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Glasgow Herald


... RAB SHAKEH: A HISTORICAL ROOMANCE. .BY SHADE OF WILLIAM WALLACO HVn SE&Wl of ilmnoaock, Bab hbakeb the M.P.. AganIel the Zion of the nortla JDorlsdd war hash ha. WiWth Ishmael. Samarfa, And the godless Phil.stin,. He has sworn to measure oD thre dnA The spires of te boly sbrine. On his right hand Rabairls Of Paisley for the fight His Arab wld bsth repucled- A guvle)wa oell And on his left. 1o ...


... 9 -5r . .gztvn~zv>Uzw8 li* -5 ,ot .1o, Ar d 44' w. ?? . 7 -,O 11 ?? ?? 1X 4I EL ¶' - ..T %i4 - Iok W ?? * ?? ?? C ~ ~ ?? * 41o ~42 ox.' s L ?? 4 1 ?? . - . S~u~n rI s 1222'1) ?? 4. 4.. ?? '2 * r 7. strA~~T.Z 22ner ? . et .2p1 a-4 CLZ u, e~ 4 ' - 4~ S ?? '44' r- C- 22 , s '9t rL ' ii, L . 'SyWaz F ' fl 14 L -,tun r.4 1444 . * . ?? 1T~' lor 'L4 1 LS . ' - Nt; C.~ ?? 4 ?? 0 Ln ? ?? - ?? I' ' ...


... TEE THEATRES ROMEO AND JULIET AT THEE ROYALTY. The production of iRomeo and Juliet at the Royalty Theatre last evening was in some respects a memorable event in local theatricals. I It was witnessed by a well-filled if not a crowded house, and in the special circumstances | we are glad to be able to add that the audience was equally appreciative and indulgent. The p present revival of ...


... ALITED A TUBE. (1) Craik's Life ofk5ew?. The reading public is to be concratulated on being put at last in possession of a life of in- comparably the greatest of British satirists, which is exhaustive without being unwieldy, is free alike from bias antl fromn sentilneultalisml, and which, dealing with personal matters in- voiced in an unprecedented amount of mystery, and therefore tlhe subject ...


... LITEBATURE. (1) Feour Years of isr-is Bistory (1845.1849) To Sir Chazles Gavan. Daffy belongs the supreme felicity of those whose youth and age are in accord. His early eadeavours were de- voted to inaintaining and steadying the banner of Repeal, which he found had at length begun to waverin thelhands of O'Connell. After a somewhat prolonged. and bighly distinguished career as a Victorian ...


... THE HIGHLAND SOCIETYS SHOW. I~ The artnlnesi Lahe chow-yard are u.~retty well atdvanced, though not so far forward as to gira, the vis-itor ens ideam of what the aitac of thie yarda may ho tn-morrow. A few~ of theeei etalls are already filled. bur, the occupante of these ace not dee ?? morning, end Stock ox- hibitars as is rule do nab crer to have their~ ankn.Is standinlg in op~en stalS any! ...


... POW1ER SHKOPS. The ?? ?? ebo thc Of tbha Xizo311otb sad Dlz6,c H.r-cINt~ra Sod~ et~r w held in thbo TLamrato~ 2i~,U a~,3 of ta b~paA3A~ .2&1I t~a ?? 2 good abowe. TII3 eea eemo~et 32. ~o~ rn o~th, atfor Vd~ a f02.I~a th idb~a aragroAl~ o7er h : rg atuatetul . Wes0er Be'amodth la~o tW~ 5 X uh1e weo S 0a1123003 lettel.a ~.rsia~s; od the Loi~wlof ?? s 335s 052.25 Pose brate L-A. ...


... MACBE-GUNS. So m doubts having been expressed as to the accuracy of the p'lished results of the tril insti- tuted by the Greek Government with the freden- felt 14-imch machine shel1-gun at Athens in May and JFme last, n which occasion this gunsucceeded in penetrating a 384-ineh target (made up of seeral thinner plates), at a range of 210 yards, farther experiments were made with a similar ...


... A lasge and enthasiastic audience assembled llat night at the Royalty Theatre to witness the reproductio~of Hamlet with Mr Irving as the Royal Dane. A good many years have elapaed now since Mr -irviag by his assumption of this character gave proof that a master Epirit in the drmatic art had agan arisenL among us; and thougk he has in the interval added: others to his repertoire with which ...


... j ua qua'S Arau-DEIEMBH., 1882. 1fA Muan, ye should hae comne In summer, Whenm. the grass was lang and green: When the sheep, that ?? ng it revelled - Lying doan wvere barely seen; When ehe hill was but a gar denc T i F a' a'owers hn plots In' trim; in When the ?? in the ggioaming, Fre e thh e suburbs can''to ssim; re When the red hew blaoo o wae plenty, And the red beech shone in' brew- re ...


... 1MUSIO AND THE DRAIMA (noX orn owy 0cRaZsrosnfl7) ; London, Sunday Night. The celebrated American prina donna, Mis| Griswold, made her first appearance in this coumtry at the Crystal Palace yestday. This lady came to Paris about 1bur years ago tO drtI and :having won a nomination at. ,Te Conserva- . toire, she spedlyrose and was, it is. believed,the V iratAmercan- wboever carried o£ the fist ...


... iMUSIC AND THE DRA1A. r' (TheM O0 OW CO3RESB=ObmEl. j) London, Sunday blight. MaF. Pnrtao's new comedy, produced by Mr and Mrs Bancroft last night at the Haymarket Theatre, was originally to be called Bar;- Sinister, or, to use the more correct heraldic expresiion to signify illegitimacy, Benad, Sinister. Instead, bowever, it is now entitled; L ords and Commons. 'Mr Pinero cheerfully ...