... RSUSKMIS MUZEX AXT SHEFFTLD. A Sheffield correspondent writes-There is at last some prospect of funds being obtained for the erections of a-suitsale building for Mr Buskin's art treasures at Sheffield. Hitherto the movement has met with HIi success, Sd it is Said the result of an appeal to the( people of Sheffield hasbeen a subscription of lesstbsan £50. This has arisen mainly in censeuence ...


... BArRY'S Mo.NTHLY MAGAZna (London: A. n H. Baily & Co., 15 ilicolas Lane, LEC.) has an a interestiug list of contents this month. The s' conclusion of the interesting Sketches in the ci Soudan. a further instalmentof the wellwrittea on Turf 'Recollections, a biographical sketch of ii Mr W. R. H. Powell, -M.?. (of whom there is a good engraving portrait), the Story of the EgIlington ...


... SPECIAL MUSICAL SERVIOES AT St. MARV 'S.ON TEE-QUAY. Th.of -ne 1-z ewt 4 sopA - n ?? .. The special services with which the congregation at cl St. MarWS Roman Catholic Chapel on the Qcay celebrate li the eve of the new year-were heldyesterdasy, and were th accompanied by the most elaborate ritual of the Roman 13 Catholic Church. There was a crowded congregation in II the morming, when Haydne' ...


... CLASSIOAL CONCERT AT OLIFTON COOLLEGE, Lse: evening,, Herr Joachim, the emfinent violinist, who a neeci a3 1)leassd to ccomo to Clifton as Cllftenlans are to h~ helearb brilliant pert ortuanres, as~a asso0iated with Mis a O dices Zimmerinanfl, the celebrated pianiat, and bliss 0s ibniley, danghter of the great Eaglish baritone, in a O caassiral concort at Clifton Colleg~e, in aid of the ...


... ?? ?? for M~arch,) The Spring toilettes altz completed, and those in coure of preparations, partake ol $2e necessary charac. terfstics for both the weather we hoan for and that we way have, Dresses are being made of thr} materials and dark colours, suitable for cold and wet days, as well as of lighter shades and thinner fabrics, to be worn whid the sun does condescend to shine and remind us ...


... I LOCAL CHURCH MUSICAL SERVICES For 18th Sunday after Trinity, Septcinber 23. ALL SAINTS', DERBY. Mornng-l~untary, Prelude inl CG. MendlCSSohn11; eie' Godsn Psalms, Farrant and Beckwith; Te D). .n, Pratten ; I/ubiilate, lBarnby; 11P/nins.Nas. W(, 267. 295, am] 6340 (1 Hyninal Compantion) ; Voluntary, Postlude, Andrei. Evening- 2'lnay llgetIeman;PamPere- grinuis and Wce 'naehmuVodrDc ; ?? bmn ...

Literary and Artistic

... X-Ittriarg UnA artiMi?. 'DI M[SPIICIALLY CONTIBUTED.] n- I hear that the Hull Literary Club had a most suc- as cessful gathoring on the 9th inst., on the occasion of IBt their fourth annual dinner. I have before me the toast list, cleverly illustrated by Mr. T. T. Wildridge, ty and with Shakespearean mottoes happily selected by he Mr. William Andre ws; and I find that among the in speakers and ...

Dramatic and Musical

... lralllafN 1111A 011.51pl. 10 d FSPECIALLY CONTRI~BUTED.1 _ I have received copies of a couple of musical composi- t- tions by Mr. B. Boggetti, the chef d'orcliestre at Toole's 18 Theatre, London. These are entitled Enchanting, Is gavotte in F; and Sunset Fires, polka-both being h published by Messrs. J. B. Cramer and Co., Regent-street, d London. I can heartily recommend both to pianists. ...


... ?? IT$ t?O?E It -101. I 1. - 6 . 3 . WEDNESDAY, JuNE 27m, 1883. I - 1 Mr. GLADSTONE would appear to be blessed with a very obtuse or a very sanguine disposition. He writes to express the hope that he may be able to address his constituents at some future date, and adds that when the time comes he trusts he may be in a position to say, as he flatters himself that he can now say, that he ...

Readings from New Books

... CD finq;3 fi I Xqtv ioJ,. A HoitE IN FLORENCE--The ground-floorisoccupied with oficeea and factory rooms, and the central court filled with dyeing vats and poles surmounted by a stone staircase which leads to the dwelling-house proper. Here were the saua and salone (two reception rooms) opening one into the other; they were hong with silk damask, and furnished with huge arm-chairs, on the ...


... OUIDA'S NEW VOLUME.' ;- This new volume of Ouidt's consists of four 'draxatir sketches, contriburted, if we reinember rightly, tP 13,/yre /a maggazine, anrd a brief essay on the subjeoe o2 ` ?? and Realism, which appeared, if oun m menmory serves us in this case also, originally in thi ?? o7tinx. The book is a very charming one. We havo 1ir here what.aro virtually four short stories, told, ...

Literary and Artistic

... SIitellarg afill VPtihtig [SPECIALLY CONTRIBUTED.1 It is probably not generally known that Anthony Trol- lope left behind him an autobiography. Messrs. Black- wood and Sons are preparing it for publication, and hopo to issuoe it in the middle of October. The autobiography, says the 1lthcelsiito, brings Trollope's life down to 1876:- It is a very frank record of iis literary work and of bis ...