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Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS, THEATRE ROYAL, BIRMINGHAM. ENORMIOUS SUCCESS OF THE GRAND COMIC CHRISTMAS PANTOMIME, SINBAD THE SAILOR. PRESS AND PUBLIC UNANiMOU3S IN TRTElR APPROVAL. M Mr. Simpson's Pantomime of Sinrbad the Sailor' ;ia ir keeping with its position as the premier Theatre of the towon, The company is sO well selected snar otrong, the rcsnery so exceptionally artistic ans beautiful, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ADDRESBIES. ro B3UMEAD. PASTTRY, ?? rUDDINGS. BO RWICK'S BnAKING FIVE (OLD Mll.DALS.: plOWDER 173 Mj cCALL'S ' PAYSANDU OX TONGUES, To be h3il of :il Grocers. When Ordterilg, dr i you fet TH11E PAYSANDT7. u51 D EASNESS-i-low to CUrC, writo for 1lev. E. J. SILVEl:T-ONBEook. 1:ree by post, ITwo Ieuny Stamlps.- i7, St. b1ride Sitreot, City, JLoueed. DI NNEFORD'S MAGNESIA. 'The safest and most ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLISHERS' COLUMN. tiODDERs. a STOUGHIITON'S NEW YEAR'S O D D E & ?? _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ F Hii~E BRITIS1I QUA.11TEPLY REVIEV1W. hTNo. CTTT.-J olmry i. I13i. Price 6s., er ?? free for oil ye:r for 21ie * CONTENTS. Mllrciu. Aicilius aed the Cheidtal: Chbtrch. Ireleteeni by Fo'rec Iimpo3sible : A NIc Argumeint Agahint 31atc- X eteelie: 0 Tictor. l~lmo Ta',,es of th.e Northesecn he NTrrnenily. Ai: ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EDUJCATION~A L. Co v EY~RNI2SS (Nursery), 22.-Tlc-ngugeomont InoooJ Christian (It home. 1ord Of chihlrlloco CXlpierloodp (wI UITMl1O~innn1 Nrth 201ll0rn. - o4166 U'I ER013lESS (oortilicato7) IFod IL a (qiioo cho.A n CAi1 IL(Ic of Latin or one oowenoo (botany Iwfr n~l /o 24 elpp~iciloott Ogtlato 080, (100 11lilcatiOla.,iOxprloo.ahv Al0 ~. 9. ],road Street, W~orcosu r. G (((01 llirm~i~lw'hal ? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WANTED CLASSqf ADVBRTISBMEENTS For Crettseutttre insertions of tlts ebi:tss of srno I Adoertiscmcot Q: pnrticuarlsed below tltt following are. the nwepa id chiarges :- ti 16 Vordo, Once ?? 6d. i 7 to 32 Words ?? lo, Cd bitt Ditto, ¶Three Iscyticonc,. Is. Cd. Ditto, Three Ioocrticom.. 2s. Cdl ew) Adveriioooieoro- ex.c ecdog 32 teoreli ore chtrged Ot dio rate of 6d. fa. - every addifiottat ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EDUCATIONTAL. ci ovT.mNEss.PTJI'IL Required, to anisoit with Junior class. Small ~X p-rmaitim.--245, Stratford R~oad, S-parkcreoo. cl C t (iOVERNESS (Assictant), fromt ti~ctir school. Rloiiredl for sm5 il G1 Sehiol-. Ago 20 -Address. staiccg II lory,. '10, oly Ontc4l 1ON'l~lilNI-:'S.S-Ycdsintc Laitty /ie-i-ka R-eigageceent icc gentle. Rle G coccu's family. English, Fr'encch, ane ?? Howcin, pr, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EDYETATION AL, BIlMINCG11A M ClENTRAL, Ec3G SCHIOOL FiOR G1111,5. AT QUJEEINS COLLEG;13 SPRING TEI87, COMMENCES JANUARY 18, 1883. Entrinco Examnintion on time ]5th January, 12113. Fees: PuplsI unodn 82. £4. 4s.; abovo 12 and tindor 14. £C4. 14. 6d.; al-ve 14, L5. I Sq. 6,1. JOSEPH LEWIS1, Secretary. 21, arlidon ?? ~jIQ~oFOOL FOR BOYS, AT QUEK S COLLEGE. SP'L7NCi TlER1 COMiMIINCEIS JANUARY 18, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ADDRESSES. A fENTS WANTED. everywhere, by the MIUTUAL Ah WATCH CT1U13 ASS(CIATIJOM. 106, CHIAl'SIDI,. LO(NDoN liEXAL AXDri DEiNT, Mrinapprs.-Foreren, Tire. .kirenr Statiolnniters. Clerks. Secretaries of Portrait :ubsro, rlic (rtilcr.e Shoroplfeeycrs, Sc.. with spare tihe, WANTED to FOR?,; 0ll, 11I for thbi mrecvsafril Association. Illrtstrated catalosues and L)ari.iculmro On flliert ion. ff3 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIO AMUSEMENTS. THEATRE ROYAL, BIRMINGHAM ENORMOUS SUCCESS OF THE GRAND COMIC CHRISTMAS PANTOMIME, SINBAD THE SAILOR. PRESS hND PUBLIC UNANIMOl6US IN THEIR APPROVAL. Sr. Simpsons Pantomime of 'Slnbad the Sailor'is in keeping wvith its POsIttioI as the premier Theatre of the town.' 'The company is so wvell selecteL and strong, tho scenery se scere lOUallY artistic an~d ?? and the general ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIO NOTICES, ?? TOWN- HALL OHGANT.-Mr. STENIPSON will give a TRFCITAL THIS AFTERNOON fcom 3 till a 'clocl.. Adnsholan~ivioor liiC alleries,6, 667 - - IRMNIGAM AND MIDLAND INSTITUTE. MUSICAL SECTION. *OROHESTIRAL CONCERT, TITIS (SATURDtIAY1 AFTERNOON, JANUCARY 6. boors olsen at 3 o clock. Concert to colurnence at 3.30. CarrIages may be ordered at 5.10, Monmbors of the Section nay have ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SHIPPIN1G NOTICES. BIMERMOAN LINE, UNITED STATES MAIL F'ROML1VEPO WEDNESDAYS A-ND SATURDAYS, Rates always is Low asany Fast Lilor. IA] Pot fll inorloalon ow toreachany pa it' tIle! Un~ited States ait Lai THOMS 0014 S SON Steheeoo D'Oce , ?? C QtJDMBO, MADRAS, CALOUTTA (1w oi~amers Front vroot Liverpeol. JI (LAN MURRAY ?? S tt , 6th I.1 ot at. 13th C ri, Stet (lI.A (R~AIIAM ?? Sat_ ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EDlUCATION~AL. ~IRMINGHsAM CE!NATRA 1monT SCHOOL FOR GIRLL. AT QUI-i';N`S cotLLEGbE. SPRING TERMY COINMEP:76fj14 ANUARtF 11, 1611. Entrance, Examination or, th F1S--,tll.; itnuy, 1153. F~ecn: Plpilo 1t11der 12,£. P4,4c above 12 itnd ?? I Li.14. fd.; ariveo 14, £5. I5o. ( 1. ,jisiS,1'il MEVils, Secretary. 21, Pradaise Strept. ?? IGH SCOOLFO, EO, AT QUIE.N'S ?? SPRING TERM O3TEC' TKtUR 18, 1S13. ...