Advertisements & Notices

... 25 Per Cent. RIdet~etdwn or Foew C&Anatsctve Th'tio~for tke Price of Thrie. CHEAP PREPAID IRATE: FOP. ADT=~IS rRdF2t3 GA1WDI(G t~so4Iouno. Ij~ustumsseaor SaeteWAiitE Ho Secu e.&. Wntd.uctin Onsets rum tH'r2L.,I263 Pubicaiouon~peai 8.5mqaw t b 56 ?? day ?? !nedWeti 'Whena eAdvertoA rtsiCtOte- ristss ame aboe. t s st amped ?? ~di5t as ct~rse. Payen ay b wsentinHlseswPtai. Pubiedon n pccs~ a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO LET-BUBMrSO PREMISES, -r AYrooL Lanti.-RetalI Shop, Rent P25-Edweard Stolle, 2, v2torssoernt !ol Street. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I A '!FAwr~~in 1hvoueshlro street (clone to Soblo Station).- 91 :oseooivmPeirlticsnin. Low ?? fitonc, 2, Car- ocsltioli S tircot. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,~~l0'jt (4-Coplot telI Shutt. Rent 10g, %weekly. ?? S~seton.-Edwn ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IPUBLIO AIIUSBMERTS. THEATRE XtOYA4I BIRMINGHAM. rr1Oiluction, with Now Scenery Dresses. and Appointments, ofthe highly succssu ta ow Coral Opora, LA MASCOTTH. piteia over 200 Nighte In London, at theo New Comedy Theatre. or ' algaby Bloc Kate Santley and Company In the principal Pro- elclain rtings with the very greatest sonco. TO-NIGHT, and Duigtihe Week, at 7.70, LA DIASCOTTE,` ~dstedby ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE DAILY MERCURY. BY I'OST. PLE QATrn (C RnI) ?? 1 Od. Do. (IN AtVAECil) ?? 108. Gd. s WEEXLY I. MIRCOURY. TwEaxNy PAOc5 ?? Saturday's ilehrn-ry, I'2 pages, and MeeklY Supplepet, S paffe.4). 1Y POST. PEIE QnnrTER (CaxDoT) ?? ?? 3s. 3d. Do. (LN AinvA,;cE) ?? 3s. Cd. DELIVEkED BY NEWS AGIENTS. S DA.IY, per week, 7d. DAnY, per Quarter (Credit) ?? Ss. Od. DO. (In Advance) ?? 7s. Gd. W xVJEr,-- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - - L~ YllIPPING AND ZWOATKUL4. L1OWNDON 'PO NEWY YOUlIL. AA C ?? May 6 LYMIAN MON&iUH ?? I 23 PERSIAN MONARCH ?? 8r EGYPTIAN MONARO. . ?? a a $Io aa~e 12. Thr lu 0 New York, 08o1tor Philadflpli UJO fro ltalif*&i 81sCion. sial attention to ?? of TbIAd Clani Apply to JOHN PATTON, JoW. AND 00, Yen. 0barCb AYenaO, Londofl. - **SppINs3 AND diQ 4 0rio orr& o i LEtPOiii 71.O Ny CTOFBRIUSSELS ?? C ...

Advertisements & Notices

... D u`NCiBUONEIHAND ALUATCLS. 23? DRURY FSTRKIIT (ore EF ED TSr) AT 161 SI5AltlOCK STR'EET, To-DAY (MONDAY), 1ISHn.Y, AT INELI-t iO'LiOC. PUB~iLIC SAlE siF HOUSEFIOLD FUtNITIUR-F. &C. JFU ANKEI'1'H, BUIURAN AN &LM'CLQY . vwslby Public Auctifou, as bobve, including BIaliog~wy Sola in Hairclotb. Xahogany 1,00 £aile, Chaii'lli Ilfade-loth, Registor Gratea. Feuaemo 3-Light Gasalier. Pictures, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... It Q rf, *ftttl .c LlrAzrra Armcncuom ?? 4 Zinc.i A t. We.r01%t Psf Wit Slum, ~ ~~ ~A TR ialfo41¶ritr Auffre. Ateet.mLAlttI Thrs Inik 61 M) Lits, pel(enet; gA VM2S Tivi ~wo foft me y Ao ieq, v&4 V*, farm, ?? i474-S~~ ?? tile Aceorn ~1#4 ~tnsi~e teeeclr i sea X,1Ov. widsV Jae~t'T jj- t'iw' a- l -thiq : twaivr', W Avn-k ?? dk.1, Q4y ?? 1%tatto~ns mneoan-t #.Ait~w, ~.o ?? Ho t, t ItWos ?? A 4c ...

Advertisements & Notices

... * 0 ts e v ; -: t ?? iMTRE ?? l_. l t T4;HE _EON~ V. ?? * ?? COWYANYX &rc:o of r. Iny ko Harvey. fo- ~nr. ?? ?? ~1o~ ?? Iidvyee.,bo at 73 . * , I)Thit, I.ur Amy and Prologue. giu ;N3tA Os HEs . PEOPLZ Diri'v OF Mr PRAWE HARVET. 7X-MAED NOT MATEED AnA, .= ts ne t only, the elaiant 0odt A. CUP OF Tma. XRE 0tOPL SUCCESS, VWX -DRURy- LANE THR&TRE, A1ta>y NEXT, - L ?? WIT F VERY PtW3RFT COMPAY. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DY?W??f?V. lhe DiveelOra ?e?0 tWO. at a ttme wheo owh? *0 aeon eompetf 80n. moon e?e 620? ?e1?e b? R00? UI'8 6801) ?nlmfor eb?ou0tPeW eeel* WA100± bo tanile 800 blown *0)0.0 tB)00nint7h? OM Epiployfid ?m200?4n foi ?? of n0? ewera? jut of every £100 lotuS tot ?,p Anme.-whIOh ieveoy ffttlomoee ?antlitm00t modtZ0.00 8310wa0709 P< ?y other odlyon for eotn- ion alone-the whole buoizeetof Obli ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SPECIAL PREPAID ADVERTISEMENTS. 3 LINES ?? 1 3 INSERTIONS ?? 216 Beyond 3 Lines 4d. per Line per Insertion. (NOTE.-Each line averages atout Seven words.) LOST, FOUND, &c. I oS. REWARD.-LOST, on the 26th inst., between the Royal Academy and the Jarbie Arch, a small Gold Pettcil Case, bearing a Aonogram, with Almanac attached. Ten Shillings eward wil! he paid to the finder if returned to 1. L., ...

Advertisements & Notices

... N . .- . I AuctMn Seros 10. e et W SSRS. JAOOB & GRXETRAM wM Sai b o Sel b y (Monda). Dthe st May, at feve o'clock. Mh gal O0 of a A GOODS The goods comprise 50 fit-clas gold and er wahe annry Jiweliey and eate, 20 lare regulator elocks and asst ale ddtt 30a a assoted lstre GO lade and Sentlemnenes leathern bas cruebs, teago. butter coolem, =C =:,ftenteof ha r shoe biushes; and *er fa ele too ...