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Bristol, Bristol, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... Bthe ev. Sir G. W. Cox, Bart. E ON IN SUTHERLA ND. By EDMJN'D i. A THEATt FRANCAIS. BY C1ARML ES A BIERirY STRANCGERS. By THOMAS HARDY, Author 5fiiBJT from the ynddlng Crowd. ,0NGMAN8, GREEN, & CO' 2423 ready In a few days, Price Threopence. tTBLN : ITS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Collection embraces the Rtching of the ealobrated StolWn Pictuwe, rIONARCHI OF TilE MEADOWS, after Thomas Eidney Cooper, N.A., and etched by his son, Thomas George Cooper, after the recovery of the original. Ohe Etchinps are all in the rare Remarque Artist ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Collection embraces the Etching of the celebrated Stolen Picture, hlONArcH OF THE MEADOWS, after Thomas Sidney Cooper, RA., and etched by his son, Thomas George Cooper, after the recovery of the original, r, The Etchings are aU in the rare Remarque Artist ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Collection embiacee the Etohing of the celebrated Stolen Piciuce, MNonarch of the Meidows, after Thomas Sidney Cooper B.A., and etcbed by hise san, Thomas George Cooper, aflter the recov ery of the original The Btohings nre all in the rare lleinrque Artist ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Coliection embraces the Etching of the ealebrated Stcien Picsure,' Monarelo of the Meadown, after Thomas Sidney Cooper, BA , and etohed by his sen, Thomas George Ccoper after tbae recovery ot the original Thxe 5Htohb a are ?? in the rare Elemarque Artist ...

Advertisements & Notices

... (Near Higohbury Chapel). MESSRB. H. R. FARGUS & 00. will BELL S .JI by AUCTION, by direction of the Trustee under the Will of Thomas Dix, Esq., deceased, at their S&LEROOM, 4, CLARE STREET Bristol, on TUESDAY Next, January bOtl, at Two o'clock in Ghe Aiternoon ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Collection ombrares the Etching of the colebrated Stelen Picture, 1 Monarch of the Meadows after Thomas Sidney Cooper. R.A.. and etched by his eon, Thomas George CQ oper, nfter the recovery of the original The Etchings are all in the rare Bemarqae Artist ...

Advertisements & Notices

... connection with the sbove, Messrs Thomas Cook and Son will arrange fr a PEFReONA lY CoNnUCTED TOUR to the rhief points of inaterest in Scotland. For particulars see Bilis, to be had at Midland Company's Booking-offices; or of 'THOMAS C09E & SO1, Ludgate Gircus ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ELMDALE, CLIFTON DOWN. i SWESSRS, H. R. FARG;US & 00, hays ,LF.. received instructions from the Trustees under the NVIIl of Thomas Proctor, Esq., deceased, to SELL by AUCTION, on the Premisees, on I1URSDAY. WiNDNESDAY THURSDAY, and FRIDAY, February 6th ...

Advertisements & Notices

... W., 3, Upper Helerave Road, Clifton. ROBINSON, E S., Victoria Street. TERBRELL, WiM., Welsh Back. THOMAS, C. J.. Drayton Lodge, Durdlham Park. THOMAS, CHARLES, Woodote, Stoke Birhop. WESTON, JuS lsPH D., Victoria Street. WHITWILL, MARIE, The Grove. WO~iSLItY ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Arnold Thomas - .. _- 0 0 lajor T. R. Parr .. _ . . 10 a 0 7he Misses TyndaUl .. -. _ . 10 0 0 Rev. J. G. Baber 22-. .. 2 2 0 W, F. Phillips, Esq. . . . 6 5 0 Mrs. Glascodine.. _ .. . _ . 2 2 0 Messrs. Ward and Co. 25 0 0 Messrs. Gould, Thomas, and Co ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Morris, A.RA. Pandy Oak, ty JohnSyer; Ou Guard, by James Hardy.3Jaa ; and many other fine examphs by Phil. B. Morris, ?? Vil. 0. Prlasep, AB.A, H. Dawsonu senior. B. WV. Leader, ?? James Hardy, junior, B. Hayes. R H. A., .J. Sver, senior, C. S. Lidderdale ...