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Advertisements & Notices

... OVNARD ILM NOTIJF-WWth t1ie view of dimnishbigthw i55oeJ e coflton. the steamers of tbls li2e take a a ecd Dnows for £11 u am~f the year. eYlk? * On the outward ps~ge froma sa eegs to Neas Tor or zoston, orossing merldian of 5 at 43 la., r 0o? O the morth of 431 On the bomeward psmage, =rssogo Ca 0 ?? of 80 al W0 lat. c nabthing to the northof 42. THE BnrITI AT NORTS H MIA ROYAL MAI Sv t ...

Advertisements & Notices

... laL RI C, K E T S U I T S, LAwN TENIS SUITS, AND VEPrY OTH I E QUMSITR FOR TgBE AX LEWIS'S, IN ?AN ELAGH-STFMT. aMeD on 1 W rR 0rwc LWM d F e bev to draw attention to our larlm asd old- mshred took oft hs excellent Wine. . The price Is so reasonable and the qualit so good that we consider It TIM BEST and a ECONO0 MIAa0 Wblie Wine of its UeM we olw of for DINNER and HOUSEHOLD use. It will keo ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? ?? En - DAILY STOCK AND SHARE LIST. Supplied isv Sleosre. THACKERAY AND SAYCE. LA Stock and Share Stoker,, 1. Fearsore-piaceCarnff. - Apr RAILWAYS. Paid. Prices Stuck Cecat Western . ±100 140 ? Atoss London iced Norki Western 110 270 271 1.036, Midland .100 i39 140 iron c b;rllr' ?? ooi 203 50 oevern and 'Nyc . 10 ?? 4 ? ? S Stuck lad Vale .100 . . .2?S 251 L. ?? tO Do. * S ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T ASorencss and drynss, tickl- ing and irritation, inducin cough andyferting the voice. Por these ?? use EPSsGyern n jubek In contact withtheglandsatthee niment they throat editedy thcact of suckina the Glycerine in these agreeaile ?? becomeS actively healing. Soldonly iin to , the i7d and is 1c., labelled EAMIE- ErrS Co omoepatliiO Chemist,, London. Aletter receied: Geatem5,-t may, perhaps. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'IO Memoriam Cards at Eaton's; only u be patterns kept a stock. 2C0 varieties English a ?? patts, to select from. The largest asortment to select from is ?? 'Urgent orders printed at shortest not ice. aton's Photo-Mor. tuary Cards, a speciality. Patterns post free on application. M1 and S Eaton, btationers, oC, '4 Dame street. Dublin. TN Memoriam Cards; at Flynn's Stationery Warchouse, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... (1tnslec t.e Jlva Ta ?? a kb 3 ?? OOMS ;dto rLErT, irth ror without0 obu t ?? m ?? 1 ro 10ET, CLOTH .ValuableISHIN' I-sret s ~plee. with apart won on thta~2e p ror sby Am;Ly ' ° ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T HE PALL MALL I ,IS REOPENED. THE PALL MALL. Q ANDOWN ROYAL PIER HOTEL, S jISLE OF WIGHT. EASTER REVIEW.-PORTSMOUTH. EASTER HOLIDAYS.-Newly built and newly-iurnished. Every possible home comfort. Exceedingly moderate charges. 'rable d'Hote, 6 to 8; separate tables. To secure Rooms and Tariffs. apply to the Manager, Mr. WILKINSON, at the Hotel. , LFRACOMBE.-The ILFRACOMBE 1 HOTEL, facing the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE CUNARD LINE. ' FREIGHTS VElIY MODERATE. R OYAL MAIL STEAlE1 S FROM LIVERPOOL, for NEAV YORK every SATUIIDAY, and BOSTON v, every WEDNESDAY, as undernoted. *11 ,ills of Ladiro signcd in, Belfastat 2'Fuosgh Xates for New York antd Bosto. . V Tbe following or other Boval Mail Steamers are in. a teiaded to Sail fyom. LIVE;RPOOL, via Qucenstown:- 51 Atlas,, for Boston ,. W'ednesday, Mar. °0J ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Now ready, in 2 vols. 8vo, price 32S., cloth, THOMAS CARLYLE: A, HISTORY of the FIRST FORTY YEARS of his LIFE, 1795 to 1835. By J. A. FROUDE, M.A. With Two Portraits and Four Illustrations etched on Steel. London: LONGMANS and CO. COMFORTABLE WORDS IN SICKNESS AND SUFFERING. Series I., new edition; Series 11, Fcap. 4t1, cloth, Is. 4d. each, or 2 in , 2S. For reading in the sick-room, in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,O ' S t S, U^NIUSUALLY GOOD VALU I A (!rge stock mnade be fore the busy season li.mshot lenqths of Suitings and Coatings, to fit ,N~vt, tu14. t1-riees orn 1 2,'6 to 3-- . 1LAN CIS CU:IMLEY, VI AB D ,63, MIOMI STREET. 13 NEW MANT LE S. JoHN ARnNOTT & Co., OF BELFAST, LTD. Y EO 1T0 ANNOUNCE TT1E ADPIVAT (OP D 'I FIRIl RECENT PL11T&ITASES OF TIE Lkl-saNto NOvi;ES IS SPRING MANTLES, 1:. Tir ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AUCTIONS, Nos 5 and 6 MOLESWORTH-STREFT. EXTENiiVE: BUSINESS PREMISES (Recently Retailed Licensed). TO BR r'OLD IT AUCTION, On FRID&Y, 14th AilJ, 18g2 At Half vast One o clock. _ IS CROOKIS UBLIC SALEROOMS, 10 LOWER ORMOND QUAY, INTEREST IN THE LEASE of THEabve med centrally-situated House Protperty. II The premises have a fronsage to M9lssworth-street, tn cipwads SO feet in extent, with rere ...