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... ?? of te s.he NtrV= -ay' rrpCtTImE a- c- L°rrcieo l 5rm~ .. :cS r ~e rn thn 3reewlmJ are- . I t~ ?? iN pe~. rso - ,svt-. srtO;;e flort an ea-meont I , --lt roi l a l- partisements ar allthe4 ?? XZppa Pid; shU Qefl.DALY ai 5rl(M, will be uck tt~el 'T Sn~t' Wanted.r ?? l'e~fW ?? 1L- ?? 5.7. means flPIE ?? -- ri5ap'-a a pt-o fc . td7 -e ver asr s r159, Mrercury 1 \ ?? L aacti5. C Yourh as ...

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... AT 25 DREwE STzzr fCOLZZ OPrn o IFF lID Bnzrfl To. DAY lPE~h~ loD SA: 12 O L SUPE:RIOR HOUSIEHOL.D FUTIJNUE (Remova for cosvenience of Sale). D 'ICANN 1KEITH, BUCHANAN-& MI 'CLOY Dw ?? Sell, by Pablic Auctlon, as rabove, COIUJTING-HOUSE FUIINSTURE. On View previokms. Articles of a similar desription received or sent for up till Ar 23 DJtUY ST.E-rT, To DA>Y lt1tnvlDA) WLriNUT 3-DOOR VARDROBE ...

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... fflHE PUBLISERS' COLUMN _ EW WOEX .&D ~EW EDITONS, 'v pst Questlons on French Grammar and Bn . guage. ByPspere ?? 2 6 L Thought of Saint Teresa for Every Day h. 2i o Little mlschiefs. BtyRosa RMuholland -- 2 N V EantY Bunny. By Clr-lolu 2 o p SaCD3na: Annals. Edited by G 0 Holbrooke 16 6 a0 Oat Home and Abroad. BY M Conway 14 6 SO 50 Sea, and SkyWith 300 illustrations 7 34 Life and eeches of, ...

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... TO ADVERTISERS TH EE A BL'RL'CE N, JO UVRNAL :TSAS a MUCH LARGER CIRCULATION. thana :ny other Ilorniog Daily Paper ill ;estleistt.ct5. ilt' ABEPZDEEN EVEriN-ING EXPRESS C; AS a MUCH CL -GER CIRCULATION li-.- tha art~ -y o'e ~ u:,Dal!' Papcr inL its Distbricts. CHEAT PREPAID RIATE I SCiF ;D;LTIEIIll:'RT3 REGA-RDIN;G 00-1- UrO x ' ilouses, Shop, C.e, lavsted. ,.iRp3, a-. To Le. --:'U' iGiS* - ...

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... PUBLIO ANUPSEENTS. riUEATRE ROYAL, BIRMINGHAM, I TPrOdUO~arthittOtrl fTWU5VQQO N5MfUIGUCTOTS eOdNaLY roIF Mr. BURNAND-S G esthatO ?? 'THECOLONEL. in o3 r~hebich r. EDGAR BRUCEX will appear ats Colonel Wlootteecli L ~s usr~led y hniat.Abeee'li Catl, beforeher ajasty 5SeQXer ?? thne Prbinc~eiand^ Prbiness of,)e\VX~~ Waes, oe M~8t 4 To.SrolrHT. and TO-rlOnnOW NIGHT, at 7.30, ' THE COLONEL. ...

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... aELF-RECULATING CCYERNCR CAS BURNERS1 SAVE 30 TvO 40 PER GENT I SEE T1E3I T]1ED AT THE$ SHOW ROOMiS opposite CEtARINC^CRO~S P.O. I olark, ?? a I'ortc11lll ith sitb alS in front and tiff mnottO 1½ En out ' nder it woth a etar above. THE 'NISSUIG ODE OP ANACBEON! I The u? was hi ?oom? the ?ky w?s The ?oi¶m mud the tern c1?ad wae ?stbed,? hiet; Thtng?ib? the Thmiawex ite? e1?e the mm o? am ...

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... N ATURE'S GREATEST REMEDY FOR RESTORPAI .4-1 TION OF IMPAIRED VITALITY. Health and Integral Strength are often undermined by onprudent indulgence, and in order to repair the mischief many vainly seek refuge in deleterious medicines. ELECTRIC ENERGY is readily converted into VITAL ENERGY by the use of PULVERiMACHER'S Galvano- Electric CHAIN BANDS and BELTS and the Won- ders wrought by ...

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... ADDRESSES. 1 T HE GRAPH1C CHRISTMAS NUMBER. We imagine that even out greatest living Painter could scarcely have anticipated the pleasure ho would give to millions icion ite npilod Sor ouri Christmos Number - CHERIRY RlpF. A Volume could be filled showing the enthusiasm her apiearnco oreated Mr 1illai bas now ahluted for us a younger sister of CBE1ity RtrPE This Picture bas E been pronounced ...

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... PUBLIC NOTICES. G A I E T iW-T HEE A T R E. _ Last Night but One of XD. AND MR&. KENDAL, MR. HARE, And the Entire Company from the St 3mees Theare,London Ml8s EVENING (Friday). Dec Ilsf Beneft of hr and Mrs Kendal. (At 8) sardou's celebrated Comedy, ( A SCZRAP 'OF PAPER. o TOXOllROW (Saturday), Benefit of Mr lare- THEE LADY OF LYONS. Pr~ces-Os, 5s, 3ls, Ys ffd, ls 6d. and 6id. BCX OfiCa at ...

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... ADDRESSES. PRESENTATION Bc CL 0 Kc , T' Ii WATCHES, D R AND Ediw JEWELLERY. 40, R ?? WNE Na ; gll; $ >1 ~CA i~l~lr t 11 R 27, 28 *& 29 i Si X i X Bl-TE3MPLE STREET, SP ! | | SB.IRXMI1NGHaMXX. - AL S. & SONS ivto an 3 * Inspec'ion of their spaci * I Os' ~~~Largo nnd Trario 19St~nock. (3. '*WANTED CLASsSvf ADVERT'ISEMENTOS For r secultivc insertionis Of the classes of small Advertisement - ...

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... g is, order to ?? Ueditions, ADVER.TISBMENXTS .sl~toiit reachl u~s nrot ataer than Tn CESFDAY Armrsooy. T HE NEWCASTLE COURAN T AND NOStRTHI OF EN'GLAND FARM.hII. (ESTABLISHtED 171lL) yltBLlSsiED EVERY FRIDAY MOR:'I.NG. PRICE TWOPEN;CE. SPECIAL En1iriyOs . SATURDA>Y. ee rirst Edition of the Gourass Is ?? evw monsday Evenaing at a suffidiently early hoatr ?? despatch by the South 3aiaL for ...

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... _1SONOEGATIONAL CHURCH, (~JA,~SS.QuuE 3IDDLESBROUGH. UADECYPTIAN BAZAAR ttt C A I R O1 w.Ih View of tho 6g:XA 1) OilIT PYR1AMIDS BY SUNRIS8E, E,.t (ith, Ml, ttu,l Bill, 1880. 1900 j I.ASTERN RAILWAY. Ii L'I) FAT QATTLE 11(10W, )7 b, 1 vcntcUr. an I-ACUIAS0ON aouDAMAI~,iSTON fur LuNOWS lit O I,.. usc1. owidi, 41Iiid Q ea wi. !c leave ].iinuia rass Station I i'io .i ?? ?? ?? rm u old U~tin theU ...