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Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC NOTICES. A AI ,T Y T H EAiTRE. H IS /1. LNIN; Fridny), .andth (a ?? Secii.d Ueck of the enortously ainceesif G:RAND CHP.ISTM^AS PANTO.Mi~le, LITTLE 1;Eij RIDMNG HOOD, LITTLE BO-PERP, AND MARLEQUIN BOY BLUE I .Speecislly Selected Comnpany; 1011 Trainedt Children, i !;or, eoost8BasIl.- tbce Pet Sheep, the Fciery Drn,,on}the; n o,.. tile i'on tihe MaErvellols Demons. N~ewan td C;3:idni; S ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? PUBLIC NOTICES. THEATRE, REBUDING HOOD, P4~&l~,42Wxl~xq , Boy exlA . l t~egesshalce. Va~ pt tIeep, the iet traonb V/ef te Ya; rn arrdloas Derons. owr aid tenendd Sen y.A ftal WatcrfalL. The Harvest- SAtRDA?' 'NEXT, Jan-Odeh (at~ 1,30), Oane lluiunstated (pErual in eviry respctt to the ragz!), 11mAt tusual, &0t -ads, Lox Office At Cramsc-rq. 212 stae e-, USJ ,5 A T R E * ORAND MORNINLG ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FoxShee, *c Croded eligted Adl- Last NlY hATURlA Y NEXT, Pn'form~ce - January 27th, Bt~~i~az~. Atl1 30. - - Pr~cs ?? Is Box Office PAt Cramer's. 1041 QUEBI~~a RQ~~AL THE11ATER1 , W ' ~ ~ Mnaeen fthe Proprietors. Crowde Beoies.: Lunsense Success of Mr JOSEPH ELWIIKDS OP.4J'D CWLI.S7MAS PANTOMIME,, DEK WHITTiNGTON, And hin DEMOlTMAL T'{OMA±S. Song -s =sltnrously encored. Box Office open d iyero ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LITTE R9 A TIN HOOD, Z LI ?? ANDhi)ILZQJI OYd at 7 UL iisO ,n sSie, lt C-.ip Free'!l '; I u½ Wonderful Chddirct ; Superb (ot.. Ca. 1r')gistisdle11t-s; flAUtiful. Scenery; Charms- it-ry Drakgon; Dein'ous ; e Bs anvce: ?? 'aq &r. OCowiled Hoissoq. Deli,'slted At'- Bist thr.d Clt s o li~e t Iraed-' Ot- OIAN Cl-lsSH r-sPNTOiMI Lii DICK 'WHITTINGION - Ansl hiii4 DIMMOSTATl VTIO\IAS' S-s- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... (ite! rlttill. : .44. 1fi ?? ?? : . l~lL ,i P.^otre-.:r -.r - . y ?? lar ' 'ifn * i. rt IC Il! . ;. | 1u ct- D, r Sm.. - * Y iif.'t : i * 1it%:. .I.)iif : f ft, il i - if's, : if ,1 l i i; ; ,, . A.y :c;iv9 S' i. i .l C F..h t t i ?? X I iii.' (i I t ?? ?? 4. 1: I.,_ - us( 'ir }f k''l rifi,,if;,.i Cii ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EX Memorlam Cards at Eatonri: only suitable patterns kep 31 lu stock. 2WvaritIet3s jglish andlrencI patterns,toseleo 1 from. The largest assortment to select from is at Eaton'; . Urgentordersgprjiteed altshortest iiotice. EatouoePhoto-Mor- O tuary Cards, a speciality. 1'lterins post free onD piliatiou. M ad i4 Eaton.S6taois), 49 Dame street.Dnbuinu iX7ALLER; Funeral Reouisites of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... [hVSBSITY ATHETIC ;IUOL The Annual General Meeting of the above will be aeld on NV IfDESDAY, January 31,18S3, at '4 o'lock, Bi the NOew EusminattOn Hall, ?? at which the tbsfract of last Yeats Accounts will be presented, and ;ie Officers and Committee for the ensuing yeat will be AMembers of ?? wish2ing to become Candidates for the offices of Hon Sec and lon Tress, and for places ,il the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... %LY' NNSSNcs iV all in C.arter'dllyae lp, I~ belt Stom Bte o~adDoeC gsen im torec- xxntai!44 cooler o-re FW&eg.BI= ?? ?? facts tie subn theeor thee inoplishogea offt. o I'2sPo ?? bY William 7it-tll CounryM A~nte ani a5.;y toM oyle, at- 'Webb and Son, 71 ?? AtAbey ms r.,i ?? p5Ol4 JAllIES-' Mair Ciombin.s careully Crawn out the full 5 lrst'adri-ado Into PlaitD, els, fliiadcirez'-. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... * Ielaori430 lUar'l? at Eatonai; only suitabl(, patterns, kopI itiick, ..i',ty~kicLA leng~lk iv 3.(11french patterins, toqolee Tbe I II/ist;, zi,sc'rnuient to select fron' il at Eaton,' or131 ver, ?? v.bretntc.EtoPboTo or C* ?? i, 'qieslity. t'stterne Oit ?? ott atlicatioul. 'lfen. 'lv Ard; nt Fioria'i Stationery Warehouse, Z I titeet, la-d3.., tlh. truvest Fr~enh and £'.itilih m'ifsuy prhste' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Dealers. !Px£ecrntor's Sale of valuable Leasehold Interest, in old. ¶ itaROCERY, and receu'lyrrebuilt Retail Licensed RC Y TEA, WINE, AN)DSPIRIITCONCERNS, f Fitted up and a~ppintee1 in keeping with substantial ?lhuacoter and trite taste in endh matters, combined with mbercantile utility,. The ship has large platealass window, handsomely au-infed and engraved, three-light gilt window gas bur, I ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? Pre sono Lases'lm an ?? now. slsapen~i5 to 2a 6d Silk SinErs2 4 o6 6,Dand E Sheehan, 11 Parliament st. C FlEIBTXAS Presents: ?? attention directed to our Wlilr=saeor h peies a i,3s 64, -Is 6d, EVesa ad )anTibea Parliament stremt IB TASPreslents,0himiasprsents;, Wool Shirts, (Ab 71I doble stltched 4sIldv, 6s 64. Tx 64; jMerino, Vests and Drawens I 26d, 3s6a4 s 6d, Dand B Sheehan, 71Parlia- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I: - sACIONS.. SALFS.'N XT FRID oY, : LEASEHEOLD, IN'rERF.9TS. LICEsNSED HOUSES-CITY OE DUBLI, Viz:-, YO ULN S50 Jartes street, 2 Suffolk street, sad I Common |And Farm of 50 Acres, Chseverstouvn, county Meath;. ?? Baoks. Furniture, &e. ir I C H A E L C R O OK E ' S c ' - SALES BY P117t1C AUCTION On NFXT FRIDAY, 2nd February, lS3, e Commencing at half-past One oDclock. FornThe 10 In the Public ...