Is. od. Do. (In Advance) ?? 7s. Gd. st iYr=Lr, per ...

Advertisements & Notices

... r'OS~TAI ORDERS.-A verbsts aore reqerestett to retmi Testol Ot-ders instead (if setsyrnee. THE LEEDS MERCURY. LREPAID ADVERTISEMERNTS. (.15 ass cases tise oas fn tz.~f be yrceztved &eftrl (ie fir'se ierlje-e.1 51TFTI.Tows WL'ITE PAIT2OLn-Ts To Br1, LE-T, S;IIUAiIIOYS 'VACAT, PARtTNE11,211.T IVAN2TZD, ~~t~A~r~ltlt5 VA;Trin, IVONT A~i'rn, TM1 SCEJLTAKECIJS 'IVAt~TS,' 1101Sttg6 AeN Oo-nVE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... yin ANGL--CANADIAN LAND:- *OOXflA1NY1 LDIIED.TheLuST of APPLICATIONS. for SHARES will, be COSEDon r beoreWedntesday. the 10th inetue,.fbir both Town-i end Country-By order, tEDWD. BELLAMY, Secretary. RE~ANGO-0ANAIANLAND .COMVPANY¶ F ir'5isu o 25,000 slea-es (one-half of which has been applied for a nd will be allotted in Canada). The remaeinfing 12,600 shares are now L offered for subscription ...

Advertisements & Notices

... pIltE YORKSHIRE UNION of MECHANICS' r j INSTITOTES.-The ANNUAL ZIEETING at HU LL, WEDNISDAY. June 21st.-Subsrribwrs and Delegates intending to fi be prisent at the Conferonce must send in their names: to the Central C iee o~f the lUnion, 13 and 14. Victoria Chambers, Leeds when they ill be tatnished with a ticket of admission anld a copy of tae report to r Is read at tho moeeting. C011264 O ...

Advertisements & Notices

... u;ttps. EMutS, anb 31aflfnau Notices, S TEAM YACHT CEYLON.-AUTUMN CRUISE.- K This magnillrenp yacht has left Bahia, and is due at South. anmpton on the 16th of August, in completion of her voyage round the world. On Saturdav, the 2nd. September next she will leave Southampton on a six weeks' cruise, in which she Y ilt make a stay of sixtss dslys at theoAzore. Canariesenld Metoira. arriving ...

Advertisements & Notices

... uA DAILY MERCURY. BY POST. pEr. QUARTER (CRSDIT) ?? . 11s. Od. DO, (IN AwvANCE) ?? lOs. 6d. WEEI(LY MERCURY. TWENTY PAGES (0rnlprislng.v&515r9a'azs ,Mcrcury, 12 pagcs,~ end Waekl&, ,Sujppleinen4, 8 pages). BY POST. I ur.D QVJ&ETER (CREDIT) . . ?? 3s. 3d. Do. (I ADv-A-ic) ?? 3s. 0O, DELIVE-ERD BY NEWS AGENTS.I DeALY, per week, 7d. DAILY, ler Quarter (Credit) . . . Ss. Od. Do. (In Advance) ?? 7s ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NEXT SATURDAY'S WE EKLY SUPPLE M-EET ?? 10 THE LEEDS MERCU RY, In addition to a COMIPLETE STORY, the customary LITEEARY FEATURES, and tle HOME3 and FOREIGN NEWS of tho WEEK, will comprise pVEOIAL ARTICLES and SIETCHEES, as under: HE S U N N 1 S O U T H: LEAvES riiom A-e ArRICAx JOUfl>ALt. XI.-Last Days at Tanis. 1N EARLY BALLAD OF, THE FLEET. The Eight with Sir Andrew Barton. C CONSTITUTIONAL ...