... GAIETY THEATRE An altogether fictitious interest attended the ri presentation of Ensnasetd at this, house on Thursda afternoon, because of tce play being supposed t run upon the same lines as the Parisian success I the season, Fd'edra,, which Mir. Bancroft has secure for the Haymarket. The house vas crowded I overflowing, and many leadmng managers, author! and actoss were to be sseu in boxes ...


... PUBL10 AMUSEMENTS. -4 -- HEIL MAJESTY'S TmEATnE. YELLOW DWARF'. ?? at 7.l4i. the newe and ctand Yspectacutar tantrnsinso. last fivenielets ?? 01tbe greliats. Twinpt Eloane, kn c. Lat Mo~ryaine.ce Iortorrrsalr Whe. Laki; Rex eonthlareesiand rre-ils~lCrled), 00 Anprtbot talls, PIt. As AmttihUSTe, s OrAoRyIalS' bes: AIallecmillcd. TH ysl.ES'QUDRUIVLAL E. INDRAD-Tegets crs rhcedb stitg0i5rs 0 te ...


... The eighth annual dairy show of the British Dairy Farmers' association Was opened on Tuesday at the Agricultural ball. The entries of live stock numbered 242, but 73 of these did not put in an appearance mainly owilng to the risk of foot-and- Mouth disease. The Oheedse department was poorly filled, in comparison with the display in some formner years' Portho bestmannfacturedcollectionof ...


... PUBLIC AMuTS]mENTS. ADU~PfI THEATitE Up to a certa in pouint 0oticid coul~d have gene better thinn IIr. luchuauia's niew draot I eaten t the niervous passion WithwtciillOf~ fril story Of family hatred mis lu fristsiiie theaulieceand roused them toensit Throughout the and threeprocob- sesentact ~~stii'i poas1 Sutied by tit Betetet ats heinterest was Ilila chill with which the dramatist had' ...


... THEATRE ROYWAL, HA71KEARETs Lxssu.-S ANDs 31AAGoER, Mrs. Aba Mns. BkiscfnimT PROI)j,;r.1P0iN of Victorien Saydon's now play. PP~~~ .1I D 0 it A tthe. Eaclich version bye Ierrman 118riv'lel Mr. Charlirba, Nir. ?? Br-onklild,,%r Miei. 1.Mr. Cse, Mr. Lhmelille. Mr. Stewart Iluo.Mr. Elliot. Nir. Vernofl, &O., cal Nc. llaucroit; ,irs. l;euRrIl.Beero, Mi1ss Jolia Owyna., and Mrs. Lncreret. 13Dokrg ...


... PUBLIC AMUSETMENTS. iROYALTY THEATREf 'hen comnic opera is presented without a spark of fun in the dialogue, with a dreary plot, only pass- able Music, and that by no nmeans well rendered, it can scarcely be a matter of wonder that the unfortunate audience rebel. Gilcite die Narl7)oee was not a success when originally produced at the Bouffes-Parisiens last November, but any merit it may have ...


... Am 3AaRTS BETISRD. j I - . . - -. ?? By WILIAM ANDREWS. P.H.tS., Author of Historic RomIance; ?? in the Olden Time, s The Book of Oddities, s Gleanings of Lancashire lore, &e. No. VL-CCURsING oY BELL; BOOS, AND CANDLE, The Cardinal rose with a dignified look Be called for his candle, his bell, and his book I In holy anger, and pious grief Be solemnly cursed that rascally thief, He ...


... INOW FIRST IUBLISHL'D. i-L E DISCOURSE. By X ha bCOIL HAY, Author of ?? Middietons Money , Noras Love Test, For Her Dear Sake c. PARXB VI. Wednesday, August 3rd, WNI, her thre.,e drys I have not written ja %-y a . I have been, like dir tq teuthe-s and unsettled; but I feat it vwoe altalease I have been suspicious and uncosMfortildse, even in spite of trying to imitate Denis, MaIry has avoided ...


... ?STABLIS?ED liii, I FRIDAY, JUNE 15, 18S3. THE POLIT'ICAL BIRMINGHAM The people of Birmingham have had a wveek's holiday. Twenty-five years ago, Mr John Bright wvas elected one of their Parliamentary representa- tives, and notwithstanding repeated opposition, he has contrived to retain his seat during the whole of that time. This has been in the course of the week a matter of congratulation on ...


... Lc Feller says that charming fancy woollens are em': the most fashionable walking dresses; large fowers are. appearing; fine lines with saw-like edges, en * I, di colours on light grounds, large checks of two or mo-e s:,- of the same colour, crossed by fine groups of linesic trasting colours, are the styles adopted by the I--tif turs-rcs, The narrow stripes are generally of brig: ?? on checks ...

Extracts from New Books

... Trtvado *rm gav go-ks. :A or DOrGLAS JEREOLD. Before I conclude or forget, let me tell you a few stories of Douglas Jerrold that I have heard, and which are well worth preservation, Frank Stone, a very nice fellow, is very disputatious, it seems; so Jerrold has dabbed him The Differential Calculus. Is not that good? One night at a supper party, a gentleman came in, fresh from the opera, and ...


... D-) NOT FORGET. ,; rot forret thW time ne spent together i! ji . ?? un,!y hune bins t ii-4 Ii hobt-, thi-. triet old-fashioned garden, is ari-d beds and flowers. o t c tht t zi, e )ol, shiaded parlour, ti, hI- prirn!y set; 'ibe itto'- rt Ottilt% t-im. ?? with muslin curtains AIA? ?? lt ' iniflet te. p ro- cr-et thb branch which swung before it of the ?? vim tree tall .-N tie w!titt? sch ncal. ...